iiiliiiiiliiiil as 50394 seed ,. -:.-.«..w»s-..4n.—,;.. .<. ,. M__‘ \ ~ A a.-—r\~_. ‘,_._v~__y’,V: ?x“_ , 54 94 III: them, elmcoluic. lrclian. You're aura iIIr)"Ie pm. when you buy C0\\‘rI’ll‘: Ni Every piece n ......h..I mu. an Inunr --cow .»\N. Suinnlum nrr nnnh in Innk I.In- Cn\mrI'.1 hI..,»h~ i}uds—huI are nnl mnde In inslo like them. siiiuics Innleiluirs suullld like Mnple Iiucis COWAN3 Nu: only pure. but delicious and wlmlesnnie. MncLei1n‘.~s Your Surety of Purim CHOCOI.A‘l‘E MAPLE BUDS The children nple Buds, The nnnh-s of lime rub- The older people may this naurislung delicious an n. be sure DI ,n...:y, flIWal)': say CO\\”AN'S Maple Buds Ind lm-in for uh: name placed on en-ry piece In your pm- Cuu'.III's Maple Buds are u dainty null: chocolate canicclinn, mid 9:“.-rywlxere In 5 and I0 cent package: IMII-pauncl baxes; and In bulk J7 J he huf Cowaws flt MAI-Le Buns 'au'II like C0ll’.»iN‘S LUNCH CRISP, u dclidour new Chamiuit Bur , In pound and Cm 4_°“£P_I E11 "BI__V_eL” y_c5a_zg which contains proven directions n"'.¥':F.|'¥9|l.’.".ltcl-‘e:'oi I2 inhIeu—Az.o hultlu of 24 and iI)0—Dru;gi.Ita. J IAVGIJHI ILWLYI Ilalk-yll-e """*'-"..‘.:".-.:.':;*.‘.":.';-.:.-...'"“-*'"*-*-‘mm-.~ mama-letnanrtluaneru. am. "a s an. Wllkllta Insist on BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” not getting the genuine Bayer pr by l’l1iIIl0flS and on tablets you are ‘ oduct proved safe PT€SCn.l2ed by physicians 24 years for Headache Neunilgin Lumbtigo Rheumatism Magazine June 15, 1925 MINISTER 1} y A M Y 0 SPEND n girlhood nr um and plmlsiiro, wnmlenhghlmunzunienrtlnr mutlihtpIun:InntbuIIIit)'*'I1°'3r ‘?n°"j:(3] dmIi‘||x):, ]JYI\'nll' tln-nmcnls. nillmmw to uutduor .-!pIrrL1 und later to Lcio “(mm mu!-m n IHIIIIL‘ mi in “L-stunt ‘ an “M [muriu inrni IHIKI to hln)’ an u'uI>f1r “M purl. in the Iiuhliv Iiie 0! her nruunee,mm‘ hm the cxperlcnrc of ii... nun nth Ur riimubur hr the I-Ixnuuim Cuunc “mu Allmrtxr. Tim enrew of the llnnoulrf ho Irene Pnrlby. Minmnr Williuut Pot and Intlwl\IburiaGu\nrnu\uIII,lInsl.n>onvarnw Iu\-I mmnnlin. Tit-Kill)’ she in nne o J, ROE . nl iifnther (II hi-rs, -lueflfih Mnrrynt, wn_-. ii u|nu lime memlier or the urmhh Iinhun of Cunlmuxxrt. Au iiniigllteniug Youth RS I’ARLB\' wnx liurn In LUHIIIVIL N \\’|Icn she wins Iii yoiim nlri Ill'i’ fntlmr. Lt.-Col Mnnynt. IrIIr\'e