as 50394 seed
-:.-.«..w»s-..4n.—,;.. .<. ,. M__‘ \ ~ A a.-—r\~_. ‘,_._v~__y’,V:
?x“_ , 54
III: them, elmcoluic.
You're aura iIIr)"Ie pm. when you buy C0\\‘rI’ll‘: Ni Every piece n ......h..I mu. an Inunr --cow .»\N.
Suinnlum nrr nnnh in Innk I.In- Cn\mrI'.1 hI..,»h~ i}uds—huI
are nnl mnde In inslo like them. siiiuics Innleiluirs suullld like Mnple Iiucis
Nu: only pure. but delicious and wlmlesnnie.
Your Surety
of Purim
The children
nple Buds,
The nnnh-s of lime rub-
The older people may this naurislung delicious
an n. be sure DI ,n...:y, flIWal)': say CO\\”AN'S Maple Buds Ind lm-in for uh: name placed on en-ry piece In your pm-
Cuu'.III's Maple Buds are u dainty null: chocolate canicclinn, mid 9:“.-rywlxere In 5 and I0 cent package: IMII-pauncl baxes; and In bulk
J7 J he huf Cowaws flt MAI-Le Buns
'au'II like C0ll’.»iN‘S LUNCH CRISP, u dclidour new Chamiuit Bur
, In pound and
4_°“£P_I E11 "BI__V_eL” y_c5a_zg which contains proven directions
n"'.¥':F.|'¥9|l.’.".ltcl-‘e:'oi I2 inhIeu—Az.o hultlu of 24 and iI)0—Dru;gi.Ita. J IAVGIJHI ILWLYI Ilalk-yll-e
mama-letnanrtluaneru. am. "a s an. Wllkllta
Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” not getting the genuine Bayer pr by l’l1iIIl0flS and
on tablets you are ‘ oduct proved safe PT€SCn.l2ed by physicians 24 years for
Headache Neunilgin Lumbtigo
June 15, 1925
1} y A M Y
0 SPEND n girlhood nr um and
plmlsiiro, wnmlenhghlmunzunienrtlnr
mutlihtpIun:InntbuIIIit)'*'I1°'3r ‘?n°"j:(3] dmIi‘||x):, ]JYI\'nll' tln-nmcnls. nillmmw to uutduor .-!pIrrL1 und later to Lcio “(mm mu!-m n IHIIIIL‘ mi in “L-stunt ‘ an “M [muriu inrni IHIKI to hln)’ an u'uI>f1r “M purl. in the Iiuhliv Iiie 0! her nruunee,mm‘ hm the cxperlcnrc of ii... nun nth Ur riimubur hr the I-Ixnuuim Cuunc “mu Allmrtxr. Tim enrew of the llnnoulrf ho Irene Pnrlby. Minmnr Williuut Pot and Intlwl\IburiaGu\nrnu\uIII,lInsl.n>onvarnw Iu\-I mmnnlin. Tit-Kill)’ she in nne o
. nl iifnther (II hi-rs, -lueflfih Mnrrynt, wn_-. ii u|nu lime memlier or the urmhh Iinhun
of Cunlmuxxrt. Au iiniigllteniug Youth
RS I’ARLB\' wnx liurn In LUHIIIVIL N \\’|Icn she wins Iii yoiim nlri Ill'i’ fntlmr. Lt.-Col Mnnynt. IrIIr\'e<I his family to Indin its he hxui nn Ilppulllixnc-Ill. Iii. lluwnl Pinili in me I’uIuIrl.:. Spmikillg uf her enhenuhn Irntl curly girlliunii any, Mrs. Purim‘ says: "We lmd n_I:uvurnes.« but my prillcipnl Inn.nn.e« in hr. ml
Hon. IRENE PARLBY Illiniricr wiihaui purlfaiia in Ihc Alberlu Cuuernmenl.
two human members who sit in the nihenn legislature. nnd the only woman In the Dominion to holdacabinet position. Mns. I’I1.rIby has not snuzht public life, iur she is naturally of a retiring nature Rather it has sought her out and puzheri her steadily forward. Endowed with n 1'01)’ Ellkiish natural reserve oi‘ manner “'9 “ Win 9 hand‘-capped. at least saved from _beInx a ‘good pu|i(.'¢i,m_n At heart she is a home woman and a true lover or the country with it: quiet-nag (.3 ireedam {mm the main and aenundi or the r:rty’a husinen and nodal lils No: poaaminu rubunt health ahe Ivoirid he quite content it allowed to remain qujg
disiovered in her a nngum] wit akeoni ‘htg
standing ul tilraeifi ecldirrdn-Ililddnflii problems and an appreciation of then-
rx ‘.'z:" W hie, em: though it runs nngmy “bu” to inclination and antaila eanaziiirdnbh
: sacrifice at perwaal eominrt for . tn.‘
tu he to evade any form at school work. Rid‘!!! and writing were my mnnins ut that tirne. Four utus girls rim a magazine, which we printed on map tablets with Purple ink and wunderiul were the poenui and funny dreadiuls we evolved. When I was sixteen my father retired and we lived in Surrey. Here we tank on nnother ltwernue, and ii’ ahe did nothing else, she KW! me a taste for good literature and 1: "“‘“““nl 0! in few ather things. SIIC I-Itcd a year and then my educatian crime In an and save forluaonn in music, singing and elocutian. Then I went to Germany In-1 stayed with iriend: in the dear little ‘burn. at the edge of the Black Furmt. H‘"’ I '1 it—the beautiful old Cathedral and the Market Place, I can smell the roses and the things at the m'”‘E¢,hlace yet and can remember uur Wllh In the Black Farat, the music °Vffnll!i'1n¥ and the auaint people. 3f career as a ‘ri was, I am arrnid. ‘Pent In having amgaad time. I loved d‘."“‘“K Ind didagreat deal at acting in Pflvnte theatrical: and in getting up Entertaiamentu. I luved out-oi-dour f“""'~ M11 u tannin. cricket. and °‘*°¥~ My health broke down when I {II about twenty-Iaur and I ma ordered 0 I milder e.li_rnate {ar a winter. With a Continued MI page 08
June 15, 1925
In the C on an ev
Cannilinn Clark’: Pref importnnuq t of enreful In: of every oun
In Erituii this guurnnti
Conkcd II dircctiunpt serve ziulicml
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