9 Dukes and Duohasses. ‘then H231‘! were royal Princess among them and two U.Ss. Presidents, we had. to give them names to register thammisannx I Ind. reworted to the telephone books for suitable names. but my husband singly swept all that labor aside by mung them number one two and. three and so forth. Fancy mo —-«I who thought I eat! something of a. aonnoiseux about prett things, sitting on the railing of a pig wm1. .fi’wa.tc1QAmz:.dreds or little Eimiea euddling up to or ma-sing their ooleaeal mothers. ' my tastes are law. but I must eonress to a wee liking for pigwlittle pigs anyway. We had thought 69'.) acres an iimneme tract 0: land. I remember fancying what £un‘I'd. have riding all around it. I had ricuien quite a bit zlong the prim bridie paths of Oentral Pam. and a. German riding master had hanxnared. into my system nun most of the rules that go to maize a good rider: I flattaed myself that I rode with some form. my‘ hush-anrl too ha}! 3 J” been quite a. rider. He was with the oexalry --Broelclyn militia 27%‘? ‘ chucked me onfi? 111;: stool: saddle he could. not £01-bear to laugh, and be 337 myxnaeasqueueashosatdz "Now cling with your knee: if you dare!“ I tried. to. No Q). You have to ride loose on 3 eowbey saddle‘. Latex? I yew to like the stock saddle and could go :01: miles witlnut tiring. Buttogetbaoktoonraoreage. Bwacreemayaoundalottot flew Yorker. its a drop in the bucket in Alberta. 3'19 soon realized that 1: we wished to stay "in cattle" we would lave to have more land. Sc we bought Bow View Ranch in the rootmns or the Roma mountain, mm~.-my between oalgn-y and Bantt. It is one of the must beautiful ranches in the Province, and has an tmsnrpasued situation on the hills overlooking the 3anr£—‘.’!1ndemere Highway. We had ten thousand. acres under fence and shared. a government lease of Forest Reserve which ran to about 300,000 aeru with two ether oattlemen. U