May, 1932 l grea pans without scam ll KUST, TARNISH , V ‘:AsILv PREVENTED \'” __ Here’s the sure, easy way to V protect metal furniture, lamps and brassware against rust and tarnish. Dampen a soft cloth with 3-in-One Oil; then rub it over the metal. Watch how it 7 " — [cleans and brightens! . _ Three fine oils, blended fess); kitchen J0 in 3-in-One to make it a I . h good lubricant, also make it a ze Z serve this c.\'Lra purpose. Use e S r 20 t it wherever there is danger ' ’ . of rust or tarnish. All stores- S [I'M both handy cans and bottles: Thrr-c-in-One Oil Co., Windsor T'S smazingl The q\:‘ Cvillett’s Pure Flu I ime right off a grens‘. ; ; 1 Just pour in a solutw - f 1 fG'll tt‘ L3‘ ::;:‘o;’1uk‘m:m; O, ‘, , LEANS . on.s . PROTECTS stantly the grease nlr lthout scouring. Use Gillett’s Pure I71 i 1 your household clc. sansing toilet howls. . .»CDTT ‘ aggcd drains. Kill-_. gm ' ' ' ixizsvi/i§‘a“ii’z‘§“zi.i’d’x§?:‘§ it illett's Purc Fluke LY‘ ' ro1vurrxcAx.1.Yl amcl. granite wnrc or m "MES MSTER ruan in-injurious Lo lplunl1l)ln,_ SIPHON When you or: er. 1‘ 5”’ illetfs Pure Flalcc L)’ REE BOOKLET-' ioklet shows you many M" y by using on. puwcrlul mm‘ ‘ zmnc. Write for frcc coma mltcd. Fraser Ave. El. Lilirv it. nor dis a lyu in _ V _ w"‘“" 1 - i u. 1'u'rmu»: slum ulnm I action - so Mlsrh lo lKvllII {urn}; . mm mm» .. Ilu .. in Unit. in. win. slmllo‘ main’ my nnmy ullluh ID! in nnr x ' l‘°'“' ' . min and aim ullu-r rflllllrlll water. ‘ rm n 1-[mm -rum nnmr um um Brunch 0! minus I- ona In sink, «In-r uoui-«I lo mum Turn on mum um In‘ iuixvualnwumlun mum wslor mm nmmly mu M mum .\(.m nl mu-I-I sun!» at ruhhor nun wlu nu min- In: vrnlrr nun vrnrklnfl (hrr Immnn In lllrv ry wlulnlnr Amm lmllallnml . hnnk lnr vinul "ilmll" on nllnl -u.| um (‘loud llmm-I nu: ma! ,, - aw M Am-rm: rm [hr no ,,r, x llluhllmur «ml of mu-1-y . . - / , um rmx nnm . mu Flllur n llnlnrr Iodnrl Foul Ilfl lnsludllw lllllll llusli nfll Ilr. ll rill Fund at your durum mm dual mm- V I IJLE’]“’1l)‘l'fl‘lI'”PUMP co., NIAGARA rAI.I.s. our. 1 ' , .2" CANADIAN Hons _]our,NM_ FOR LAGGARD APPETITES Continued from page 60 spatula, and we thicken the stock in the pan with equal quantities of butter or bacon dripping and flour. blended to- gether: the sauce must be stirred con- stantly until it is smoothly thickened. As for our stufling—it is very flavour. same. We cut up four or five slic of Bide bacon with our kitchen scissors, and fry along with one small onion, chopped; this mixture we combine with two cups dry breadcrumbs, seasonings of 5"“? 01' Clflefyfialt, pepper, minced parsley. and. moisten with one cup meat stock (which we can always make as needed, with our meal: extract——or use the other type of extract made from vegetables and yeast); any additional flavourings you particularly like with liver, can be added—Worcestershire or thick sauce, a dash of catsup. even a triflc of sage if you favour it. ORANGE RELISH FOR MEATS ERY frequently we find that some ‘ touch of zest in the way of a relish, Wlll stimulate sppetitw that are a little unenthusiastic. At this season particu- larly, I find myself prone to recommend a good selection of table sauces, a thought for pickles, oliv, and various relishes, for this very reason. Here is a relish that you can make for serving with mcats—n delicious one with oranges in a base. It is cooked in the oven. Slice two oranges very thin, as you would for marmalade, using all the skin and pulp. Cut up four slices of canned pineapple and mix with the oranges, adding % cup pineapple juice, 5 table- spoons sugar, 1 tablespoon lemon juicc, !j. teaspoon nutmeg, M teaspoon ground cloves, 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Place thc mixture in a baking dish of glass or earthenware, cover, and give it two to two-and-n~hnll' hours in a very moderate f1VE‘lI. JELLIED CHICKEN AND V E G E T A B L E S HIS very delicious dish has two real virtues in Home Bureau cycs—npm-t from its goodness. One is that we find it admirable for extending a modest quantity of cold chicken, making it go further; the other is that we can make this quite distinguished dish cnsily and incxpcnsively, by using the thinly sliced canned lzrcnsts of chicken which we buy all ready for use. To scrve six, soak 1 tablespoon gela- tine 5 minutes in % cup cold water or chicken stock, then dissolve in 1% cups chicken stnck or canned clear chicken soup. Season to taste with salt or celery salt, peppcror a little paprika— the seasoning will depend on your stock's lluvour. Let this mixture cool until it shows signs of thickening, thcn pour in thin layer into your mould and sot in it such things as strips of canned pimentn or green pepper, sliccd slullcd nlives, slices of lmrd-cooked egg, or such colour- ful cooked vcgctahlus as heat, straws of carrot, cooked pens or asparagus. You will want 2 cups of the vcgctnhles. Over this dc-corntively-arrungcd lnyvr, when it hnsstillencrl, (wo hasten this process in our electric rcirigcrutor), put a layer of the chicken slices and more vcgstnhlcs mixed with the now-thickening jully, filling the mould. Put in cold place to set and chill. Unmould on crisp lettuce and garnish if possible with pcrky sprays of wnterc-ram. Serve with mayunnnirw or boiled dressing. DARK CHOCOLATE CAKE E MUST have a sweet to finish our Springtime appetite-tonscrs; I have chosen a rich dark chocolate Nlka, 67 ENERGY? Prove the Elitecl-.iveness oi: This Delicious Foocl S your old-time punch and energy gone? One likely way to recover both is through the regular use of Post’s Bran Flakes—if the evils of constipa- tion need to be overcome. Post’s Bran Flakes is :1 bulk food made to prevent constipation caused by lack of bulk in the diet. Eat it for health and enjoyment. Eat Post's Bran Flakes golden, toasted flakes cvcry day. With milk or you’ll enjoy bran in :1 cream as a cereal. Or most tempting and deli- cious form. Post's Bran Flakes is made in Canada. with berries or fruits in season. In these crisp, POST'S BRAN FLAKES Unlnmry mm a] um.n:'[va/ion. unnriuml with lnn lrlllr bulk in llxc um, Jlwulrl ylclll lu l’u.rl'.r llrun Fluku. 1/ your rnsc a alnuwv-ul. comull a competent phyxlciun at mm: and /ullnuv I11: udwcr. B1 32 Li All /and [tmnlurlr .nIrnIlmI—1'n/nl Ami Appm-:.I