FAN.-\nlAN HUMI l|)lll(.\Z,\[



Even ifyou have always served Swift's Premium —when you take the bacoii from the [‘l.’l|'l ntite iml, by getting it time after time, have helpetl how flliltly-l)l‘OVVfl the lean is :0 make Premium the largest selling bacon in

‘he VVU|'lLl*S[lll we ask you to lI_‘]‘ 1/ min.

Get a package of Premium Bacon and try-

on gamishing _ it for lireakiast tomorrmv \\’ith the first whiff

m . t ' _t ‘I I V V For now you are offeretl iicvv goodness in this of its taiitalizing rfilgf.||lCC you'll know there's toglgisgulg ‘1’1|_;1:_Suin'fly" M50” - ~ "OW 5W1“ 5 Prelulm“ '5 O1’""Qe:1. .1 special treat in store. Only he sure you get tossed in melted hmm Omuznlr It means [merf]m.or_ texture’ C010, Swift 5 I’reiniu1n—tlie l\’ll'lLl that's Oiwzizml. whilst not strictly nr-cl“ . . three definite iniprovements achieved while HEAR THE --STEDNNS Boys’, to the attraCmVPn(i‘G' 311° l"“’" is l‘°“"l~’ 5’"°l“5d- "Om off/it mm fiafrl/i1r[1r(igra/rlr m :1‘: rnlmfrj" . . "II'nmmg 5 AV 0 u R y s T u r F‘ The!-e is no (1, Ange in the exact, scientific /~/mnmmml jam" ,. . [Tm] ":5/yr .‘\w[u‘ i“anmIa_;,r ml J‘,/"- ITH the ('(lll‘»l‘l‘ -egularioii that for years has kept Premium \in— ‘]""'7WN B C "'"m)” ‘m]‘”"1""°'”f""""”"‘”"["""' Value “mt Lil" l var) ingly uniform Nor has the secret, 30-

placing on liver tlii-i naturally been inuiui developing rlishes for 1'- Service Bureuu. A M ll I _ high as :1. liuilrler nf "i I A 1/1] l‘Y‘£‘JI/ int] 0] Jrrmfinrg source of eX('I‘llf’l1l- !’7 git/e.Hlcr1'r£.rI//I5 vitamins nnil of I"l<‘ll iii lnrly iron), lllLH' Lo hi‘

.'car-olil formula for Ptemiuiifs famous mild Zurc heen altered in the least.

['5 the way Premium is .rrm2}m/ that K £l[{i0TCl1[.

seriously. If any mi: ‘\s uf olul it is Sll‘I()l\'C(l slowly, tliornuglily,

family h’1Vl‘ “"“”‘“‘ _l‘” Her lli|l"(lVV()(lLl fires lliit you can tell that

E"‘E:r’.‘S T?]ti:l’diS‘]‘1l"Nl|'1|';MI here has lween a Lh.inge.

to prepare» ('i|l‘l'r|lll_V‘ Sou can tell it in the flavor of 01'(7ll(Ir[

mldflwellfifi-'lS0""‘1 ‘W ’i'einiiim Bacon. There is .1 new zest, .1 incl- Thiflistlww-'\.V “'“mi'W my richness, such .15 you've never tasted‘ i‘\

Burenuki l(li,l‘llL‘n: F We slice Il lW““l Pmboll fiV9 m‘”‘”"‘l ‘H Texture Illlkl color, too. are finer than ever.

J vol. “"“’}:‘P1‘."“ pflr»]tL(l:g:!\1prl\ll rcxiurc even more zlelimtc anal tcniler rvou eiic BICB qui '

pepper and tom), ii. U" 'lUtlCL‘i[I1'l‘lIneLli.l[Cly'. Color even nioreniritiiig

English mustard; i|“‘_l “' , slices with our Sl,\.|‘llll\)liV“ piece with a cop sl1}“‘» in place with our um’ -‘ j picks. We aciir tho nimit i then on the other. “F ‘M, pan, using l)£|CllY'|’(lnl"l1l‘ for its flavour. With ii Yr ed, we ndd 11 little w:Il' '.. closely rind simmer V"l|y in liver is tentlcr~ usual Y’ hour. When done, W“ “III. . in hot platter with till‘ ‘W (C07lli7illC1i'77’ 1

ively ilavor, yet ileliglitfiilly lllll(l.

PLEA These promises ofa new enjoyment in Ovenized $wi‘it'5 Premium Bacon we can /u//iii only if

you get Swift's Premium. So p/ease be sum when you huy. Identification is easy. The pound and ha//-pound

packages are plain/y marked; the s/ahs bear the name Swiil: in tiny brown dots dawn the full length of the side. Swift Canadian Co, Limited ' Purveyars of/-‘ins Foods

Swiii’s Premium Bacon and Hcims

