Mtzyftrir, A/lay, 1927 /\ ‘ll Lovers- Form The Famous Boneless Corset ‘CD I) Never in the l11:st0r_V nf Corsetry has any other Corset ever achieved such an instantaneous anal worltlewide acceptance and approval. Girls and women in every walk of life have put this remark- ably comfortable liniitilcsx corset to the most exactim: tests, and have never found it wanting. Every \voarer of a Lnvcrs-Fnrm Corset, gmtefully recnm— mcmls it to others. A prnniiucut -ucivI\‘ lady of Hul- l'n-xl, Irvlnml, Km Hm ‘IP41 rmlu (! NQlV(HI imlmrlnnl viI|:i«|:L'mm\(= m «hr Unilrrl Slnle=. A mu known 4...‘..-u lmly of ' ‘L; (‘av runvv, mm rm my \Vmv|nwI|)'lL *5.’ In luv 'IH1“ mm Er-rm-I" uilh l.u\ A mm», ulm luvl —'m|l\ mxrlmtml hm |»hyMr'i| :x|mvMvm\|w \\ Hf! fitlul with «K lH\o1h4 nmiv [rum Nvw \'ml. 1 ll\ in luv rm“: nul wnrnvn “hm hm! llw nml {mum ur in“ n In lmlh mm uh mu! rmln «mm, vllur-\r|" mmh m llunr YIIHHII-rI¥l'Hl iht IY\4I<- Farm I'm+m, In un » .1», - |\\*Iv|uirlmImlI‘ \\l|I||l‘ uml hi l-lv- lhvm mm -mu-k r m «Inmu nml Mm. ln xwm :|y~.»w~ mum; nun smmllu lhnn |ll’1\IIIll-ll) l.()\'l"RS—l“()l{.\l CUR- SICVIK ix lhv nrlL‘lll.ll and only |'(’(|I;_’|ll'/(‘Ll h-v|1<'lvm (‘Hl':«(‘Y in the \\r-rltl. For Beauty's:Sal