2 Shortly after the marriage. the Reeves came out to Alberta, where for eight years they ranched. Mr. Reeve built a model ranch fifteen miles North east of Calgar3,and at the same time purchased the Sauna: Bow View Ranch on the Banff road This fine old ranch of 15,000 acres of deeded land was the home of Mrs. Reeve for eight years. The present site of Ghost Lake Park is on the land once owned by the Reeves. Here at this ranch notables from all parts of the world were entertained by the Reeves, who kept open house for their friends. Among those who enjoyed the hospitality of the Reeves were: Sir Franklyn and Lady Newnes, Lord Revil Chamberlain (now Chancelor of the Excheaquer of
England ) and Lady Chamberlain, Vincent Astor, Hurray Gibbon,
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Arthur Stringer, and numerous artists and writers.
During this period, Mrs. Reeve, took an active part in the club and social life of Calgary. She was the instigator and founder of the Little Theatre movement, and was unanimously elected its first Honorary President. She was the first president also of the Calgary branch of the Canadian Authors Association, and was the delegate and one of the speakers at its first convention in Ottawa. while still in Calgary, she wrote three of her best known novels, "Sunny—san", "Cattle" and "His Royal mibs".
Several years ago she returned to New York for the purpose of putting her children to school, but while there was induced to sign a contract with the Universal Bictuees Corporation, and was made its Eastern Scenario Editor.
Three months later, she was made Editor in Chief of both
the new York and Hollywood departments of this company.