‘T- 54 “I'm n.not, olfl &—aoar1" Dick says: "It mpmighfi he worse"u and Biraie replies: “E03, anfi W«We're wners sf 549 acres. " Sic}: b1*i{;11*'u-oils em’! s1;‘z7::m1S 113:. ”Lets.go %o bed and sleep on 1%“. They go into fine ywom. Budk laohhs after them, his face visibly softening. than tu*ns to his own-scam? who Ba3tsn‘a undress by canélelight. They shiver wifih cue Gala, £0‘ no matfier how narm fine day the Alberta nights are always chill? rresentxy fihey get into boa, anfi ibr warmth ana eomfart their arms go ahout ceaoh athar, fine first time in years. They are 605 tirefi ana exhauuficfi, and fihcg Gray instantlv to sleep---the ?irst real healthy sleep in fact these two .4.- have had in yuass.