ill (I ,\yi—/1 i ,« ‘I ' Ta’ 1 K as» ” ‘Fr‘.3'-;%,:A.": rmmm by Amie, 5! Crivnm. lo kind pmmim. .11‘ Mu: um, Bmuizhaf ll'lE Eflflllxfl Repzvmvy Players H ORTRAIT by Ashley & Crippen" is the distinguishing mark of photography of an unusually high order. Ashley & Crippen prices how- ever, are lower than the quality of portraiture would indicate. rrliurs WEDDINGS WlNNlPEG . _ .. __,b _ r 2(, in St" Sm[til-Iialliii-clircCi-iiigntwood. Mr‘ G¢0|’B°5\ lit” 5:111:11, son of i\lr. and §,“‘°'dS§d',f,‘,. T Smith, and Miss is. . ' DEATH S UNITED STATES W 1-\bhott~_l. L. G. Abbott, Lsq., of Vancouver, on Fehru:l|')' l9~ ‘“ S‘-"“'l°: Washington, U.S.1\., son of the late Harry Abbott and brother of Mrs. Fane Sewell. Boiilter~Wellington Boulter on Feb. 27, at Beverley Hills, California. Cool(——Mrs. Roy H. Cook, formerly Miss Hilda Alcocli. 0‘ Toronto. on March i, at Oakland, California. Innes-Taylor—— Captain R a n ol [3 h lnnes~Tavlor, on FCb\‘|h’Il‘}" ii, at .\'lt-iv Orleans, .Ll.S.J\. interment at Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. Kennecly—Dr. Johnston B. Kennedy, on March 5, at his home, Virginia Park, Detroit, Michigan, formerly of Sand Hill, Peel County. Ontario. Kirkby — Rev. Lawrence l’lCIl\¥ ell Kirkby, formerly rector of Collingwood and Aurora, at his residence, Asherille, North Carolina, on February i5. AURORA Cuuller—Dr. Robert .\I. Coiilter, C,i\‘I.G., former Deputy Postnicister General of Canada, on February 16. G .»\LT Moore_—Catlierine Moore, wife of the late William Moore, on February 17, at her home, 1 Crescent Road, Gall. GUELPH Bro\i'n—_loseph Brown, on I\lareh i, ll‘ "ax 7‘\..ll“\ . il1zI,V.lair, ()'l‘Ti\\Vc\ hlfllllll-lln*—C}L-y,r,‘,L, \ C.l‘i., fflllI1L‘lll' L1,], r Viv.‘ "ll . R.1il\\'i1y Conmii ill on March I ,.; M Mcliarr,-ii hi. ‘I l ‘ Graiii~S:irali _\| Vlwiivi ; '« Juscphinecrieids, 0(!;1}1Ti‘lC"1‘:I‘fl"°r “I M" mi» of the llUl\ R. iii . ‘ l , and i\'Ir.s, arencc A . ‘ , Minister of l“, l\I'. in, , i: V‘ ‘l’ - \\rood-Nash~M.:I\rIl:h3é|"5féf3::%’:d5 l7ebriiai‘_\ is. i U ‘ l “ i‘ ' 1n [fin _' ) Poat-ici:i’s Canadian PRHCm.,. 1 - -7 . « , 2‘ h 1.. Ligm Infmtnrflnd M155 Ahcc Ell/i1\llBtl Ber i in ri »( Nashidnughtci-ofDr. and Mrs. ,i an I i\i \L. on ‘ iruilr I] l of Victomh B C. (:0 ., . ,- , Beiivii liil. yl, H l‘eb_ i7. ‘ S.—\l.\l0N i\RXl, l‘; C T‘aiigiiari—l)om:'~,: 1',” _,, ,, \\ifc of liliillijl liiicliniziiii l‘,, daiiuhter of ilw lni.- \]l 7 Rl|>\t'l (lreeii\\mm] ,,i 1 l’ehruar_\' i(». S,\R.\‘l.\ \K:|CIALVKn‘ ~ \ii’..ilx,, _i “M, Xlll. Rt-_i:i~lr.1r (ll i)\lll\ [,,i 1‘. Count}, Xl.irrli 1:. i 'l‘()R0,\I'l'l') I’iooth—\Ii~. S 1{4 l’i\\illi:1m\w'.'. l ll l7L'lwriinr)' 24, ‘~kCl7llkl «in il \\', R. Brock, ,\l l’. Piird_i*—l’.1iriti,i (‘xii w l ’ on Fehriiziry IR, liiilr» U. i, .\, Kirk and (itlll H .i |~.iln li.i M Purdy. of (ileiimw \\(‘ \li ‘ R:-.<\—l)r _l.’ln)l- I): lli.l‘l ll of Saul! Sit-. l\l£|l'll, wn \l ‘ hanLl.if\I.1ii(l ‘\llL'L Ciwi ii ll‘ Si;iinis~'l‘li} in \ll\l‘. il V, \ I) , l.t'l(’C‘~l(‘l' Vii w i7iii.“ii.»nrs. im~.i~- M. l‘ \\rHH't'll*’>lllllll \H\l‘ll \\i' ‘‘ l).C,l., Cl12Hi[V‘llIir mil ill’ ll 'l'orrinlri .’I!\(l ril llll li. i WE at the residence of his son, Mr. I. Trill”).CUl1wmm ll.‘ mu W\:i in threi Stanlcf Brown.\’ietorin,B.C. i ,(”l"'"|‘" \lr‘ (I',“”|:W ‘ ( “F long Your photograph is the one gift which w'l“‘“—l“"‘°‘ ~'\v“"'1‘»*°".31~1)..wi “.'‘l'’l‘ ”[ H", 1,” ,'H,‘.‘ ,., "F thc. oftliel.1te;\\\il~<-n, (“"‘f“"."" ‘‘ ‘'‘‘‘''‘Ji'' . “““lY5“ YOU alone C'Z1I\ give. a Tousin of the Hon. Ni.-l~rm ()5 lmuml‘ (n;U‘‘ll‘{li:‘im ‘ It can i onteit i, at his Imine, on I1-hrii.irv :3, .Viir~¢\ -\\ A| II i . '7“ ‘ h.wC f( _ ' llii-l.'Ili- in l)i‘l'4l'lllll l‘i|Illil\ I”, ‘ r\DQ/I KlSi\iG&r[<0N ‘ M \{,_[ ‘\:,.,,r,,|i,_ it .,.:vl.inil Pooner — Colonel Charles N Ri riv ~ \l|‘ (i4llll lllli vqlum Sfiooncr, nn .\.l:irch i, in min of Riiilu-ri R\ in . \\lfi' of I mu‘ Rim iii‘ ‘ cl‘qCwi_“ PRICES SP0OlI('I’,I \vlirwr .IllCL'1i\‘i7,i< rroduo iThe lll\JS[l’fl(I0|'I IS },,' cahineti ffigvgo for twelve “ML” i R I S] (‘,n»w——(‘.i1»i.ii:i R l (‘ " known 6 for $15.00 @500 {Or Si x 1‘ M. r. O\t'l’l C iiell, i\l C, [G 1 [ ] ('. i liitltm A with ,1 , .i.. ];_. _ ,_ v_ v inininrri in v s 13 gm 51330 SIEVOO fm th’:uu rusidt Plant. ‘Vl..\lI1IE)lH\l \, [,i,,,',.,.,1‘ ,,,, \]_.,—L~1i i mzmuf, You have ii choice from iir least six poses. Also larger sizes. ASHLEY E9 CRIDPEN 61 Bloor Street West TORONTO Yoiuire cririhtilly l'Il'Ul!L’Ll to iitspcct our Sl1lLllfJ, including our special CliilLlren's' Ronni, and to see examples of our uuTl<. 0" |"=1>- I7. liuslmnd ril l‘i(lilll \\~,i. ‘°iwl=|w_i/scrim: and son nl um im- .l“l\|'| Slllrll. Rrechin, Scotland. MEn_r\l:I:]nn~¥1rs. \\"ill‘i:un l’.. Cflrlrtrin A H . ‘ras - . , l'loi1.C.S.l"raserrcr1 ‘MU of [in L1“ i\‘i\[’.\Nl".l?. .ll1:rriiIi:|0n-—-.\l.1r\' ‘_\l. '1‘i]]L,. H” iiiziéloii; ]V\llL‘ of \\.1lter S. llwriiiirloii, ' ~- “ Wlmvnu. Puciy l[ill.,\l.1rch r,. NlT\V(_‘.\$'l'LF. 1-‘» . _ . L’R~“E’-llfiiilgillyli Alfred l':irnconih, i\l l)., on l’el\rnar' 4 » r . Hmm__‘ 3 -3. in ]Al‘(‘l l l).|\lkl~H|I — \lvx.iwli~<: , ll:|L'i';H'l rrii. ii......» mi.‘ \« \l(‘x.|!itlll' llill'lIi\!l. fwrwfl l’nnth ..m.. \i.nm..i.,. (mil mi lit-lmi.iii. 20. V lliiltlrll »iii~.\\;.ii.. i