[GE HEB _.....,N,..,.. ..,.,..,.....,. .,.. MM 1 I ‘ F a LMM ' The Real 1 _E‘:au{//«M LMM V Tumcrrr; ,‘ D I A N ‘ mu - H 0 ““ ‘ In I. n N A L ‘N rJ:.»r,lr.;; mt‘ r:l.m- was "I 0:, A G “.1932 0,;alzP"1932 CAN mu ~":V’,vmrr mu. , ' H,-ll Kr, l1l\'i1nxl~ , 7 ll?-.1--m 3:-fir mu um um HTES m Dlcturuexlilbihm, 1, the money-mnkjul Jr lmecmaoldm. n Crnwlortl (M. '1-G-—M.,v.c.Nm M4), 8, Clark Gnbl: awn (Wurnnrllm) lnynnr and Chnrla ird, Norma Shearer, rclmrmenznzinnby Joe E, Brown. Thu npresarlm who Mill iblxc wnnts nndluka 0 Cnnndmns tn find nre nntlve daumm he list. and Nurml lnrx Bmllu-rs. This ; like bluelmrr!’ mt -y pic (I lmm-I mil’ ncpcnplawlmdzv l c rlemln Hwm rnrlL oml.mp:».,z..llu explains DR. KOENIGSTEIN, the celebrated Vienna skin specialist of my row0<“'“" l7lcisc|nnmm's {rock '1 1st ovary day. [D on k * ' .. ~ . . . . 5 thm”M,,fl Skill’ [1 now that the condition offymir I-rcsl: \'c.1:t.'ICrst(vclunr;I\\'aysk[n Crupt|0rI:=/I'l)17I icnst at gmuurs, drug atoms, restaurants, soda ‘ qxlunrquluzuxlmw mm °PCn}ls very largely on the unc. inulie//ix /I:/.i'" founmum. “ril’c1]vr|:uLvL'lL‘l Dept]-10 Smndnrd ‘ “I” Th’11[,"‘£>{:crtnxx1 imrmal organs? If your skin a lvmkcn out, ur your complexion Bmnd5Lrd.,lio2DnmnuunSq.B|rJg yMnn’trc:Il,l)‘Q_ 1 ' - Htmsul‘ ‘ - I ll rk this su 2 lion: Eat three cakes of —*? H xcctof. _ , .1 Lu , .| c . gg . 2,"o,,.,.m:mnkaI ‘feflfnsc by 1),. H} '”‘ ""l‘“’“"* mtdml Dn. 'nxQI'r.Cnnn\<(uLAi':WKs.lhuruvli\LmSpnuisliInnlltnl ‘ h ans Kucni stcin hmd of the I l c "F »| v ‘ l 4| Lllmnlstnllll we r i ‘ I E , . ‘V _ I Y . _ V V an cr, tunic. rL\I\[.1.{lm,rc.1sc‘:llIz Nell-Lllilvllctnllqz pawrr “iJn"V{..rn~l\3'hug schild [Vim Slur. l])|sunscs In the grant Roth. E-“ ‘‘ Tcfillldrll. F-Ilrllfqlly . . . .- _rrmntl:. mo urmmm. 1 \'-'EK,lIuIl\uruf Ilucnmumlng»nfSmmntl| ; ml In“! 0-SPIt.1l 1 munrhs— <: long as you like, It can I hurt you. mul lnlcmm-5," .m_w “\c.m m |InI\':rsAl|)‘ rcmmmcnd ‘ , _ lllcn nrmu, nm on) llclm ‘" °'1>crsIsrcnt and painful skin pruvcmcnt 1.. your cumplcxian, 7 , ~ , ‘‘‘!1n”“ “"0"? "WM Daclar Srlggrxlcd l - -'lGQr- . .. ,m:muL ‘.-can ac: , v. v ‘ l Th°,(l“‘l’mn",1w: |l\c lllgcarmn rum] d'rL('ly ‘D ‘l15""l’“"C¢5 Ur hut how much better you_/rrl. T/I”, I E“, Y, t u nmnuc l\1 irnuullr on l v I l 7 ‘ ms . .. l Iuplnglwurlnsu A '5*cn1.1ncr;,H] *. ’l “C |'Dt€'”|°" 0 Xcasz. rcnn.-mbcr, llIL‘l'.’llly mm "mm‘:l‘:l;m $‘r;uhluSguC]“§ mm lllitcstlpcs. I h.1\'c l‘oun:.l that Strcngrlmns and ..mm:§.. me --"1 win Iervlhh‘ m_mle':._I l c{YP""r'lr"5c,,,ald Ercsultnf .iult '“Pl'cS,‘ho|]'s and Mimmc “‘”“”Y stomach and intestines . . . " “‘”'“”‘"“”""'“"' I":':l:m((‘£,[;grrl:4‘l "l~1x1tl\ ) Q ‘mm.-m°"' snmulnrcs sccrc-(ions . . . pm- ... « H‘ , V . . "L! W ¢mn:;':i lmulvlu MFR’-:visl canllllrricg cmmut coma; (his motes nsslmllnnun . punfics. Iiifleilenlrhnrlrul|‘lei|ch- ‘ ha-‘In.-n|r|rI¢r:::::':“:" v - nu» klml lnmnul mun nm a :|n|ly. hum. mnull rhulwnn mun-n:'uu-‘rl‘I:)I‘I|m0 .—plIln or Jluolu In wnur (.1 «mm o - .,:....m .l....'- l ~-u.n_n.o.¢ l