oth ers to allay her agony of mind. Physically and mentally Laura is in an abnormal condition. She has but one bitter purpose in mind--to punish the man. How to reach him, in what way to avenge her wrong, she knows not.
Her uncle: says to her:
"Le.uro., we've all got to ‘near our share of sorrow in this world of cum. We can't evade it. God meant us: each to have our indivi idual share of pain. We cannot fathom his design, but it is pzoven
iay the tortures of fiis own Son".
Laura replies:
"11 don't deny that there are worse griefs than mine in the world, but Oh: the nere knowledge of them will not cure mine".
"Thats because you are at the primary --the semen stage... still drowning yourself in your tears? Your case is still acute, but ml- mark my words, sooner or later the remedy I offer you will cure you".
Laura. however is obsessed with her own case. Sim: ‘V Efringzlng her hands and walking up and down in anguish she cciesx
"Uncle Dan, I want to pull him down! There is cold murder in my heart. what am I to do? what am 1 tone?"
Brooding over her pzrpose for revenge, Laure. join: ntin reading of Weston chambers being nominated for Judge of the f
Circuit court sees a. way of "p1I.'l.i11g him dom". she has gone i'»J‘”5/ w
.31?’ the stage of sensitiveness to public opinion. No humiliation, no torture worse than tlat she sufflred when Jilted at the altar can flail flay her. Laura. determims to sue Weston Glambers on the eve oi’ his election not merely for an accounting and for fieazdulent misappropriation of nznds, but for Breach of Promise.
She goes to her uncle with her intention, and when she