J14)’, 1952 LOVE in page 6 CANADIAN HOMI. JOURNAL 33 ' him. It was the ha Fred had ever spent proposed to Susie and “, His elation left him M, V‘ own door. What was , H mi: Virginia? Once m,,‘," " would be impossible lilrihl e thought of selling hm. MI," iiy was repugnant 10 mm A - too much. Loved i,,',‘, stood beside her, d,”‘\ V iuty, touching with (l(‘ii ‘ ‘folds of her gown thiit ll i. play her grace. He pm, er the shining undulai lim . vn her satin—smooili uisite bend of her Sllnuli id rested. She looked .[ .i piccc oi ivririiig .i~. you ll.l\C cvcr l'L‘.\i.l, .iiid sn l'r.iiil»; th.ir it iiiiizlit l‘l.l\‘L liccii toiimltrcil il.iriii: .i lbw yc.irs ago Wuiiicii .ll'L‘ .sliiiwiiig .i i'tiii.iil<.il~lc Interest in this liiitik. Thcv .ll'L r,ilLiii_; .iliiiut it Sand for your ctipy. ZUFIIIL‘ l'rm.liitt.~ Cor- poration, Lul., Sic Tlicrcsu, P Q. ZDNITF PRUDl‘C rs‘ roiiroii max". l l.l Sic 'i'i.m,<=. I‘ Q. (J15 Flux: sciiil rvic inc \Ul‘\ oi |lU: iwiin or lmnkl-:< Lllctlxrtl lscliiw. Ll r.lL|1illl \\'iiiiiClI D U» at .\iiir