June 15,1925 JUNE15, 1925 SLllL\'C|(|l'l'l(lNi 'llll(l’l l70l_Li\l('> .\ \'i<;t\it lill-‘ll LN Ci-.N'is A COPY J. V1’-.Rl\'ON Mt-l{l,7.l\JZll£, L-‘ililor cnWiui'.ii‘r tea in riir ‘l\| i r \."| Pl llli lll‘iii Cli.‘»ll’\‘n'i', I i-.ii i i- l) l \Ai1,\‘lP. ,\\'\'Hf| ' .VlU‘.If£l-it my I vs: I J, L. RU'l'LlL'DGlE., /[rrarizzlr Edna! 1 Canada Scores Again at Wembley H.R.H. llic Prince of Walt-si The realization of the incaleulnble benefits resulting from the display of last year is leading all the Britannia nations to lively co-operation and rivalry in preparing for the forthcoming exhibition. The Motherland, and all the Doniinions and Colonies are entering it with the same enthusiasm as before. All are preparing fresh displays, and a healthy spirit of rivalry prevails among their ByJOHN |‘,l\lllli|‘.Y W... il i» r I‘ ii I wliich fur six iiiuiillis ltisl yrnr Win the '— » i iir-mi of thr llritiili ll ” m” ”I“”‘ fl” wiirlrl, ls‘ tn lit’ l'(‘llCl|ll'Kl 'llI,H'1w’UllIl1\t!' The Cziiizicliaii gi»\'i:rn- fIil‘lIl., whose exliihit W'fi~, in tlivtiyiinltm of many, ilu= 1I‘llI:li 1w:iiiiii'iii In Ihe exliilutitiii (lilUht)’H1r, will again he fE]’ll"C“«‘i'lIiDtl, liut an a scale even ('i'li[)!4lni: that of 192-1. \\’liiL‘li WLK the iiiihiect of -an muuh grutifiizatioii and pride to every Canadian who , \'i5l|i.l'tl the grounds "The ”/7-‘ mm’ ’””””‘l W’ interior of the Ctiiiutliziii Piiviliiin, which would tlwiirf any Tililwity ter- minus in London," dc» cirireii the Sll1i(li1(] Pictur- iul. “is without doubt. the mostheautifiillydecorated. the most artistically con- ceived and in many re- spects the most charming structure in the Exhibi- tion." The cumulative ad- vantages which this year's effort will furnish. to capi- talize the benefits of last summer, are keenly appreciated, and the various official depart- ments concerned are now busily preparing for theevent. The reason for Weinhley 1925 is “lemhley (0/i11i1cI'('/(ll ride of //Q’/ii/2/c_1i Wt‘;//I “ll!/II‘('/I /WI‘. NC/5011 rim/.i' in i/iir I//.r/>i/'1"/ig article, but nlro wit/i I/ioyu //II‘,E_7L’l‘ (U/,)(’(/.Y of lay- 0/>crz7t/lmz befitieuli I/it‘ widci‘j7rc(1ti' iuzlio II I under the Union Jar/e, -w/zit/I are the hope and 7/12 glory of the B/'I'tz'.t/i Enipire. NELSON i1L'L‘ of lliiiisiiig iinil Trniisprirt and will hr» i,riii—n prrmirr plane A great housing display a» lieiriu nrgiinizuil ivy the Rt llnn Nl.‘\‘1llC Clitimherlaiii. _\Iini=.ti.=r \1illf"Jlfl\,fll"lll3 LuI‘HlTiltll’(’. its [iiitpr-st‘ Is to the priii-utiil uae to wliii,-h the Vfii’lti|J‘i new l'||Cl’lIn(l:~ and mat al:i nuw i'Fi‘iIn1lni—n(l&rl in the hiiihliiig of ht-mt-.~:, run he put. and the r.le\icL~ now (i\‘nll— Hill? for liuust-liulil converiieiire and trnniltvrt. The year 1925 being the «inc huiitlredtli 1innI\'i=r~':iry iii the (IF! ,~lenni triiiii used far the transport Ui['I11S:L’f‘l){l.‘l'.i||'i it Y\|.’lilnd,l1ll't:l‘ trnnspnriatitin Dxlillllttl mil rlisfllity the results at a Century i-I ririigress, This will iueluile an illustriiliun (if how the 1[EL|n'\ train 15 stiiiiding the effects Uielt=L'li'i('i[)'1|nd motor tl".In‘iiIUl’[ The mi: steriiusliip lines will Ill) 3 similar sl~r\'icc~ for inner triinspnrt. The Stiitliuni will again be the theatre for athletic event»; and sper- tocular displays. anti the Afl‘l||:2L‘tl\Ef\i Park the resort for those who desire recreation In the Palace til‘ Industry there will he an extenaiun of the idea of eoinpnsite exliihititin, last year‘ experience hating cumerted many individual firms to the idea nf uniformity in hath Llaign and decoration. The arts of the Dominiuiis \\'Ill be :=liuii'n along with the cream in the various municipal galleries at Great Britain English life from the earliest days will he sliuwn up to 1851 The L‘l\'lL' pt’-rintls of the great [1l’U\'lnClfIl centrts inll be displayed. and a whale gallery will be devoted to pictures of Empire huildcrs, The Civic Bureau will form a convenient trade Linson by which Dominion visitors will he put in touch with the industrial centres in the Old Cnuntry, in which they are inter- tsted. The general setting will be greatly il'l||’]l’0\'E(l. The wonderful rock gardens will he more delightful than ever. while ttcs. herbaceous borders, shrubs. and flowers, are now firmly «stab» lished, and will for that reason he the more effectii e. Roads have been surfaced, and re-conditioned, footpaths re—made, and many of them finished off with red ash. Illumination will he on a more ambitious scale than ever. The Stndiumwill have a repetition of its famous niilitary tattoo. one of the immense successes of last year. and of former and new events. Canada's Interest in Wembley 1924. CANADA has a special lnterat in Wei-nhley. It was the conception of the late Lord Strathcona, and was broached by him at a meeting which he called at the Mansion House beiore the war. He felt that such an exhibition would serve several useful par» poses. It would help the people of the whale Empire to realize their undeveloped resources. It would tend to extend trada within that Empire. It would make the British people better organizers. Canada set i1 hot pace in 192-1, and it is an open secret that some of her sister states are determined that they will not be out- done this year. This is stimulating Canada in turn. and the joint re-‘ salt is likely to he a Wenihley greater and more memorable than its predecessor. Some Changes Are Made TI1E British govern- ment, the mother nation, will again be At Home in the great concrete pavilion guarded by in two massive lions. The Palace of Engineering which actually covers fourteen acres. and has five lines of railway ri.i_iininsthroughit.thin - ‘yew beeonies the Pal» known to one another. and would reveal to the outside world a fuller realization of the mean- ing and measure of Imperial unity. The outbreak of the Worlil \\‘"ar praveiited. the project niiitcriiiliz» ing when first cun- eeived. but the close of that war furnished ii fresh lhCt'Hli\'l! for it. Various nietiihcnn of the British Cnniiiioiiwcaltli nf niitiuiis. having fought together for the reiilizatluii of an ideal. felt them should be some cuminoii rallying, point 1|ii\]l‘lll‘(l as l riiiitiige gniiiiid from which to survey the The beauty 0/ iii: Canarliiin Pavilion at niglil is reflected in the still lagoon.