(‘xV.io|«\ natural ? Both.’ But choose your color to suit your frock . . . and it will probably suit l:iim . . . snys world authority on manicure I_Il':‘<flA§‘II-I are not so dunilw alter all! lTl|l‘}"l’(' qilii-l: |'L§' aiiytrnc else In show signs of approval when it’ dcser\'i:il. Tl.iat's why so many l"l('\'l‘l' wi\'c<, aml tliiiq: who liavv i1(\\Il|.ll’IlVILll| i...iii iiiiii nhlln pwlr yilnk Iirlnr fllllli ' rlir blur. lllfllklllll iiiiiii iiiiiiiii \\r.ull illxukllll |ll’I |WlIVllnlV ll'll’r'|l| llmll ii iiiii ltrfl iiiiiiiii- Cariliiiiil In iii... Jflll fllllll iiiiiiiii i vl(|Ill|fll\ Wlllllllnltlq, wlillr ..i |V1Il\’ \IIAKlI’\ iii... 1 lnllrlnl iii iiiiii l(~l|\u iiiiiiiiii .i.. Illrl Illlll Ilpullik iiiiiiiiiiii l\ Hlllwrriulhrlt llIf1lTl Ml lMl\( H iiii imiiiiiii 'iiiiiiii.I i ‘.'i.‘.. , rouxiu‘ ‘nus new rii-nr.x mivicuiu: Sn-nli lhi: nnil-i Then l'l‘!‘ll(I\’l‘ rilil lllV‘l("l! ciilit-In illlll (lI'lIIl!(' lD¢1IUl|ll) iiiiil iiiii \\'lllI 4 mu i'llllA ill‘ liL‘IlllI§'l:|’ at .\‘iiii r liiilllifll’. ll('llllI\(‘ (vlll iiiiliuli iiilh (‘nit-V lniuiul l’ulish ll!‘llIll\‘l'Y llllll llrllill nii llI(‘ -zliiirlv till ii|r< Liqiiirl l'uh.-ili lliiil lPtNl «inn iiiiii l'1I\lIlIl\l" lam] with (‘iiii-x ,\iiil ‘\‘lIllL'—l'I‘!|1'll Ur lrlullllvllllilbr ll[l!l iIIl' Hf‘- ii~iii ll(‘Illfl‘ rl‘llfllI|.l, u»-4: (I|lI'\' (‘mule Oil iii (‘miin ll! ,slrll(‘lI llll‘ l iiiirlc. '_' slim]:-s of Count l.i'qiiuI l’uIi.ili and 5 nllivr iiiimlmrv ir.i.wIiIiul.~' for 12¢ ‘V'Hl|1Illl|\lUlllI"< i..,.i 2:; I i~i.ii llilN'V Ila! illll ‘l4i||lVl ii, I lll'Ull lvnrlnw‘ mi... llw i... l Ill?! iiiiiiiiiir *4-l, iii...ii Ill rlltlllti xiiiinl lAIllH=i i-..i.il. Hllll (Ill? ullirr ¥ilflllr iiiiili I I-nvr rl-r-Li--I i_i ii... is '.IllAl D i iillllllil lllfltllfahulll l Hiiixii l /0 husbands Me tinledlol Iiiurii\'-‘\1- AN Con”""°‘ll iiice in Slle-*W9'h"ld ‘°'"e tlllfilllllslnglplmtifln Junei bu‘. whegililrd not say- matched h|!”l‘E he hmfd that °F"°’ r oath. It “”“'° voice, the voice a Y cm“ of sudden singing. alld he Wnsglfgililéh some irres- exaspifinlliiuifi J; about to throw a stone onsi at I ' 4 - 1, iiim uiesniiwa;er°{§,"'fi',§'ciiii‘;ie, wiiiit She llllllell him’ ‘i 9 iii nei-mi" do I owe you far dmhlgtermce with his He “tinned acwftli e He said——"BY lmndfl iii his one am‘ um you ,0” the way=1d_l'l‘9 '1 . Y Dung .E nwswegg, on Y thing from | thing but weed and things understand no noise " D d She laug ie . 1! -» "Supposing we en ' d He t|.Il'l'lE(‘l and walked is: th: :2“ of the terrace. andshesat Owbmugm her of the lime tree and Ffflfll her tea. , "o. Fl'tL|'lZi I'm pushms 0“ ‘°l'x"°f;“r:’E' I shall want you to make me 13 - 17 lu?‘El‘ll|l"lZi hawed to her. find “'35 llallw by Mr. Ferrers. hem “Franz, bring me some tea lIV€|' 2 Will you?" So, they took tea sit separate tables flnfl Hi, It tllfltdlnce or twenty yards, am‘! the other woman sitting at the WH1 0W 9]‘ N¢i_ 12 won pnixcil between the post mid the present, _ I-‘error.-i lit a plptu He watched Miss ziiiiiiiimiiiii Icnve llel’ niiiii-. wz-Ik_ta the l.Pl‘mL‘l: steps and disappear. Did the young wonch expect him to Iollow her? He waited, He heard her voice singing down there in the wood, and since it was sufficiently dislunt, he took his iiiurnge in his hnnils. He got up and milked along the terrace until he was lllI1lEI’ the window o! No. l2. He stood there, looking up. HEN 3; wns thnt Ill’-J appeared at the window, and today seemed to become yaterday. He would have said thnt she had changed hardly at all, save that she looked more mature, She had the sump air of fair tranquility, in kind of Wl.‘l(’ gentlvnesii. the mime steaillust eyes. And he marvnlleil nt her and at himself, and at that other fun] sell- He. lflr —"l'm sorry 1 main’: foresee, ~Iiuli if I'm spoiling anything for you- I'll clear nut—nt once." She seemed to smile. "You were here llnit.«Rei'illy—it'g up to me to gu,~il'—" Almost he lU0l(l!ll frigliterieil. “No, please don't do that. 1! worth it.—~But I'd rather lilie——li|o"l‘:: wnrth—a little of your loleruni-o." siie l0Ul(L(l ciiwiiiiiii the like iiiiiii—"iiiii't itamiii ' under llll‘ trues?" llo niiddnd. "(J yi,-s,—liuri]' ‘ mumuwT¥$mflmu pmouhly bring ynuruell——c