. --2 ;. .,.-.«..,_..,_,.-....».«.— ~—-—»-.-» , .,,..~ —v4-vr'V- -. KG -— .«,... .. .s..~xaa-.-.—. a~v s.w373 ssuvamgm 15/78 S1..~'3A]&1 -no 3N0 M333” ,9 A I‘ ‘V se‘“°‘§l{a°“'§'o\°\' Has your sewing machine lostits pep? Is it sluggish—hard to operate ——irritating? 3-in-One will give it new “vim and vigor;" make it run easier-smoother—-with less e&"ort—less wear. 3-in-One’s the right oil for the electric motor, too. Try it! 3-in-One is a super-oil composed of three difierent oils —4m’rna1, mineral and veget- able--all the highest quality—all scienti- fically blended in vast steam-jacketed kettles. No wonder 5-in-One has unique properties not found in any ordinary oils! At all good grocery, drug, notion, depart- ment and general stores. ,' Two size Handy Oil Cans and three size bottles. Ask for 3-in-One by name. THREEIN-ONE OIL co. .1!‘ 130 William St., New York Canadian Factory at Montreal 3-in-Oné Generous sample and illustrated Diction- o ary of UIES . . . Request both on :1 postal. Acids in Stomach Cause Indigestion Create Sourness, Gas and Pain. How To Treat. Medical authorities state that nearly nine-tenths of the cases of stomach trouble, indigestion, sourness, burning, gas, bloating, nausea, etc., are due to an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. -The delicate stomach lining is irritated, digestion is delayed and food sours, caus- ing the disagreeable symptoms which every stomach sufferer knows so well. Artificial digestants are not needed in such cases and may do real harm. Try laying aside all digestive aids and instead get from any druggist some Bisurated Magnesia and take a teaspoonful of pow- der or four tablets in water right after eating. This sweetens the stomach, pre- vents the formation of excess acid and there is no sourness, gas or pain. Bisur- ated Magnesia (in powder or tablet form —never liquid or milk) is harmless to the stomach, inexpensive to buy and is the most efficient form of magnesia for stom- ach purposes. It is used by thousands of people who enjoy their meals with no more fear of indigestion. nammas and auu-rants IYILASIIII III II IIIOWI INs‘l’AN1'I..Y,mnkea them appear k, long and luxuri- rful harm beauty any fact. Plzrfoctly by rnllllonn|;zm‘l&v';|1{ f ' ormglig J» as your ; "‘¢"' ' Distributed in Canada by Palmer: Ltd.. Montrua Ion? 7" . e H. NAPIER Moonr: Bram: EESETSANDWS Editorial Director a g A Magazine lot Canadian women. Gaonoi-: H. TYNDALL, Business Manager COVER DESIGN BY R. W. MAJOR General Articles Pioneer Women of the Maritimes—by Margaret Lawrence . . . . . - - 5 A Letter From Paris——by Einna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II Needlework for Christmas Bazaars—by Ruby Short McKim . . . . . . . 12 Flowers That Serve a Double Purpose—by Laura E. Allan . . . . . . . 18 What Type of Hat Should You Wear. Arleigh Jean Corbett . . . . . 26 ‘The Modern Chatelaine A Department for the Housekeeper The Home Bureau——by Anne Elizabeth Wilson . . . . . . . . . 19 Secrets of Successful Candy—by John ‘I’. Perrin . . . . . . . . . . . 20 A Progressive Halloween Dinner——by Edythe Ann Palmer . . . . . . - 2 I Making the Moments Tell; Some New Homemade Rugs—by Lucy Crandall . . 23 Marketing Canadian Vegetables——by ]. B. Spencer . . . . . . . . . . 28 Food Values versus Caloric Contents—by Ruth Davidson Reid . . . . . . 24 October's Market Basket and Menus—-by Margaret B. Read . . . . . . . 72 Art St. James‘ Catherdal, Toronto——Etching by Harry D. Wallace . . . . . . . I7 Vogue Pattern Service Cosy Fabrics and Trim Lines . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Chiffon and Velvet Bring New Charm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Frocks That Are Jaunty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Fashions in Juvenile Toggery . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Fiction The Jade Cat——by Blodwen Davis (Short Story) . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Illustrated by R. W. Major The Locked Book—by Ellis Parker Butler (Short Story) . . . . . . . . . 7 _ Illustrated by G. F. A-ndre LostIllLaLi5l;§:§:1byHN.v‘d:sB$ltr;;n$£ug1in (Conclusion of ‘Two»part Novelcm) . . 7 TheI'lll'1e:ig;e1it'el\1A1i)l1ls.t]one—G. Hliyufifluts Arthur Cunningham (Short Story) . . . . . 9 _ Children's Feature Furnishing the Dolls‘ House——by Eleanor Brown Hallowe‘en Masks for the Children . . . . 14 Written and Illustrated by Jean Wylie Poetry Mrs. Murdock's Apple Cart—by Edith Roberts . . . . . . I Scissor Cut Silhouettes, by Lisle Hummel ' ' ' ' ' 3 The Voice-—by H. Reginald Hardy . . . _ _ _ . A Fishing Village Lullaby——by John Hanlon ' ' ' ° ‘ Regular Departments The Promise of Beauty; What of Your Child; The Chatelaine‘s Patch work SUBSRIPTION PRICE: In Canada. Great Britai n and British Possession; (4/2) per year; United States and Poesessions, and Mexico, $1_50. other countries 33 00 02/“ per year. Single copies, 10c. , t copyright‘ 1929’ by The Mules" P“b“8hin:>&=:m:);\;ld Iilierllsiirtg fllllnz orders. ¥ THE MACLEAN PUBLIS 143.153 UNIVERSITY AvInI1lIl.\I1r?'1§dEz)(l\i§11?c;“2I,qrk..d 13333556.:§:5.$’€.Pt‘fag.3°Z§o $232.3.‘ .lV,;“¥'g;g;;1° genre r cci en g., N, Michigan Blvd . San Fnmcigéo 0. 00m 905, London " . 246 Monadnock Bldg, 0 Volume II. ocromaa. 1929 N“'“‘’" 1 (except India), $1.00 deration Life . . . safe . . . sanitary. And it lirgllnlrz scrubbed and scoured and law over. Sani-F lush will clean itquiifl, and easily. 3 Just pour a little Sani-liluhim the bowl, following directioniontlg can. Then flush. Marks, min”; incrustations vanish. Odors ‘L pear. The toilet bowl is left ipollq - Sani-Flush reaches the hiddamg, purifies and cleanses the whole toik j system. And it's harmless to [lg plumbing. 2 Use Sani-Flush frequentl . . keep a can of it handy. I “W Buy Sani-Flush at your green, drug or hardware store, 35¢. : o O . c1eanaciose¢B'2Sw'"1§iiiuimnsoomh¢ HAROLD F. Rrrclm; & Co., Lil Toronto, Canada V 88 Fnrrlngdon Road, Lond6n,I.C.1,hlIl JIM malcertq/fitla . . . ardalwdlflfh . 9,. me PERFECT HEM PERFECT HEMSTITGHING AND PIGOTING ATTACH- MENT. PRICE $1 15 rt Money back Kuaranlee. G|'““‘t. /5 1 Invention known for the noun" 2/ .. L” wile. Fits all sewing machines; Pays for itself in ten minutes. _ time. Hemsmchlng as beautllull) mm as il°i'° rib’ cimlro cmxlyplewl :3 ve ays Flgmsntlflehor co.. Box 6- °°°""‘°""' N For-‘Polishing llver ‘s Favour-in Silver Polish . ENEDICT U01 ;°.:L';l':.t..§.s«e-w-Mm“ BLONDE? do this! ET Blondex, the special shampo0_f°1' blondes only. Try it Just once and see how much prettier your hair is - softer, silkier, brightefc with a lovely golden rad!- ance. Blondex preVent5 darkening—lightens dull. . faded hair safely. No (W95 or harsh chemicals. million users. At all 800d drug and dept. stores.