ligaments together and thus save a leg which must other wise come
off. And so forth. For every trouble of his patients, the doctor matches another and sends his people forth with the reflection: "What are my troublew compared to those of A-—-— or B—--" &c§
While the doctor isnthis practicing mentally and physically upon his patients, his young niece seeks refuge at his Imus after last: an experience that has so wounded the sensitive girl that she is in a pathodigical condition.
Laura carpenter , an orphan, has been brought up in Graytown by her aunt, sister of Dr. carpenter, who is devoted to her and her brother Jeff. Jeff is of an inventive turn of mini. He has invented an electric sigi that runs along the base of windows and floods it with light 41.256163‘. The boylt is an enthusiast and can think of nothing else but his invention. Laura. wh) sing in the choir and teaofiyvs her music saves up enough. to sezxl the boy to New York, with his invention. The Aunt also contributes fmlm her meagre savings.
Weston Glnmhers a goodlooking young law clerk makes love to Laura and the two are engaged.
Elowing tales. of his chances for success come: from Jeff eaclrnveek, though in reality the boy is lnvingnzix a. hard time afjtiz making two ends meet.
of a large electrical concern and two years after he has left Graytown
His invention however attzacts the attentio
his invention is being tested by these experts. Jeff, almost
penniless suffering from malnutrition and exposure is taken to the hospital where he dies frun pneumonie..I:Ix:tiIxIx chambers, Laura's fiancee, goes to New York to bring home poor Jeff and think to. carry an the negotiations in regard to Jeff's invention.
Laura. and her aunt have both contributed out of their meagre