05 hands tugging at her dress, and by the beloved little volees calling to her;
"Human! Hanan! maman! "
She turns slowly eboufi ih Deyton‘e arms, and looks down with wide eyes a§ her babies. Then a cry of jqy eeeaees her liys, an&_a moment later, she is kneeling on theigroubd wifih her babies in her arms.
Hoeeh enfl fire. O'Rourke have come down to fihe gefie and exeifiealy they explain the facts to Dayton. elewly the truth dawns upon him. He stands, looking aewn at the reunion between mother and children, ane euadenly he feels very lonely ana forlorn. flinefifie he realizes new has her babies. She no longer neeae him. who babies he has levee, and who love gim now have fiheir mother. ft this moment Hinette looks up, and e beautiful expression comes over her face --uthe expression of supreme mother love wfiibh makes sublime all true love, whether fer lover or child.
"M'eieu" she says. "finmxiehax "Now le hon dieu, he have give me tree booby, ineteea of two".
Deyfion kneels beeifie hey.
“who is your third baby?" he aeks huekily, and eke replies eoffilyz
Dickie anfi Bireie are both forgiven‘ They mfike good
refuse ‘\ They leelere
on the ranch. mhey refuse to return to flew Yeflz, ené
V3 !
also fiheir uncle's ennu.l offer 05 money. file“
that.from henceforth they can peafile fiheir own canoe and raise