1% The va3% hoza of sheep are actually on their »w;. If tua sheey are gut on the Reserve before the

cntfilo are rcturnefi, the land ni1& cc ruine&.

all oi fiho country is non aroused, anfl siaes taken.


There are taose ah favor the Shncg ceming in; who have interest-

anfl grn£* to yrotoct. Tjc ranchers hozmser are all opposed

L} U‘

to ths shoeg en%mv. Eh“ feua becomes more deaflly with every

The T gar T cattle have nmvely reached the home pastures, when rifiers come in with fine stgvtling nams. Folly gives hurriea orflwrs Eb? every hand to be ariven back, unaer cover of night, mn& wit the assistance of tha Inéiaz“


to he yluced on the south sing at

.9. ‘I

the rivor_ where nae rich pasture lands are behind 2 narrow foresfi that runs alcng

the river's cage.

(To Show intensity of the feua, a series of éissolve

aun duels.


shuts might be use&. skirmishes ana fights and


Lbn running from gursuexs uni shooting has; at chem. fiffilly snot éowt from worse. E“nch house gurrounfloa by cowboya with riilcs. 3€roc€;&me1s in com town. Man hu'g to 1i,b of *zoe. Raflcher slmg flown as he comes from Store aha climbs into cuckvoara. ofiorsos, without aziver wildly racing 3 I home? ana an forth)@

kinxxxmayx It will be recgl ea that the Johnson Counfiy


war was one of the mess relencieas and fiaafily in the history of tbs nation, and the nnfiax U.$ regulars were callefi out to

quell it. of oeuxse this story is not of Jahnson Caumty.