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“.H:' Ihr plan‘ :1] W "10’"' \< \l ‘:‘._ I ,,,p .,,y; ' Bill Ilir ruvilighl is *‘ 9 ,j._y,=,.—i.[i {nr ilir |'OIYX,‘\[f.\Ifi7l» ' i\Iua'.imr mm! mnrr lharzl‘ rzw mul-r gem] um‘ of Irilmz:

Morning.’ —and a clear complexlbfl


~ I sun invites the radiance aii\Iili}d_1V-'5 ' ' i ' - . cnnstiint in her iliiily use of Ici_lmI_1. French beauty speclallsts lnteresting Qlllnnctg

More nu‘ s:ir_\' in (he morning thnn an an)’ other “mail Ifllma - h d d- . ‘V = enhiinees rho freshness of ii healthy skin in the searching raY5 the natural hall‘ 5 3 C lctanng l of unrly zunshine, iinil preserves ii deliciitercornplexiun through- nut the “hole day and on through evening hours. Use this the Costulne C0101.

superb vanishing cream ev_er'y morning. The ileliezicy of its exquisite bouquet

perfume will rlelight yuu. By

ELEBRATED French beauty Bloinles i|ll‘ Lhin sc»..~:i v

specialists liavcmiich to saythcse ]\.’|rllC\lli|!’l_\ smart ill []f_)‘ll Uwi

days with regard to colors that liruiieiirs iii Llie lurili in x will enhance skin and hair toncs. They l)l'l_ul‘l[ lrliie. Th; imiimii ‘J l’ i‘ ._ are expressing revolutionary opinions and L‘Xqlll—lLL' lli'lXL‘l| lH"( l' i that are surprisingly effective, as to striking in |l]L imiirurii ’ll.i‘,' l i appropriate colors for various types is a L.-rind min‘ in her (lvslllllvi ~ to wear, and accepted theories are Cli00SCi1ll)’L(lL'<‘l] at {Ill \\ ii waftcd gently but firmly away on ihc and pruiic culnr, iiliirl. .~ ~'..i i

wings of this new chic. good, suits ll{‘l" in in l ll L‘l.i i. 1?nCfl3': ‘E ‘S “"57 gmyv gnlwng fwd B\’0\\l‘l—ll.ll\"Ul.l \Uvll1( :. ll’ white hair IS as smart as possible. [he fn5mDn_‘i)|v N, lm mu .H L‘

one fashion dictate is that it must Chow“ fl,“ ‘Md aim‘

l)C3l’|'fll’Il_.Z|Ed always in a definitely srnarl is CxL.L_H(.m ‘[ h” wnwik \- an yoiitifulmanner. On rare occasions m bl. mic‘ (;m.“’ H L H‘ 2

the hair of the blonde or bruiieiic may h[,rcdV hnwg CHIN. U, ii,‘ K ,

l aided by _ch<.>osc the becoming: ratlier than ihe red mm]; W ‘.,_,L]“CL mm‘ L i

l . chic but {or gray or white hair this frirni Th I“ I 1”.’ I “W 1 V

i - ~ , ,. e 1i'C\-£lk‘I .«— l

i 0‘ mdulgmm is mhooi A “mm” “H11 mun ma} i\e.ir .iliiimv rim ‘l vi‘

Pure white hair and delicate skiIi~:0lrir- ingwill find ll]l!]C\\‘l.‘l (ones most liecoiii-

haS €StElbllShed ing. She will be lovely, mo, in pn\\'dL'r mm“ M (‘W i'm‘m “mm!

it must lw. Sh. l‘ llI\Il l‘l

hair is iiri lf)|lX_’l'r .l‘.NllLlil'I i‘. i‘ li

‘bl . -- . ' ' , . -- the Pefnbef grit.’]:|?:|;LLi5:?fii[$::2Clr sh'|dL§' “uh aiipi-i'li in \|l\t‘l' L"4‘\‘ \'.lllll i l - ;\]| 1] . _]‘d,- I r _ H iiliiie lui (‘\i'llllllI, ‘-lit l l"’ l reputation for 5pDli:0:L“(l| :5"; “::}.i:i3‘i:::::.

l _ wcmi.-n of Lliis type. Silver h.iir Lniiclicd i l ""‘]‘ l-"°“'“ '5 flflrcc-ably ncccmcd liy , l l'.la[’|i'\(: ll.1Hll‘~ lllllll illlll‘

r ' - i he |n[f0(l|lCl\0I'I of srime bisciiii, coffee

Zr Cnranicl shade. [-‘or \\rirneii \\illi I l‘rnbli'iii llirllll ‘.\‘{"rHlilllJ \‘\ll‘V V _ I ' 'my~>rown iair, inn.-z. f V ; i . W -“HI CW1’-|“i vi: llll i. I Forhforu yyenrsu Pcmbers have been recnznizeil as deadly, Where lll’ I “ii in in am‘ \I|ll~(il—Lllifir ilLl|\ll\ Canndas, leading hair and scalp specialists We 'ir. 1;}, [H - k “W '5 "‘"“‘“'‘‘ ' ~ iv! llll makers of the Dbmnwend Patent wigs tau-‘em D tn e o ack_ and silver cspmaiiy when 1| L-iiuugli Ill!’ \\|lIkl‘s of Xiiillic 1-Ormatmns as we" as we hm“ and; mag)‘; . tn rnns- woman is of a higli~coloreil Ln,“ L_m,_ Suiiiim-r plin L’l'li||l‘l hm‘. \i goods. * 7”‘ “ml ha” lain medium prays are dlfillllflllifiliicd skin ili.iii iliv Ulltl and ll \ l “’ \\ our ,mmiy pefiected msh M. , . l.'Lilher lilflclvi or I V » V " ' W. i A ten hmus “tum ,0 irciiin h.iir iliai is. lliu lHllfi\\\ll}.' imwlll thzinthent 1 - '.D .inE"' ~ la 1‘ turn I ‘J’ v‘ .. ' l Scalp. 8 Urn h£|1|'la(,E,(lQfl(}§ durum,“ from the natural the ink Ll‘! \\|ll dc) mll in luv.-mm, (If linnd lmimi ili.ii li.i« P ““ 1 }*W}Vc calming Ill cosluincs as llluv CllL'L‘Ii\‘e, min’ «inn nill Luv N Ladies‘ hnlihed wigs H i, 5,“, M 3100 arciiicliiied to given (l|lllCOlDl‘lL:5\’ln(il; aiiil mli ili.ii (luvs llfi \\~l‘\ T0“Deeu . . $35 1:: $100 Th°'""‘l"°f‘l‘l1lI1gsuchliziirmasliizlii and l'(‘i|(lilV (ll1‘i|'>llllLl i\ l“"“ Gents‘ wlgs . , l 350 to $12’: mauvc l‘““ “T hlflc Casi, which has l)cun '~‘h-mld lie Li-iii in ilw (lulu lwH*' Switches ' ' ' ' - * - - - ~ - - - - -A $7.50 up a:°l“'("ld [W “WHY violalile \\'()l‘H[\" lli(‘i1iniurc'ir lllllC(' and iii ilu l a ma nlilkesll osr.'H- . , i ' . Sole Agents for “INECTO-Ra idn l1aifcd)(}PL‘ to i)nlrrixluL in‘. H“ FT‘|.V- 2 iv/,. (il_\'u~riii«, , V P 1 cc mauve or 20 \\iieli llil/|li vi. m ml: uzuilaiar nun ram... hair recnlnr ii , aiicr pasicl slndcs 1 r " . p""' "’ """‘ "M" *‘l=- 51-Z5. h:m:idi‘tid':iigni ‘R-mt‘ Cm‘-“Imus, and. ‘Willi ”i:rc:iLir Limnliig 1 Ml RME “llnlir clnlhcr. fur da L' - C. re‘ m :0 dmlv‘ ‘M in M * Th . - . y‘"“' .— air vI~i»~“"‘ e w T. PEMBER STORES, rimmed . kl


' .' , s'r‘ ELGIN 222r—22" VON ~ V

1.. IIHWXIUUVI. /Ircnrlu umuiu I‘a‘rl0ni ASE‘; :97" . rc ; ,