19 out 0“ the unpreposessing bedroom to the kitchen, now-ca m with we fire Bani: has ‘built. She finfls that gmtleman with tin 3:.-s.13ora fihut have urrivefl on the train at the table. cngroascé finer the news ana ixnghing bursting with laughfior over ménth olfl jokes Of the fhmgus Maggie ana 31355 {Bringing up Euther). it the stove nid: 13 pushing urouug a sorry mess of fat una a heap of erushoa eggs in uhich.brckan egg shells are minglcfi.
“Listen to this" suys_Buck. "Hag¢fo says ta Jiggs-«--~~
m beef unfi cabbage~-—~-~ “I'm hungry! I'm starving!" cries Hiraie hysterically. "Kola your horses laéy. YOu'r0 013 man'a gittih'
the gupger, I showed him where thp fihings figs”
Buck points with his thumb to an upturnoé box in which are several yaekagos cf food~~~brca& ac. The starving Birdie rushes upon itg seizes 3 loaf and bites voracioualg infis it.
Dick mounmnile aishes up his awful csncaction anfl carries it fi§ the table, where Buck's eyes bulge in horrar at at.
“Goah, ho. is than the zinfl of ants you New Ebrhcrs is used to? I'm flingoé glua I fillefl up befsro sctfiin' out to meet you”.
After the meal. the Dayfions sit in 3 sort of Silent stuyor. Unable to hear it longer. Biraic opens the floor of the shack. She is canfrontefi by the vast nighfi, utter stillness.
3 sense of immensity, finfi‘isolafiion. The new Burk girl is appa1— e& an& begins to r alizc the change what has come infia heflifo. flick, holfling his pnrchca thxoat gfianas bcsiée her mrfi years out,
%ut the two start back in fierror as a blood curdling maan .low1y