BETTER CO«OKErRY AT COST Goad cooking new mom e3c- ’Vi1,annn:iu_ E .M!l*)itl’ll {egulams pensive —- if you use Mamm in garorwtlh m Elulérem and 15 essen- Lhe kitchen. Mum’-Jars will Hallie mfl m sag;-ml mawes and good your soups and stews rinlrneu am-al M,,,,,,.;,;e 515 much more
more nourish yum mat. 555 ~ g g, mg‘ fig ;. and veg£wl:vl<2 dashes so up iirv “DMD/“ma l! M mm’ Wu
‘' . ;' V ndzxtrra-ms. You only need ing Llmal evzrwne wfll sway “*5 3 , ‘ . ‘ .‘ them. Mamie: — the gran»: E(‘¢- "5’? 9‘ “'7 ‘l““""gg bficémc 1; ish Yam Fund, is panirullatly ‘*5 9“ ‘_“‘"“"”““'“‘d" E‘ “ la’ 0 rich in the aylll-ixmtpmmm Yam MINNIE flWl3l’»
Cheaper-I and Ben‘ for 501.4:-1. Mews. Suarez, 5'wtIdlN!‘vt'M‘5 M4 071 MM Dwm, also as m Bmwmgve. Ft-)F sale :11 yam firmer (M-’ Dmgglm. new write nliiaxeu tn: MacLAlRlEN-\‘l’”RllGl"ll[' LIMFTED. 191,3‘ FRONT STREET EAST, TUIKQNTO. m Mumm-2 R-9 ' I uml’ Vnny Swmwfic flu sf Mu-rn»?H'. mum
Far 60 Dlrliri
GOOD COOKS are madle, not born
and wlmt‘9 mate, the lbmt of :cexall;~; say they are becom-um; bewttur msaks because at “CANADIAN Huum, ]uunNA.L‘5 Caalcnng (jlkm.
Have you enmllecl as 21 memlwmr yet? 5
All you weed cla is cut Gvfi WW gddrcss It-zrlzrcl tram this fD(|‘[.';fl7Z‘#|7'l'L and mail with your request.’ Yom wxll be sent the momlmly smp;pllc~ mcnt, entirely (me, to help you make the most ozf the cookery articles In your Journal.
See Page SH
44/ I-m-I Imulurlr mIrn»IlrnI——
Canadian H°"‘”° Jew”! 1 Tested in the Hm” Semi“
rwpfi _ - ' ta our eye.
intemtmz Efld£;f’:;E;;g55;b;g pIrlZE-
we mum not comthey were ineomplela.
§'i""e'?&al]:a?.Etuffum aside withousgwfig
0 W91 . not what W ‘ them--to was we know
ml'T'(l!i::e&alre some of the faults that put
recipe9Uutofthef11““lng: - ed’ 13/ No method. Jug: x; olglrifaftmifigbwy which of course 1 wgnifilnell munsurementa: ‘'8 map”: . f t1-1. Memuremeta geflfdfmflstandam xrmasunnx 5' v 1:5 mm? find s)3I00I'IS—I1nd all mueasuremfl shgfid E()egl{i¥1‘;‘ instructions so-metlmrs, ‘ w ‘l mm,‘ they um-,u14‘j| flrgeélilgh the mctlw success or Ia ure 0 . ~ So tin be defimte. deg?‘ lfldflfllfl; when you send 115 I10” 3°” I ldws‘ gurg you give them a chance.
. ‘ u nwdner 1 tin: tnmntn snugunked 1mlev3M6\>HE:fP YJM MT, H:-nr. mun and -an all)“ Whw d"—=°‘V"“- "*1 ~ m an . chopped no ery 1 green pl'lJ‘P“|’
1 {ml nnlon M cum almond“
I; u.. grated chl.-use lchnppudl .
’ 1 cup pm nnd 1 cup snlnd dresslmb
Mix well and leave to set.’ Serve cm crisp lettuce leaf with 11 little salad ch-e$ing.
—M1'.ss Mildred Caakslz-y, 111 Skerlmrn Slml. Winnipeg, Man.
This is what we called :1 lhormtglzly madam recipe, when one of Ike Home Bureau slafl’ brought it up for uttcufiml. It umkns use of two excellent prodmvtw (N ulnar!-ems, tliminutina u lot of 1uork—<flw eamwd Han]: and the prepared jerlly rmwdcr,
By the way, in putting solid»; inka or jelly mixture, we always let llw lal-ler lmzcaam cold and smm:-wlml lltickmcd PM-fan" samlaining (hem. Then Ike wlids dat -mud sink is the bottom aflhe mould. Alum, [hwy ntixs being afraid in any way by HM‘ lwnf.
1 cup rntincml mu‘.-.‘1
hum, M hnuom Fry :._hm twn lnguthl-r. Tm-n mm: 2 sum M.rn|nod tnmn» 2 runs In-1-!Murk
mm 1 run uncmwkwl mm
1 nmnll hay I--I-I L: u-mpmm Lhymr
,1; lmmywmnn curry [mwdvr Sun and rv-cl ])L'w1pl'l' Lu mm:-.
Bake slowly Iii hours, stirring mu czusvtnlflully in early periods.
Tlxns IS an very substantial dish. Ii heel’ stock is not on hand use 2 lm-uilloaa cubes or 2 teaspoons meat extruvl; in 2 cups of hot water,
'fMrst. Wulwr McMiclmel, Knm2'aI1‘x- lwmm, (ml.
1 nmtnlrl nnlnn
(MT ‘ I .. 1 . flewdw>u«u/I: feel that Mgn. 11l;p”l;:1:p;.1,:l¢
cc; [luv mnw film: tldnw, en] rIa4m~w.
z mum. mummmx 2 ; ‘ ‘ ,
» mm W: ..*;:r.:.':' ::.::1:'.'*"
1 ‘u Mm: rmmrm-Iy L llznpwlmm — C «er-m-ml» wn-lrrmtn M u-am...“ mmlkxn 1;! eat Kraut. Bent iTlK]'e(li‘eflLq L.,,g,Q¢,h,m
wlnlm Kruut ‘is hot. Let stand till email,
Trxlnl mm All/wnwl