Bonele ' Corse “CD Ia Never in the hi Cursetry has an Corset ever achie an instantaneo \vo1']dAwide accept approval. Girl women in every life have put this ably comfortable corset to the most tests, and hav fouml it wanting wearer nf n Lnv Corset pzmtefully mcnds it to others A rvrnminont ~.nmv|\‘ 1 (ml, Irnlnml, lrnv:-llml I met in the \VU( SHOP, {W1 YONG In Ln ulxuxin III.-s mnr ewl In-{urn pr:>(IvI:(l|vI imjmrmnl vnL’nL!(‘nu-I Unilwl Slnlnzs. A well known -:m‘\(*l New Yurk ( xIXI\1L'|Ilr\r, 1.. Shop, :4 Ynlxuv 4 «uh lmwra-Furni Cu A wife, \ her I‘h 1:‘ mu-:1 wnh .. um um! rr-\\nn ..r -H Hr (luv hip: nrm (‘uv'~(-I um ~;nv.n\ Iu-r |m*«Ilum (mm Nmv \'ur| mu Clrl-( nml wnnwn \\| mu-nun uml mun «Ix mm In luv Imlh vll .m-