zvlayfnir, May, 1927 71 i—IIII:. \ It;II II,‘ Ium|l« I. \\‘I«H\ HI‘ ' IIYLIHIIL ' , [Ihmt III I‘, Hrt H‘. hm] r I'H§‘.|I]"H I1,‘ F t I I lz.r'nI°, .II V L'\\ h V I V -nI:'LI II‘ It ‘Ix. 'I~ -II ‘ \ VI \ hI..~ 1 I‘ ‘ ' »» I pams n uen Ce In »_ "I \ mh hm I ‘ _ ‘ 1}HI,I The Spnnis1I ‘Inthxence 1§ s\V'eepIIIg Intf) fzujnr ht-I~IIuse nt it- I:I'eIIt sIIItIIhIhty In cunjunctlnn wILh I v HM I~ . I ‘ \ nmxlern l|!'t‘hitL‘(‘tlll‘E, Its 5tIIceue(l walls‘ and slmple H“ \‘ " ' effective hnex, Yuu have wen many hving rnmn-I N W '‘ IIIIII hulls we tre:Iterl—but have 3 I1 uIII;Il nuw ’ \'¥- -eulizerl the 10°-Sibt1IHt‘S for richness and l)l'lL{'il'It\1- HI I _ I _ ‘ , 7 K N‘; X It): In It hexlruem of Spnnwh deslgn. \ . "ml, X‘ t A Note of H1gh DIstmctIoI1 II -‘ W“ “‘ "' Now we have the Spanish bedroom. Indivi'Tt1N{se are nll tlIefIIuttl=5 \\1=hie1h lend the Ir:-IIer:Il , .I I:' I - f 1'III-niLIII'e [I unnlmr, he Hit‘ u I'n:IviIIIn itv. M m,‘m_, tln Hit 0 . III hm‘ M‘ Onlx III .\'u—M:II‘ [lII‘HII\l1'(‘ may the exelusive NI»-Mur fini-=h he hml. flu-I Iv\\H V‘ I I * Un“ffL-ytofl hv he:It. euhl or nmisture. {l[’t\'l nI- [)(‘I'['llInP—HIL' fl1!'lIlhl|’|‘ ML. [mi I ('\'(‘l'~l1\\‘tIl’l,i,",>|t‘I£|t run he _p;I<-um III’ the future. e HUII‘ E'v ‘ M. vml meept II ~II1Mi|IIte for Nn~I\!III~. DemIInIl the Nu-\IzIr (III: IIIIII .,,,,,._ \\]1h‘\ |_V|l[|l':tl][L't’. \\'Iite II~ Ilireet ‘If _\'U\ll' (it-IIler l'IIllll(lL sIIpply yum I. ’[‘]u‘.I.‘ ’ ~ UH \\'I'~’ ‘ ‘A IrIIuuII~ N ‘ . ~ '~i~ Malcolm Er? H 111 )\t uh‘ ([r)l\|‘»“ ‘ , Il~ Lw “ "mu ]E[:;_7llI14' II I‘ KItchcncr, Ont. Ir III: PIIIIV " )rL‘\LHl -.I.I I‘ ‘ ~ A H.‘-IIIIIIM 1"“ |l)t‘l1l1““mh:, [(I\\'II HIA W‘ l mu Ic I “ ,