11 s heara £rom.out fihat opaque blackness fihat aimly s;esks af Q4» prairie ana bag. with a wilfi scyam the tan dash into fine house, banging the fioar ané burricaaing 1% with ghmirs anfi tables. Buck in surgriae turns from the 01$ organ thaws Le has been amusing himself: '"Wh*nhat mas that?“ screams fiiraie. "What?" "That inhuman cry. qomeone is bainw muraerefi out there!” The cry in repeatea, and 3 look of anlightmnment breakg over Buck's fiace. ”Thafi! Eshawl Qhafi aint nothin' Eu? 3 coyoto._ fihcy been hangin' rouna this shack ever since old Rube éiea". "Coyute! Rube!" I “Yep. Rube was an 01$ gelfiing fiho boss was £ana‘af. GO? 4 EBHCH of them olé veterans he never can gifi no the heart to kill off, pna they drop of” fihemselves frnm 01% ago genvally. aube's been fieufi more'n fiuo weeks nan, though you woulfl'nt éuspeot it fram fine lingering amell of him, or the vay fihem coyotes hang awoufi his’bonca". Birfiio collapses into a chair anfi covers her face vita her ha“1s. Dickie sinks intu chair at table ana sgraawls out n; his arms, busying his £ace,upan them. {who screen should show 3 Coyote, out in the flashy nighfi, nose raisoa to the moon) ffter 3 While Dick reaches flu? his hané anfi yats BizfiiC'$ arm. “$'&on't he mfruia, 31% scout!“