1-11 wunu-. .-\111-r st-1-1-1111 1111111111- Wt I \,m“.,111 my 1111,-1111111 with 1,1111-11111y 113 I 1111111-1 111111 1111-11 11,,_, 11-1-111111-111 1111-11 111 1111- 1-111 1111 -1,, 11111-11111 1111-11 111 1111-1111-
I|.-1l. -'1’ W, V 1 W11 1111111, 111111111 111 11... _r N N ,,.1~11111111-1111-11 1111 1111» .,,,,,,
W ",5, ,....111-111-.1111. 11 11-11 11111 ,1 1111111, 11 1111111111111-1-1111111y1.1111- 1,11,, 111.1 11-1111. 111111-1111-111111111111 111-111, , W ,,.1111111l 11 11111111-1~111111 111111 111,,, 11111111111111y1111:"-N‘ l \-.1-1111-11.11111 1111r11,11111.1111111.11111.11 1111 1-1-.111111., 11 111 11 11-11 1111111111-11 11111111111 11 111111 11-1-11 1’11r 1I111111-«111- 111-1-111 ,,_,1,..11-1111- 1111111111111-1-1-111-1111111111. 1,1,1,-.1111-111 1111111,-1r,1 1111- 1 1.111,, 1111-11111 1.» 11111111111111 1111- 1-1-1111,111111,,. 1-11r1111I11~1111111-r 1111r.~111l:1111'1-11111,,‘ I1-111111111 111 try fur .1 1-111111111-111,1 1111111 11111 111111-1-111-1111 1111- <1-1-.11, llyi111:111.«'1r11t-1111. 11111 111111 1-111111-..1 11.1-11111 111 11111111111111 11-1111111111111-. I11|1.1r 1-1111u111y 11111 1111:.-1111,11-11111, 1-11 111- my 11111-. 111111 111-1-11111-11 11 1- 1111111111 111 11 111-1111 111111111 1.1 1111 .,11111111, 111111 1 11--11-111-11 1111.111 -1 xltltm l 1'1111l1l liml
1111111-. 1 111 Succtse
11111-Iuru that 11 1-1111111-11 111-1-11r1-111 h :1 ll|.IL‘lt‘l|S urmmtl \\|1l1-h l 1 111111 r1111i1lly 1111111-111g 111111111 111 111- 11111- 111 1111- 11111 1111-1111., 1 who 1111-111111111-11. 1-1111111113-. 111111 111-. 11 llm 1n11r11ct fur 111111111 1.-111111 nary .-\n ulca lluelltt-tl tu nu- 1J11117 I ushutl.
1 1
u." I [>ruu1is1>d, uml \\"l,l1nu1 I11». 1 1-tl-111u1:|1ln1-ry 1lL-ulur:1' \\:1r1-l11111.-1- 111 1111- 1111111111.
lhud a list uf saute thirty 111.11l11111 11-1111 1111- prus11ucti\'t- 1-11.1-1111111-1, 111111 1.-111-1-1 1111-111. 1111111-111 111111 1111111 111- alslc-. 111111 t-nnhlctl me 1.11 111111111 1 - 1l11l1un1 —rhe flret 11111111-y 1 111‘- 1g [11 L'l\‘ll|l|ll lilo.
ny 1-nI1u1r1v.-1 I had ht-on ::lr111-1. 11'- used 111111-1111111y 1111-11 1111.\ 1.11 -.111 aler.<' warulmuscs but 111.411 111 '1 'aer-.1. who Witll|ed tn rli.~pu>n' -11 " uary energy to get out 111111 -11-11 .- 1111z111 111 my 11111111 111111 111-11 11.1.. .1 1 1111- 1111111 11111 1111111111111 111 -1- nucleus 11 11 u111-1111 c111-111111111» 1- .1-11; macltlinuryl Why 11111 1-111-11- le other lism 1.-mbrucing 1-wry 1.11111 mperly clasulied and 111111-11111 1--‘ 1 1111 11111: 1 duubted 11111-111111 11-- 1111112 11111 tor 1111111111111 111-11111111, 111-1 111:! attracted by the prospt-U -‘l mud dealer. but I could not 11111.- 1 1-ah! lur my services up to 1111111 Illlmrtunlty to «111 other 1111111111-‘»- 1 tuvestluu any at my own n111111,\’ 3!-d expense. The real estata -----H mz house and lots and selling £111-In ) why should not an onuinw “ meryr
‘relimlnary sup,
*0 zlve the ucherna a trial I r1-n|-'-J e of the large bulldhuza, en 5111111 "finwzr-pher. wuu 11111111111111 no ----‘ 3 was out. and than startutl -1 " “*9 laduatrlal plant: £111-uu1:1N“' .1 led on them in my old cai--IL'1‘—" '°""‘l3 Wluirlus [or now n1ac111111-n- swung the cnnvnrlatlon (into 111-
“ °‘' "Walla equipment that y-'” 1111" 1 would unit. The result 1111-
W3‘ 1, 1 111.-:.:1.:.1:-.:::.1-111112-1111 11:} .1111 111 111 111. ,-1,;-_1_-‘-,1».1:1‘11:1“t.:.'-2'1 . 1 . flaw’ idle or Y
Animals I Remember St. Lzzzzzrz/.1" : A Tizorouglzbred
I 111-111-111 111-111-1-1-11 1111111 111111 11111. 111111-1 111 1111 111;-1111-111111111, 11111 11 1111111-1111.1 11111111-1 111111.11-1111-1 11111111 1111- 111uI1. l11r11l11111-11 1111yu11II1111| \1'Il| 11-1111 111 1111111111-.1 111111 1-1111-11111-1-1111- 111-1111111-111 '1'111-11- 11 1111111111 11111r1- (lllIl'Il‘lII'(' l11-1\\‘1-1-11 ur|11111 111111 :uIl111rlu111 1111111 than 1I11-11- 111 I11-111-1-1-11 1111- 11111111111 111 111-1-1111111 111111 111 11111111~11i- 1-113: l-'1111l 11111 l|111l. 1111rll1'11l11r lll‘I‘I’(l 111|11-1111-rl 11-111111-ra- 1111-nt, 11111l 1111131111-r l11,~1 l[lll|lIlil'.i, 11111 111-1111 11 1-luln, 11111] ynu w1ll lintl 1111- l‘\.'|l lit-1-111111-~1 .-u1l1,~1-1111-111 1.11 the 1.111111! I 111111 11 l|111r11111:l1|1r1-1l h11r111-. S1 l1117.11ru-1, l1L \\111.~'n'l 11111t'|1 M 11 l111r,11- IL-1 11 \\’i11111-r, 111111 l11- 11-111 |1y l111zar1u1u 111111. 1111111111 111- 11-1111 1-1111.-1 1111- 11111111111-11 111 s1111111111111, 11-1b11‘l 111111 l1 111 11 ll1I7‘lI' 1-11|11-r S1. l11w.11r11~' lIL‘|'lllIl(' my ]111r»1- l11-11111a1- I 111:r1-1-1| 1.11|111y|1111illl11-\\‘1111 11 r111-1- Llml. 111111-11-11111-1111111111111 11111»; 111- 11-1111 11, 11111111-111-1-1-111-1111
.1111111111 11111 11 1- 111111111 1113 11-111111-1 1 11-1111 111 .1111-1111 '1'111- 1r1|l|11-r 111111 11-11:1 11111111111: 111111 111r 1111- r1-111~1-1-11 111 l11-1-11 111111 l11111:1-r l11-1.1u.«1- I11- huul llH'lll‘ll 11 -111\'ng1-; I11- l11r1- 1111- 1|111l11-1 1111 1|11- |111_\r< \v|111 11111-111|1-ll hlm, ht-, -11111111-11 111111-r 11111.1-1 111 1111- -slurl 11r 111111111 11111 11-111-111111: 1111111111
l11111|1l1111111111 I11 1113'-1111|1l1--1111111-11r1:-1111111, 1.-avn him 11 111111111» 11111 111111111111, 111111111111 1111-11111 11.11111111111111- 1-11111, 111- 1111.1 11 1111-, 111111111111111» 1-111-1111111. 111111 111111111111
11111-1111111 111111»:-ll ll1- \\‘11u|1l lI'lll' 11r11uml 1l1t- yartl 1.11111-11|1111: 111111 l111'|tl111:,11111l 1l.1r1I11.' 1111- \vhu|1- 1-1111nlry‘ Ilt: 111 1-111111- 1111 111111 1111111, 11111 1111111111 1l11111'1 111l11- lumz. 111111 1 111-1-1-1 1.1111 11 1111111 1111 111111. 1111- 1111111 111.-111,-11111111 111- 11-1-1-111-11 11-11.1 111111. 1111111. 11111111111111 1111 1111111111; 11-1111 1111 l111n1ll1- 111' 11 lnrlt fur |Ia\’l111: 11111111.-1| nm in l1l1\‘ lhI|.:|1 in his .-«lull llt- 1:111. 1h114 with his 111.-a1| 1111110 lrl-1-. I1-1'1.1-11l1r1-ly l1:11st- to (ll‘lDlIll lllII|:4L‘lI tl l11- 1-uulrl, 11ml 1 lhinlt lw ll]l])l’L‘l‘ll|ll‘(l the llu-1. lhnl 11 |1111l ll(‘|‘ll it fair -«Q1-to.
1111- 111-11111111111; 11-as -111111-11-11111 111111111 1111-11- lI|Il‘t-1, 111. llrsl \1\‘lIL'I\ 1 111-111 1lt1\\‘I1 1,11 tht- yarll 111 1111111) 111111 111111 1111- sl11|1lt- 111- thr1-utum-11 111 111111111111111- 1111-. 111- r1-111111 1111 11111 1111111 11-1,1.-, slinulc I114 ht-arl. |!llluilI|3lI hi.-1 11.-1-111. 111111 111111 around and amuntl, unrl tlt-I'M-cl mu utter- 1y 1 11111 11 111111 111 nutujund sltawt-tl to him. but he luuizlled in deri 1>n~l1D was well (1-ll. All right. I closed tht- stable tlutvr; I \\‘L-at dawn again ahuut six 1i'1-luck. 1J]lL‘lI- ell Lh|.- dunra. and then. 11:: buluru, chlvieti him alluut l|11- yurd—na result I 11111111 the 1111a1-.1 111111111, 111111 11119111 ton 11-1-1111-11 111111 1111-111 ~it was culrl, tau»! hoard 111111 out 111 1111- yard calling 111 1111- 111 some 4111111 111111 let 111111 111 to 1111 nine w11r111 stall.
I showed myself ut 1111.- back 11»111111111~ 1111111111 1111; bright light, tn let him see 111111 1-11111111111111» 1 1-1111. l 111 hlm call fur nearly an l1nur1 then I went down with n lantern, 01111111211 the stable dnurs. 111111 he 11-111111-11 111. 111 nieuk as 11 lamb. I gave him 11111 111111, 1111111111 my 111111111 over 111: hack and r1u111-1.1-1-s, 111111 1111 111111. 111111 11111 11311121111111-1=__ cured 111111. 11 he 1111111‘: 11111111 sumo curiouu 1111111 11131111111111 1-111111ey1-11 tn hie mmzl the atlvantxtgns a! being a gand lallaw.
1111111 111111 1111 1 had 111 1111 11111.1 open 11111 11111111 111111111. IMP my flnzenl. call to hlm. and. Perluana wlth a playful teasing mund ur mg, 11., would name in.
I always carrlnd down 1; cnuplu at applm in my pocket. and he wnuld coma up to me. give me n llttla hunt on the aide of my jaw with his velvety muzzle, as much as tn lay. "Cams on, lut's huvn the uppln; yuu've gut It."
Now this was all a mnttnr hatweun St. Luaral and mo, lnr lm |_tlll ntulaed hla
M21cL1.-a11’s Mztgazine
7'/1/1 /1 11111‘ of 11 .1'1‘1'/1x1" 11] mzflmzl _1-11ru.,1—u// (r111-K//y //I/.1‘ 11/1/,1I1‘r/y
zun/ ml/.1‘/11//1//1/_y Cmimiiml -11‘-I‘//1'1’.
11111111111-1-111111 111111 1111111111.11111- 111111111 111111111 11111-1.- 11 11111111-1 11-111 1111111-1111; 1111- 11 111.111 111 11.1y, 111111 111111 111-11-1-11 111111111 1111- .«11l1-1lr11.1-1111111-g1111-Ll111t1:11v1- 1-111111111-o to 1111- 1-11r1l; 11111 111-31111111 1I1u1.11111111r1-11'1 1,111 —s1. L11z11r11- 11-11-1 11111111111: 11111-1 11111: 111111 111 11. 'I'h1- 1111111 1-un11- 111 1111- 111111111; 1111-11- 11111 11 1111-1111 11m-11 11111 11111111 111 1111- )’l|l'( This \\‘11a 11111. 11 hutl 1| 1~r11iI11111 111‘ S1‘, La:ar11s‘.~1 11111111111». 111- 11-1111 11111. 1111- 111r111-, 11111 wI11-11 I 111-111 111111-11 nml 11111-11211 1111- tlnur nf 1111- slalnlr lll! 1-1111-rutl wltliuut any 1.r111ll1l1,- The 1111111 wax .1:<1l1111|e1|11-1|; nu whip, nu |‘l\IlI, 1111 |1r111|a. 111141, '‘(‘1111111- 1111, 11|1l buy" ll111L|u-r vurintis, lhat.
Sl11II|h11L, the I'L‘r?4ll|lI ht-.1ll1un
A 'l‘llUUGll it llllll llL‘I'l'l llIll‘llIIl'|I l11r um [11 11.---mulute wllh 11111111-s 111 1111u1111111 11-111111.-r 1 1-1111 r1-1111u 1111111111-r 1'un11u1-~11. 1-V1-11 1l it 1l111;~a :-11u11vl .~rInlDWl|:|l l11111-11111
Tlu: Pcrilzln slulliun 111aul1l some up 111: 111-111 rumvn! .111-ps la my
311 w.
ll 1 l\'l R-\'| ll) ll\ l l- l{C1l'5
\\|11n l '1-.1111 'a11t|1 1111- .\Iahar:tIa 1-I \'1:1a11.11:r1tn1 111 I111|1:1, l an-1 :i|l111n1l ,1 111111-1111111 11111111 |11m1znl1-V. 111 11111 1:111L11111111r11t.«, 1111111, --1111111.-1113' lur- 111-1111-1],.1l1ur:-1-[11r1|r1\1n1: 11n1l.1lm11-L u11|11-I11-\‘al1l1-. 1111 \1n1-r11-1111 11111-l.l111ar1l l 11;» .1. 111 l. l111\u-Vvr, 11y 1|u- .\l 111raj11‘1~1 --rnlury 11111! 1111. |1|y 111111- 1111-1 1111 11-111111 1.11 11111111 111 1111111 1111-11- 11111 11111 11 1111-1-11111-11 1111111-11 111 1111- .\1-.11111r11 1 11111111 111111.111.- ll. -11111111_1- 1111-11111 111111 M11-11 1111-1 1- 11r11111~un c:m1r- 1.1111 1111111111111 111 .11-11 1111- \11111111- 111 11.11.1111 -.1 1111:111 1.1 111 111111 111111 1111-111 11111111 111 1111- 1.111 1111111111111 111111111 11 111.. )lt1r1:1111 4‘ ,\l11l111ra1:1 1-1 um.«11lt-r1-1l IJIT KLIIHI‘ [11 an l'ln1.:l1:<|1 "1111lt-111 n111n“, that 1-1 111 >115‘. 11n1- who Lzthu-1 1111111111111 1111111111111; 111-1111-111111. 31.11111 1111-1-111111111111 111 111s 1111111-111 l111~1:1:.1nIl 11111111111» 111111 11111111 11--1111111 11.- l1111'I1:1111-11
Any 111 1111 111 1111- 111111111111-111 111 111- 111111111 111-11- -11.- lrl-1-ly 111. my .-;1_-rv11.1-
111 u1l1l1t11111 In 1111- l1111-}.l111ar1l, 1! I 1131111-11 111 1:11 11m 111 111111111111111111 1 1111 1111-11 11 1-1111111111-. 111111 1 111111 11.11 -11-L —ll11'tl 1, a pair 11l l111r.-11-<, vr . ‘.\lIUllI'(.l L-\'1—ry lnur I‘l'lllL':1(1Ill1L' x1t-t- , 1 :1 rulay, H111. Ivtanlt-11 :1 l'|Il|l'lLZ h11r-1t- nml 1-11n{t-rr1-1l Wllll L‘X-5l‘|'|{t‘:Il'll-\Inj(II' Gill aha mm the Maha 1':1 Ina.-1t1:r of the 5I1Il1ll’:4 a111l £11111- Iutlulur ul ruvxtlry [III \\'lI_'1 cnn.-irlt-r:1111111 Itself and 1-1-11 1111- that my 11- .-<ht1ul11 111- nu-t 111- rt-nult 111 111111 111-u..- that in ma 1111-. 11 han1L<11m1- gray 1'1-1111111 5111111111 11111 111111111111 111 my 1111111,-311111 111 1111- 1-urly n1nr111111,- 11y a :13-1-1-; 1111- sync tank 11 upun 111111» 11-11 111 1111-.1«1 1111- 111 be careful 111 1111- lmr:- 01 cuume .111y 1111111 1111111 11111-111111 11113-:t1111g111 1111 withl1uIs1:€l:=(ullulthuI\'ery tltlng, 1-:1u11nn, with 11 new tune, but he m11:1Ln't lut the lmrau knuw that, 11 1111-I1urue l1nu1-1'11 1ntu1m1-Iy that you an! 1Al'raiLl it is a clue ol"‘1:1.1u1l—ni1,'lIt." Tu 11-11 the truth I a-11:11’: u 111: u1r.u1l 111’ the Persian. far he had :1 lu\'1-ly hruall loreht-ml. big full eyes, not showing 11 1111 more wh1t1- than he 1:|muld. and his ears stood up erect like qut-ry marks. wandering what I tun! like
Dareluplna Friendly Rt-lutluns
V ELL. we gut on faututuly In about we weela the I’L-nIian—I called him Shuhlmzv vmulzl cums up the eight cflneht slaps to the Vernndah. and so an mm the din- 1n1:—ruum that 1111.»; u.1s11 1-cement from 1111- 1:r1>und up. eat the hr1-u1l 1111 1111- table. nut upuuuim: a glue. and when I turned him about. and, putting my shuulders against his hi11d~q11urtt-rs. )'3|l$IIl‘£I 111111 dcmn 1111 .-11-111. 111.- wuuld only pru11-1111 to rent): his lulu: l\k‘\k xlruuntl 111 grub n11- 11y (ha leg I llK‘\'I.‘l' h.-111 any trouble \\1th him1 though I learned, 1111111- privutcly {rum Gill. that he had I111111-d huu uut of the Q\I\‘\‘lI 1\l1-— ther‘: p1-11utt- 111uI111- l‘1)r my LLS\‘. and WM‘ 1111!. for truhml would u -11u11111-1; him a lmtl hn , .-\luer I lL-It tliere the wil‘-.- 11! «Inc ul the ullit-tn: til the r1-g11111-11t, having utlmired Shuhhax, put in n PEIIUOII 1111- 111111 and gut him. l had no wry dulilttre an-uunt 111' what littppuzxt-d In this lutut p(\1|sv.‘&uIr ul Shahhn: Thu r1- cards are 111:1-km thlu rt-gurd,hu1 nutluu KlI11l.tlIt‘l1|1l,)' 111-111-1 not as nut-ct-sslul as I in uppoalimr tu hlx 111-1t1-r uulun-. In any event 1111 [mm ul-In 11- h-urn 111 the mull: was 11111: she rude him Dl\(\‘.
In later issues Mr. Prtuur will tmnlu appcur 11-11A nomo af M31 tin!’ Mlully urihs alarms of Mn Imrk. It-hm‘: his nlarpnilivlu kuowlodgt 11] animal: and Mair u'nuu-and Au uuaumu I'mn'gM mla human puuvtiuvu and 1'1nyul1un. utandu M11: in and good stead.