g Mayfair, May, 1930 1930 I
. ‘%é?'z:‘
Seven New Spring Shades
Mnrlm‘ “luv,
lllm-_ Sm “mi,
,‘ocm ‘flmwn 4, ..1
L , . , , I, \ k.1‘rI=nrh Hummu- t . - / ; dy. Ilruadwny Illnck
Mant- M. . uh - P. R. ailing brand c In: CO] d . . Ind A . at .ny I (up tg at the d Grrrrl. tt.rcn:.|cd !'°"‘° Ur - Tnr \\'t=x,t, Dtu=,ssFn MAN tmlny revlutrrs "1 m-“I ; and rlentnnvln hxtrmnttizing cnlur schctnen, “n'(.mcC:l’ j that i9. shirts and ncckwear to tumult hi- my .8 ; clnthcc Fn r «y t It I-EN I'I E.\ll‘ t\"\‘ ‘ - dye '~'l‘RlPl-‘,8, in «ten cnlnrs, are tleugnenl In '.D_ I _ t'ull'tll thew rcquircntentw \'nu tan nun- hm ' ' haw 2-hurts tu h:trmnni7r with any cnlur uf ncd «mt that _\‘Im mar dc-airc V _ Fmmru Gr,.V*rtt~.\tr.N'<. Srktrrs nrc manic in 3 M ‘ _ V’, _ ‘ ‘ lwu xtvlc-x with Iwu Ihilintl type-s of Fur‘ yer " nth cnllnru tn mulch nlul nlw tn thr ex- :5ucccss Llusne Print: l"rIt rnllatr nltnrlu-tl uni: )”‘::/l:,[",- 1|u-v tnn he hruetl at all turn‘: elm;-1 ‘on-ll no ?. that «It Qt‘. ’1'\' -him. rm. s:-rs n was A '! [tum F\lFN'5 brnwtsuut nlm hr I-I-tznnnt in h.1\'ing 1 I-‘nrnth Fnrltelt 5hnrl< nut] Furlmlt puj.nm;t~: alor: In t - utrselvcs 3 5
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