Santa, A“ |‘rt.tth at the 9.11:1-we tvta»:tr~|']‘. little lvhtu in It. all‘ =.l:1u t\\'.\‘l'tthg tarts architvcctnr .1171‘ tum v ing the p¢:nc‘u mt’ \ Dttutn Iv"'Iu»t-wt ttnri\'.1l‘«Itc(l-L-ct . I" St. _\l.trL'< I"‘[.n,t- I

:\ 1I"(;-ll['\ tut.

'.x\httt,- with .t < -at thm < t-n=u-

fi"l<Llu1t' Iv-\I_\". fluttcrml out I'vru~n1« the -ht-te ‘l‘w-rt- Cathcdt'.tT 't|"]'tL_\ r.1ttltv.:t1 'I‘I*tr1wI’t.t chnntccl‘ \'t‘h.!L T l.t.ntptv \.\'.t< lrihntcd‘

htr» titan! .k.r‘E't1r‘14H'L“. --tiwwt wt H51-\ , .tt t-1:1-0 .t«mI .1 tttltcwtntxt-_g' .t< 3]‘ u-n- tn Iht=~tr InD1)1[‘Avtl||l'tiI')L,'\'. llh-mttT ~“[=Htl‘ CL‘l'L‘mH’t‘t_\ um tg-uvtttg run. ‘F’!-U! .1-« It» um AWN ti-t.L Cnnttnunt, II‘ M .19 tn.nIu; .l‘~ 'l‘tttlu- ut|v‘vtyv~tt~t\u .t~ po*:.<tlt[.cf T |'l-I3 .tvtn-r-i«t'x fu::t:r~t~tu--\- ‘[IlFHtltl‘1i”’.'l (‘Int-lt’Lt'l4L~ is not reattr-tux, In their LV|Il'll ' there, at all.’

:.I. H:t.r~tI«t~ttmwt*.« Ltrtstwl ‘€t'|tI'lI'tLH'l»|.‘ 1 .1\ t'Ivtuu1tt.t_v1l‘-t mu ,3]t~I\tt‘|y‘tt',VL7-tjlrt‘ thtr htvinu;_r

}'H“. tU:t]vw1it<tr_\ ~l.1tvttrI‘~t wttt .t< t-1.1: trtrt-mt untit- fipt-tttnttts ml‘ I-nt' tvt-twtvtrtn-vrvtnt--; Wt -v-tx1tl.t-It-t~ t1't:tr<,L <t(v-rim, the ‘-L'»LH'Itt(*i3 h.t\ I‘-n-1' Wt-t-t ‘l't‘1'lUl'I ‘In’ Ihtt \~ {our'tc] f. ‘I'1:t'iI‘ItL'K. tt‘I:tr- l‘.1‘,l‘ ‘In |;|’)‘IlHTH‘|ltIl\'l‘1 wt-1.1,‘ m/do c/Vtrm "Finis ftu, <,}ttll\[(\t||\‘<l] wtv In tinny vtvttt|.v'\ CnI]‘ll |t’L'r(“Fl‘—l'1\kl‘ tut thy H n tut-11|rwt= mt!" .\-I~1rt-Cr k-tilt-'3 hr 11.Id L'1It[1L[ll«kl(‘K:]‘ t|'ttv'v-vtrttL"1-1 N11-t‘ L'*l*\"‘T‘|""«\'1"v “iY'U"I“" ten-yplag. L'€l\t‘ IHIttl- tht ‘vL MN ht vt-1 xv! i.-trtt«~t«t~t-' l'm:I]"tt'l‘~ snn.tht\. :1‘. ‘I'|rIItttV‘lL"]It tttH4(" \t\-‘trt‘ ~<l'|'H1“"l‘.‘ *""““‘ L’ stunv cttn .1 I't‘|« mt utlw-It ~t.ttt»|~t«u. tit \t .t<t=t't vthvv ht-In‘

~n Mu, hunt ~wt»t.trr-,tl I'M)

I . tvt.ttt'um. [‘|'|‘Itt[-L"]'| it \&.l\ thu-

\.i,,k- “J _t wt-ytt.t‘I‘l bu tmttt>ttt«t-}; {H N *7.

n.n,r tl:]«t,‘l ‘[1 Hit)!-‘I-I» 41 thy \|H‘tliIV|fHl

pnlptt I\_\ I’i~:tt1u

Xnl It \\.1< \\|lL'l1 .11 .| ~‘t;:n {rum m_\

l||'(TVVI]('. fl \\'i7.L‘n('lI \‘|?|'L'('l' \.'lnL' |\I1C ttrvtc lttltn the dt<l.1nL -.upo|.1. that cu-r.\ fthrc tn nm 4[tll\t'IL‘LI utth dcltglttfnl <.'\'.'t]I.1IttIn.

NIIHCnl.lI'\CIttf.lLr\l|‘iltL!«pr!-Itlt1|Zvfu[ the it-nml .n-Id cnnnhul tt ht-vnml th-- [t‘”iHL' t\<i1‘ snout- nm-~~ flmatul \It\\\'l‘t In H11‘. It had thc tullncs-2 nf an urgztn Lhr-td, :1 mtpv:rtt.'ttur.1l In-.utt}' \\!li\lt ix t.tntr;m\L1t.thIv ‘\nnI IIIINI cnrtmte «J .1I|. nu‘ u\\ n \(|iLk' \\.1~’ mnu-rtctl lay cunt.) |lI)\‘t‘L‘n khtllr -n that uhvn it returned tn me, it huun l'ttt1'Il1tt‘fil7L‘Ll hex-r-nd rcmpttttmtt.

HI‘ I.c.1ninL- Tum.-r has In-en hlu-nu<.I In the T<I\\('r0fB.t11L‘]. I dn nt:-t. Lnnu It--\\ truly. I?-nr I -nctcr mw that A-nc, hut no ~truLturc- multl ha: l‘tt_’hY.(‘r or more t.>r.uL-fnl. ]‘I'lL‘|'IL!-L’ll|Lll. In,-Iny .I tnan of \\'i:~dntn. remained ht,-lou uhtlu I m.ulc

thr .1S'.CIH np\\.1uI . V .‘l[)l\1ILUl1I3lnllhlrlitl and

t‘l\)_’]1l_\' <tcps‘. I think. The spiral sl.tir\\.t_\' ttlt:

-Ilnrntlrmly. Cwcciall) on the donut «idc. MI tltltl \t hen ‘I I'l.‘.lt'|L‘(] the mp and pun-r-.-LI tntu .\1V.'|Ll.‘. nu -.utts.tttmt \\.u-. that. of Irmkitnz [rum .1 rruhtn: thunk, HI .1 |1c.t\_\ sr:.1 Nu l\.l!4L‘ is \'IS|l1[L' .H, H“! Mttptzcrittt; rJiutI_\ our of the c.tmp.1niIc zunl \‘I.I|1L]|ll}.’ hcttctth its :lt.Idm\[nt: pittttztclu. uhinlt ix’ ~‘i\ttr:n {um mm of phnnlv, ts nut the tnn~t .tt-zru-:th|c of um.-K uxporicttncs. The I-mcr rtcclm tn I"tlII\'c and [1I’t’Inlt<L'|IllL"< imtnmlintu DIKIlllI:liI|ll. "H-It Lzutdu <.1It| that} pcnplv ttt\v\htnl.trt|) mm‘ lhrtr .trtn~ tn [1l'l|l[‘Ll their I-n-.nJ~ and that it, \\'.l°» nut llnLHt‘l1l11IIl| fur tnnri<t-; In thru'-I Httl thur l'!?tl]\]‘~. .t: thuntzlt tn [Err .1/rm /mgr‘ '7/‘J

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