Julie 15. 1925 c Facts Startle Soviet gl l. MucLean’s ll/IflB'aZ””‘ ’ i l Economi Quebec .-.7,-. Furs of Quality C ANADA pI'OClLlLL‘Sll1(‘ FINEST Quinl- i[_\' furs in the world. and as one of Canada's Leading Fur Buyers. I am in ft position to supply any need in the flll'.llIlE, whether raw or dressed skins, or the finished article. It costs no more to buy GENUINI1 CANADIAN FURS from me than imita- tion or inferior articles in many other places. as I buy DIRECT from the TRAPPILR and sell DIRECT [0 you. Your patronage is respectfully solicited and your SATIS- FACTION IS ASSURED. J. H. MUN R0 Quality Furs nu.-..i..i.,g.. llrlllsih cnluriiiilii London oddrul Juiu i. oriiita. ms. mic ../ ciiiimiin aunt If colltnltltt Liinliiii Slur! :osI€.sa;.:e-ya-iii...-vi ... -.... , ~. 5. q~. 4.5 :¢._.... RADIO PACK STAYS HDTFOR 12 HOURS A "HOT WATER BAG" WITHOUT HOT WATER no LEAK5 NO SCALDS no TROUBLE riiiu marvellous new ini-eiitinn iu ii harm to invulids. travel- lcis Ind iill those ii-hu iippri-ciutr» cuiiiriirtulile hniic. Jiut add u tnblitspiionlul ur cold water and shake the bag. It hi.-iil.s incl! Ind it-~u hot tar l2 hum. It iiiis inuiie the hot water bottle old fll iuiiuil Sent prepaid uri rucuipr ol $3.50. MARKS, MERRITT 6. CO. D‘\>|IlK L‘/lder BOIJ‘/Lz"i'l57” /'1//ll” New THUIK and I,”/“J-Hy at Jliiid in Soviet Coilnrilr. .~/mtlida NlClIOI.i.-\5 . .».. Vu ABLES llHl‘li}L|lIL'L‘(l l| fl‘|\\>‘\lWc‘l" “iv rhiit I)ZL‘|’lllIsl(li rutlle-rm M. the Hillé(llI}\’ll( iuurei prim-Mum. tor the riiiiu in-mg. R\LS§Ii|llhD W‘ M lIlL‘[illDY, hurl nriiiuiiiicuil that E ‘WNW coiiirudr-s lit the ruliniz irwuli “I ‘;"Z,_m,.,. ivnru iiiiriut in or-giii tlw tlwlil lillllj m L_ or ]Il‘|Vni.t.3 properly i-iimi.-lciiti. V ‘I séd iulh ruviilutioii Ftlcturlts. li)l|>»_‘-“O mg; worn to he rutiiriir-il lll their niiiim ow govt-riiiiiurit It-iiae. iinrl ti\l:&|(‘I:‘ my ngrcctl tn iiriuri up iiguiii mjrd " ‘mm inure.-i iiiitil their works Slmvvt“ nil h The Rail l)l|l"lliHi wlucli im""“L*Yn,m |iL‘E7\ given firciorenliul traiiiiiieriiduvrd m mllmllullzktl riiiimriis. worn or art U griiiii credits in private ov.iii-rs til: eilw turiiis Even lrireign capitnl. I V‘ :inntiunci>rl. nuuld he eilcuurngerl ll? tlumlup the i-iiurriinus iintuppud mineril Weilltll of nusuiii. I _1, 1, The wtirlil wiliiilcrcd wlilit WL|:| l|.It Ll‘ this decision by the ilcwltall Iiorls \\_ in Iiiive hci-ii ruling Russia with «pics. tiring squads uild lIl\:t|'lE|ll