12 «$2 the worm. I looked mm aw under and 1 our notmng but snow. now, A world of ,—--unenitng snow. lloundo and hillooke and 12% ‘\,§? @~IQ_,='}"'!f:'V *5”-"—“ , Great, towering hills. whit} snow: €1g;»‘;_V,,t~(”ewoep3 or snow. thcanuws and mzung. mung oeeeelcselgf the thick, endless anew; Even my cock, stolid. meme: 0: seanunaua sat 1n the kitchen rocking horeelt and meaning something in her native tongue. when I asked her what she was saying she replied; "211! the and o! the world!" I was starving for hunan oom- Annl was homesick. and so was I. I was worse. than hozoeeick. pamionahio‘? once 1 said tint mm people with resources in themselves needed. no otrer company than their own. mat was tlippant eophistry. Utterly futile tuner the test. write? I went no to my little trunk. but I bean to cry befoz-Q 1 even opened tze 11:1. What could I write? Little fairy-151:9, deltct Q romances of Japan? I went up and down the stairs, in and out the living room, the dining room. the office. the mtohen --everywhere. I piled great logo on the "tire. I yhalh amok tin Moonlight Sonata into the mono player and plqyedit ml! through I changed it to Jun. No go. I tried to read, but cou1d'n1:b concentrate. ‘flare were 2500 book: on the shelves cream that great living room and the floor was bright: with xavaho my. oh, I d1d'nt lack my comfort as tar as tint goes, but I was lonely. terribly, oh! wildly lonely! ‘I thought of size 1131212- glittering alone Broadway; or tea in a Rea York studio: or fluttezy chlflton I hoyn to think and think mad think. dresses and silky thing: that I myself lad once worn. I thought at tutoebe and Follies girls, of First nightl. ot the Ipora, or George Golan. oz mud Balance, of. pouring tea in Dan Frohunfla room: above the Lyceum. or non- ; ,‘... ..._..,, ,_,“_;_ paper men with tired tame, so keen]: 1131:: has up. I :- as the dead, all ehrouded new» M :dv£c.%¢,: