et Readjusted . » - 1 HE MEN who made this continent rlcl in wealth and opportunity did not go about wringing their hands and Q“:-lkmgtli: their boots. They worked— Whet :1‘ going was easy or whether it was hat - For nearly three years too many men: Who themselves have had plenty to eat and to drink, good beds to sleep in and comfortable homes, have spent hours and hours predict- ing hard luck and disaster. , The man who is saturated with gloom spreads i‘ it. Vt/hen he loses his sane, clear-eyed vieW- ‘ point he may seek sympathy, but what he really needs is to be shaken out of an un— healthy frame of mind. And the man who hoards not only robs his family but fails to do his share in promoting normal business and employment of workers. He aggravates the condition which he deplores. Some men need jobs——need them badly. They must be helped. But more men need to get readjusted to conditions as they exist. These men may need to readjust their mode of living or their way of thinking. Worries fester and grow in the dark. They shrivel and vanish in the light. There are times in every man’s life—whether he be strong or weak, brave or cowardly-when he needs the counsel of someone who is un- afraid. And there are many who know that our country has battled through difficult periods and has always emerged stronger than before. Get readjusted. METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY r...a...i=i. H. sgim, i=....i.i.,.. CANADIAN HEAD OFFICE OTTAWA 1912 . . . SIXTY YEARS IN (AN ADA. ..19§| CANADIAN 1vIo.\tE JOURNAL A SONG or BOHEMIA continued from P659 6 ',~_‘ 115," Blanche's 8 wEncto;,r,‘,§€:ixl1-ii) to Schul-rofska. e aiaenius." 5119 d°°]“"°d' "MW I day; Biigxctiizogvihien 11 little at his own cnme. , , h Her eyes were still far nN1Y_*15 5 E replied "Mm A,-mytage is sending me in her car. fhflflk Y0“-" As she slowly descended the bflilflid ' she saw Schukolska leave 9 stmrwnyhich had followed him inf!) the Eiilnp Xi: the bottom of the stairs he rriieti her "I have a taxi. Blajana," he d. V! Dflieiienm gaing in Mrs. Armytage’s car, She held out her hand. "Thank Y0“ ~ A - Good night." She wanted to say mfire. but couldn't. They stared at each ot er. "I will see you to the car. Curl‘-E Pemhertoa announced at her elbow. --M,-g_ A1-mytage says I am to call for you toumrrow night and take you to the fatival," he continued as he escorted her out to the driveway. His fair head bent towards her shone in the moon- light. At the look in his grey eyes her heart heal: faster. She smiled a shy assent. NEXT morning Blanche‘s thoughts wcre all of the previous evening» Schukol'ska—his playing and Curtis Pemherton. When she went clownstairs she found breakfast set in the kitchen for the din'ng-room was a display of embroidery work. Draped over chairs and table, runners, squares, peasant hlou.-am and odd pieces vied with each other in pattern and brilliant colouring ol red, green, orange and blue, Through the door Blanche watched her mother survey them with pride. "Are they ready for the festival?" she asked. Her mother looked up and she continued. “I'm going tonight. Mrs. Armytage is taking a party.” “Oh, you're going with her, “her mother’: eyes returned to her work. At the tone Blanche's colour heightened, but she went on as if she hadn't noticed. "A man I met, Curtis PL-mberton is calling for me. He has travelled all olvr-Tr the world. He knows everything and everybody. I was amazed when he talked to come for me.” At a sharp glance from her mother she added hastily “suhu. ltigsrlfn Sclxlumol in and played alter din- mn;_ve”w:5|Bhed eastatically, "He win; Her mother ' - "I," he” him S1l:':1£9htlh‘t mi,‘ ii , indignant. So she \\‘l["l*(,d‘,“,“ i w, _ She coulrln'L iinil('r>liii|:1“ i _ _ She was unfair. .~\ll lllh ii." 'i i encouraged her 14Ui)[A1l(‘:\n iv“ - her to he like the uilwr iv ‘ she seemed to ]‘f:5I‘,‘!‘.l L came and supper, hm, E,‘ clash Blanche ate ii \".lV|Il\\ 1:, She was relieved “Iii.” K H to see no sign of her Tlillilltirfl x. hurry with her CiT|‘\\,”‘irrv i. l, ‘ and waiting \\ll[‘l’\ (rm. ‘I called. He smiled i\llI)Tl).‘_V ,i V grey eyes (rm clliail from 11 l V, ,, pumps to her lilnnrlc hair [4 ‘ black not drn-*=.. lii- \i‘l|| , glowed and she l'P\'|‘lll‘ll H attentions. They nrrivi-d at the Llw L '- wcll filled. They took ti u , left hy Mrs. 1\l‘lII).‘i.\l§\‘ « nw Pemhertnn‘s\\'lilili-tn; of‘. ' was the exhibit of h ~‘i visited during the :u im; “Work that rcrirrwiimi pnticnt lnlimir." hr‘ rviti-r~ l . amazed at tliczirtisiivliir-rii even in the most \'l\irl and r It was interesting to Univ l l p which they nilernd tlivir :!.s_, the youngest 5L-ll»i'on-i-‘imi ~ dress to the oldest ‘-it) ii..< .". spinning wht-r-l —" “Tlicy arr prnuil ml iii‘ - r Blanche il'H.Ql’l‘ll]"itL‘(l .\iirl .' i scrutiny she was siirim l herself say vcliemonily, ‘it Uri a lot to them ” \v.i.- ‘ , . ‘ ‘i..i l LE The lights llimlictl oli .'|l.4l’ l « l’ :.l of the refuge of (l.irkiir~~. \\ i Hi‘ matter with Curtis l‘l‘li\l‘lT' ~ ~ ll‘ Last night he hurl um uni ‘ I ' Perhaps it was lic~r.~wll Sill‘ l . i -H upset all day. The curtain run‘ and «ilw i nwliy on a wave of suiiiz. l"- grnntlt-iir l'C‘lTl|l‘l\l[‘ll l‘lL'l' of iii l the 8l"l|. She fell Lhn lwzii i 5- hr-nrL‘a. From tlivn mi ‘il|(‘ ‘ii the l‘l\L|'=‘ll.‘ igii-mi lry tliiv ‘V i i.i<)n£|lili0'~\. Thu flllllllll. i‘H'»l u atoil hor. Slw \\'lli[‘lH‘rl lUli(-Lll|lil’L' willi rlr-liizlil, .iiii. H]’Jl'll'l(l(‘ll ill. ii H[irii;lill_v 1' lullowizrl by HM‘ 'l'.'ir.i:.H ]‘.i and colourful it \\'I\ if .i i how hnd aiirlrlnnly ili»Em:~i~:.i‘ii. with joy rind slit-or iilrrimluzi M EVEN your eyes at themselves. Befo handkerchief to [em We iflready begun t ‘l"=5h It out. But yoi Hess. They cannot :4 °‘ Pmtect themselv m°’°- 315)’ have nc ‘h°Y"° in trouble i Ii, El"li.l]|.lFili|Hilr‘l\lly lllziiiiuw M" W Curtis P(‘ml)l,‘l‘lJ)ll Ln )lilL4“l “ “J Ev T’“€‘dJf0l1aw.i criticism of "lrilivrisliivlt ' - ‘‘ JW en te . hor progriimrnu and hit, liur lip "“ _ 1., with shah ‘ha? are 1 cluigriii. She NLl]l]N>‘il‘rl hr ii ‘H ‘ W as °W thfllt hel} much that this imiiiit llllllum‘ W the yen: Pass VVL-ll . . . Sim \\.\‘? uhui i.~i..» mi . ll‘ fact that in ' ill tllllt. Dclliintly Sill’ liltml in adults one than the stage. , Hi are Victims _ V ._ min‘ ' _ work’ ller I.-yon gruu roiiiiil in I_ i 1 E‘ . ‘In at cm, She ahmiik lmi-lc .inrl i!|'-“i“‘w; forum er S gramme. ()n tho si:Ii,'I> ”’ ilwi R is “llpracticei costume, l‘yl,“~' liriizlit. ill" __ " 1 Eitlhlished th ‘ nervumily wiui l\t‘l' mHll|l- Ong Indus 9; ciiuglitlierhrt-ntli, lll‘l"Yl\lIlli4.‘l Evmth “lily PM to sing. The rim. v of llw aux“ of en one is oh on her l'()nBElli\IHl\l'*.‘%:i; ii U){l‘l ‘Nth that m with huge pull‘ slur-vi-s, wiiiv ‘wwr , S “SE C: ruii iimi lull l14'nVlly - ‘WM i.; I; llch amid skirt A lluwini: llviul-ll\'I‘~' WW ‘ii. of mi C more wreath ol llmvi-rs lllll illl‘ I ‘ u ,,r la" d¢n- _ a week, ( her mutlir-r's liiiir, tli«- siilluiim ‘hi :1; wand skin. 1530 . uful ei ml‘ AA . 1 r .v» i-A mull same dram Flu it “‘ in Curtis I‘omlivrLoii’~i \‘Hlf“‘l‘-M W.» A: The colour {law to Bliim |l dM,.~II“"' her motlier begun to sun: “(irtlllfl The tone roac shrill and Il‘“['h|,r.ii!’ song oi’ Bohemia. _ . in MN“ i .ll’) (CDIlll)llll‘(l mi [MW