
ASCINATINGLY beautiful in colour

and sheen . . . flawless in texture and

fit .‘ . . your taste and your judgment both mstst upon

Bclding-Cortieellij Limited Mtxntvral Turnnm '

Winninru Vancouver


l . ' "Ll the lettu- ~ - lttch h.i\e CI1J“}’~ « mt: thmc \\ _ . , » _;_ \ date. it is P°’°fb1° [0 11 The striking fact ix

' the

. -'ll be marl) ““"“" in

(I'M lhlcf: 311.]; are not included in tin‘ End is i he historic-al ex:m1F‘l'-‘ of h Ra” “rhicln ‘Janine-d lJ§' York critic, has run for live “.5 no sign of (.ll\‘S0luLlDl‘l. re\ie\\'er can d0 15

cat runs |0 sen\l~le anollter.

SCC first, such Jbifi 1'” emit‘ NB“

3‘ear< andlshn “L " 'hus A\l tie F‘”~'5° _ ‘lush in “hm; other angel: haw lnctctl feared to tre:1d~:1nd then leave \\or

that he is out to all callers from Tor0nF0~

To begin nith, there are but lC“' P_T°‘ clnctions with 5| P°‘“l”" ycalmdlan interest at the mentcnt. "lire lnlcdolglrl parnhle Beatrice l,tlhe‘ otliertitse it 1 Feel, as lull oldelightlnl mtselttel-'t>c\’L‘I’, has hecn here for some months PF‘ 1"“ hm. gh()\\‘_ Oh, Plrrut. wherein the shares the honors with Ch:trlc.~ \\ tn- nineer. hm nD\\ zone on [l\t"l'0a(l and Nllc will doubtless appear in [omnto at an earl)‘ date. Another performer nf Canadian birth, jmnes Rennie, who alsn (‘ll5iilH1l|l§l|L‘(l himself l)?’ '"“"}’l“¥ l‘_”0 the Gish family ~is .1tprc=;cnta1:\pe;tt'ttte in at mr-lndrama called Crime, at the Eltinge. lr is doubtful, lIO\\’L‘\:C|'t “ht-[Imr cvcfl .1 strain; sense ml pzilrtttb km “Quid jnctili an eit-nint; went thereat. Then Claiborne l"t:mer. who played several season: in stack in .\lont4 real and elsetvltert-_ is starretl in The Slmtzr, at the Klan ht Faster has become (lCS(‘r\'L’dl_\‘ prominent in New York in the last fen seasons, but The Sinnzr does nnthing to enhance her reputation. Certainly she norkc hard and gives ul het best but 0nl_\ .t miracle could he of anv service to the piece in quefliun.

;\ssutning. then. ititvrnzttional vietipuint lnr critical pttrpnses. let up Lll\l(.lC the currunl alluring; inln three grnnps; llT<l, the ct-tiotts; secutid, the mmedi nr near C()llll'tl}’ and, third, the pure-l_\ ll]ll¢iCK|l <lm\tw:.

,\s the first nl these inciitttlyly lt‘.’l(l§ in in the (llfctllttll ml’ the Tltt't1ll't’(itItl(l. .1 law wards retzardintq the Gnild‘n acti- tilies \\ Ill not he ntntus. 'l'hi~ nretmi/:t— Itmt, lrntntletl 21 l(‘\\ yt-tin nun ht .t lmndlnl nl etttlitt.i.tsl<, (lL‘\‘Ult{l il~t-ll tn the wztreli lnr llllll t-ltmve ‘iprilv /ruy‘ ml, as Kllfilllllglll‘-llt‘tl llUll‘l Ilte Iillrljl} crmttnerciztl tlrntnzt will: tvltitlt llIn.trl— nti} hntl an httn: lirt-it l-llllllifll‘. 'l':, ll“ ‘|~‘l"vIti'»lttiit-tit ml .1 tit’:-rtl, ni.tn;.


tvmplc .'|IlLl the tiller £llllfl'/rlllvlll rtl niml til lllt‘ nhl win at llEt|l—ClIcl\'llll: nmtttttn-.. their attcewn \\ .1: lllllifbllllllttl \\'mltittt_v ~tll,‘Jtlll}’ x|ll‘tl‘l'llltlt'llllV\ fur the hut l('W V <|'~\tIti< tit llI4' (mrrtclt, .l 'tx7](1l| lllt‘.’tll‘L‘ mt \t‘~l t;llt Mrtr-l llltj. ,.tn~.p.ml H) W-‘ll zmtl Ihtn lIlt'lItltt*l‘-lllll lllllt‘.|‘vl'tl ll: ntch rill trnnt vh.n llltt lmlltl lllLtI “tn. ..t.._\t.......

l l l

-.u~n nhlt lti l|‘ll"l »tl.tntln JIM I-ll l‘.ru.itln.u, till :_'t|(l Slim-l tllltl l{_ the rnmt lnnntilttl tln;nn- in NM lI|T\ .l-i “I ll H1 gr“. “f It“ L|mm“ “M no (‘H-rt tlnu ‘I'v‘!wlVllllklt‘nl l.n- Ilteir I \t‘r_ :"El<“>\lll’ -’ICl|\‘lLII R .'intl |llL‘_\' nhu hultl .| “pt "II ‘ht now lntn. (.«.ttt.~.. 't't.. int, n itv l)ll't(l{‘i it-nlln i llplrnvn‘

llll\ '\l.L"y they 11...”. mtm, N“ plan tvltrtt-lug, two plan.‘ uhH”_,m_ \vCt'hl_\.'.tltnlrlltil|lt:»e‘t1]‘(,f‘“,.§ m Mug ('1".’m“""”t‘ ~lnm« Ill .ttt. \[\ll ... tn.

llll n.tnt:- rm t\ll_\ tvtntlttcltrni opt lI|l("-. J“1|Ct:r|lll(lxlt'ftlwnlllt,llllsis .tn t'\t‘Ill ‘ti small import: ice.

‘M l;l]“"“ rm” Ill-W‘. lllree l1l't')])L'll) lttll

O In rate my nl 5(.T|(tl|S fillL'IlIlL"~ ””“’ limit’ :1 1h with and th<«t- vn-e

"' "" “W lwwmm-.nff, Aw nicer./.1. I

M«.vt'at»», n...

or MANHA"l"l‘AN

Crmltuttevlfmnt pttga 4/)


Drtugltler and '1‘/,, 31/‘_ lllfil-l\JIlTlL‘(.l I'll-‘l\' L,__ {lym i tr ltom ltlrlllcl (ll5Cll§Klti[i- it

mentlable effort lir KL M , ~ . l tletnct the h.1\ue \\|\’IlllIl|t"H|l l

who O\'Cl'-lliUtllt‘l‘:~ |n.r H lll

gratification of her tutrhi ' l‘ i

the same lime lilllg U‘ ‘T’ .t l Lt.

tnntlterltood It is .1 1;“ l ti.‘

position, -”|l[t‘I‘llt1(l\’r\1‘\ (WM boring and In the main ["[\|l l ,

able piece of \\0l'l(, mhimlht 1 . l L‘A<l \\‘l]iChillCll.ld(“,ll1|.y‘k]‘ttlllil hut it is l1t’llllt2ll7(‘ll(~‘“m. \‘l‘” L

ch)’/_en others‘ l\lZl_\'~« nl the H“ none nl which the tier,“ I“ period will lll\\t' lllllt‘ in tr ‘‘

cnn9icler.1linnt l The other l‘.\l\ .tt't ml (la i , it . , t l t, t. ctihhre, 1"/to Ifrn/ltrrt /tt r l l .w,_

ltttniliar In all Cr\n<\Kllt|ll» hr 1 hem ltom DOhl()I('\’<l\t ll‘ lntntn in the <.t0r_\' of an nhnet n_., J rectly and pwtltnlnetralli it murder ltls L'.ll\§flllllt‘ llltl‘ll'[ the l.1tlcr'x‘ sons, tlllU'itt‘l tn. the l\L'l\(lll}' lnr the L‘.’ll‘ttt‘ ;tcltt:tllt\l:tiL1zilnrlm -lll ‘tlltlil \ Cll(‘Cl'i\ll lll('lTl(‘, (-3. tllllll, lug 1 I\ll\r'\l0l()f'tIZ]')ltA' Rrvrn Ktttt‘I‘.,, tltme in scztrclt rtl lmevtl .1‘ etpeel ll_l_'lll mtnnrnt~.. (in t‘, hand, thix‘ parttettlnt tlltlllltt w exceptional Up])()Iltlltlliv» tn capztlwle ml real netine Jlltl *l.( lunitie~ are <ei, l in l»tilh;tn' l.t ll rxne ml the hesl Ctiilu ih.t' ".lt (ittild line A<qt’1‘lj1Cdl ll ll:Cl .. \ ltunt, Dtttlley l)it:et~. (vttmt (Y Clare l:Jn1l;\ Ilntl ltlilll l ntnnnt; n hr)<.l l‘tlt1lll(l'\ .i‘.l e lltl Nnl t\IrCnl2[t'r l)atz.;/ttrr i.

.1hl_\ l<’,\‘S ttrutidermt» antl, ii‘ i lt‘llll\’ ntnni lllmltvlllx mt‘ ll i< L'\[)t'(l.lll) lI4'1lI|l\ll hi: ( .t't '~[tlt‘l](ll(.l lmrn-nit (ti -tn v . ltnnt--l lli l| \m l nnmnn, ¥l|lV|l‘(’l(‘(l tn Jllltt l lrl.‘Il\ tintl |I'll!lllZllltllI‘- tt l" and nnlwle tn llt‘l' tle~v»ltt‘t<t" perind Hi the plm i‘ till i It'll nith ‘~l|kll }it'rpttl;tl' tl|.ll.tt,lt'


l l

ltetwr-. -lllll llflllllllilltlll tut

lllt: nth» of mu ml tln lwttttl

l.unt i-. tlll r~t'r~ttittt"~ tlIltll.l;"‘

ltitn~t~ll lll~u1‘vll‘ll.lllL’llt l.|ll“

.nIm'. l.ll(‘lll— that ltt‘t.lII t‘-“

til ;. tnnut. lvrtttlltutjtl ltllt tn Kttrtirm/rill the In xt nvnl tlw tl~ .itlntir.ihl\

.\lllllllt'l' pi-ntltitttn-n ill.ll lw

l't .t.m.t, in lllt‘ L'lt-Hit ll’ thtt

.~ (ittllL't‘ t‘ ‘t‘u‘~t‘ \ .\’_\tntplt, it

nlittn. '1'/tr Cuzt,v/mt/ 'l'lte;ttt‘t*. \l.\tt\ ultu rt-Hl ttlt/lli thi‘ tntmntnn: nmtl H‘ niltl tln ll‘

t'r;tumi.ilwl\ ll.|\l‘ ttimeinutl ll n‘ t‘

lutttntl nntl ll‘

nut: tlllllLIlIlllI'\ iumltl .il lr\lillH in tlt.tnt:tItr lItl‘lll ‘l~ n;i~, tln» L‘.1‘~t‘, itt,~u~itlnlt~ vetsh-ii lx an Ltithlnl In llu lw‘ thw , \ ll

, tn

ix mm nntnln~tt-tl EllI|IlllL'

lmth the lmnlum .tmt Rt"-«tll~.

'l'|n n..\.... Ilutl mt W llllllfit‘l‘t\lI1lll\ilYll‘ tn.» nu .t..n.n htne I.tl.tn lt-ii, ll nut‘, Hl“““‘ llIt'lIU\tlillltllI.I\t'Ltrl\llI‘.‘lk he llll‘ t'.~*-2(‘I\|l.ll ‘pull .n' n. l "


l\ the rllhlte .in«‘- ‘. \tl|lHL‘ . L'lUttl lztlenl, l\illti‘t'ln htllt‘ ‘H lllrfill p.1rt~.. It uill lit’ ‘x\l't]l'l“'vl ever, ll-‘lIt'(lr1t‘~1 Hill lwutllll ,, Ali ll\t- I‘L‘tlIll nl her It nth rII|~'


. , , ll ”('illHLl' lltutiimtl.