win Children 3 Vote
Everywhere !
And now Puffcd Wheat and Puffed Rice have
been made twice as crisp
" [C/\USI‘.TlIITYVHXIIIl5J3'I’]'IER".ThI§ B is thc I'L‘i|SUI1 Liiiitiruli cvc-rywhL-rt: V()[L‘Li I’ulTcii \X’hciit and PiiiTL-L] Rice thcir fiivuriiu Ctfmlii Cliu~'.c- thum (hit of 11 lciimng rt:.iL|y-tti-tilt CL‘|'L‘£|i\ ii» "the (L‘X‘L'.1iSWL‘ like bu9tuf.1ll"
Whzir -.1 help this is for mothers who have tlifiictilry gutting children [0 (:11! enough C(i|'(:iliS No other cereal brings you N'.itLirL-'5 hr:.ilth gmins’ with every
{rim} cull steam-exploded to perfect (il- gustibiliry. No other CL'l‘L‘.ii brings chil- dren nourishing tics and whciit grains in such tempting formi
And now Piiffcd Wheat and Puficd Rice sire twice :15 good. Twict: ris crisp.‘ Frir :1 spcciril twice-crisping process crisps ti'l(:ITl...CriSPS(i1l.'l'l'l £1g2lin,..[i1(.‘n hlls{i(:S them, piping hot, into :i new Sciil Krisp prick.igL-. Ami so they come
Mail: in (iimu/ii by '1 Hf; QUAKER OATS COMPANY
Quaker Puffed Rice and Puffed W1‘
. . . twice as delicious
in your CL'I’L‘.|i thsh .is Irv» l1‘lL.‘I1[ they \\=crL"‘siiiiiV1I““ ' Try the new PL|iiL‘(i \\‘||L Rice. Gcttlicini'ri>ii1)"“' Notice how the whiilt f~“‘ thusc [\\’iCL-C{l\I‘AL’k] i‘|Lilili|
,[,,,,,;m, Q,Ml,,,. /mi./nil I F/.1/on ,. //Inrr m./n Nil 11 V’ ur/Jm /Immic uiI\' iivii/r/w-/ '\ T/J? rm/} Curul«'l.i[-i | 1: i// I i
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