Mayfair, 11/111)’, 1937


Keeps food fresh for days

RIGIDAIRE maintains a constant, low temperature,

always below the point at which food spoilage begins. It preserves perfectly the fine flavor of delicate foods, the crisp freshness of greens. Fi'igidaii'e keeps milk fresh and sweet for days. F1'igidaire’s simplicity of construction and operation and the intense cold of its freezing compartment ensure the quick free’/.ing of ice cubes and delicious desserts —the keeping of iCe—cream in perfect condition. F1‘igiclaire’s bare cooling coils opemte directly on the :_1ir in the refrigerator»losing none of their cooling eiiergyuii tin intermediate stage. lliey cool the (1lI'qU1Cl{l)’, resulting in highly efficient oper:ition and _Q‘1'L‘il[ economy. leneral .\l()f()I‘bI11 definite assur- ance of the most inoderii methods of refrigeimioii, of depend- able service, of oiitstuiidiiig \':1llIL‘. It is eiid<irsedl)y o_\~er three hundred tlioiisziiid users. 'l'liere arc IHUFC l’fV1EZ'<l‘<1"1’5 in Lise than all other electric rcfi‘i,£IC‘“1t""5 C‘"“b"l°d> SC“ Frigidaire now in our nearest Sl]()\\ rooms, or send CHUIWH for detailed iiiformrition.

FRIGID.-\IRE (1()RP()Ri\Tl0

lhmiilruri. LU!"

Frigidaire is a product of(

i\', T()R().\1"I‘(,), ()NT.\RI()

B I W mmm”. l(”'A Mmitrvul, Wiiiiiipeu T(I7l(‘l . in i' «

3 Efifiéaee



"This modern ice man' call: 07166 -till: Frigiiianz - nm1' lh: icc .n‘n)y alumr

FI'lEl[li|ll‘(.' is built in n iviile l‘£IIl).{L‘ nf eoiniilt-he iiietnl cabinet, nindels, I‘in— l\llL‘(l in white Duen, lll)Pll witli seam- less [HH‘L‘Cl£llY1 eimiviel. The l"l‘l]£lll:|ll’l,‘ ineehanieiil unit is also lll>l;Ill]E|lll(‘ fill‘ limlmllatioii in Slilllllflfll li*e-lmxes Hui pl1i'L‘h:i~e of l7ri;:i<lnIi‘t' is nizule ZlS_\' ll‘ll'DlUZll the Geiierzul Molnis llL‘ll’l'Y‘l'(l T‘u_\nieiil plnii.

I"r i_r/ilililii I’ lumi:-Iivw I)IIl’1' lrrri: in Inner. urea lIl(‘HHI1|‘](I fur Hl11H_1/ ]}l'IllN, Fi im- vluiiz A mild in H” (fliilitlrliviii r lnirn-: uiril 1‘lll]H(/!'\‘. .—l l‘l7HI]l1’ll‘ll'. mid Imdollo/imi 0imiui:n1i'mi mi- (Wriiiiilti,

llllhlll-\HlE ('0lll". Turnmn. UIIL hiuil nu» uuir lumkhl IVH ‘l-‘ruruluirn
