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V ; lleircuiry Mills Limited HAMILTON
*F¢- G» «as Wellington st-V W" '
Continued from page 520
direction the productions have improved in on zesthetic sense, and the annual season at Stmtford has been expanded to cover practically the entire span from April to September.
For a few seasons the Futivnl Com- pany hos been without 3 real home but 11 new Memoriul Theatre built by funds raised on both sides of the Atlantic is being opened with much ceremony on Shakespeare's birthday, April 23rd. After concluding its Cunndinn itinerary at Toronto on March 19th the Festival Company left at once for England. In connection with the festivities on that day the production of "King Henry the Fourth" in its entirety is being given, the First part in the afternoon and the Second part at night. The First port was in feature of the recent tour of America as it was of the previous visit of 1929-30. The Second part was put into rehearsal at Toronto in March. The play gives an opportunity of the two finat living representatives of their roles, Roy Byford as Falstaff and Wilfred Walter as Hot- spur. Mr. Walter, a superb actor in whatever he uttempt-a,~his Macheth is another master-creation—did not come to America with the compuny this season but has rejoined them, und the inaugural will witness the nppcarance of :1 new Prince I-Iol, Gyles Isham, a young Oxoninn of four years’ experience who took Mr. Walter's place as Hotspur in Canadian cities.
The magnificent spirit and humour of Roy Byford’s Falstaff is known to many. Though very bulky he is in private :1 very quiet and scholarly gentleman, rind no Hpectntor could suspect the truth thut the brilliant hlue eyes which he uses with such comic effect are nearly blind. In addition to his Falstaff, which gives lustre to "King Henry the Fourth" and “The Merry Wives of Windsor" he is :1 wonderful Sir Tohy Belch in "Twclftli Night", :1 grant Dogberry, un irresistibly funny Bottom. The lutest uddition to his gallery of humourous Shakespearean pnrtmils is Elhow, :1 minor edition of Dnghcrry who figures in "Mcusure for Measure"; and I have seen him give u very fine portraiture. Another very l distinguishetl figure is Eric Mnxon, who i nlso takes churge of the scenic and l costume rlcsigns. Seldom has one seen
so impressive n figure as his Duke
Orsino in "Twelfth Night". A recent
ncquisition to the company is Stanley l Ilowlett, whose voice and elocution are noble rind who plays everything well. The veteran of the company is Rnndle Ayrton, who has been identified with Stratforrl productions at intervals for thirty years. His Lenr is much the best now before the public. and he is nlso very fine in other kingly roles like Levmtes in “A Winter’s Tale" und "Henry the Fourth". He is nlso a comedian, n cnpitnl Tourhstonc and brilliant Mal- volio.
Among the talented wnmen of the nrgnnizutinn is the captivating young nvlrcss, Fnhin Drake, who had never plnynd n Sliukcspcarcnn role until she npponrctl as Bcnfricc in “Much Ado About Nnlhing“ nt Toronto in the nulumn of 1922.‘). Her Violn rind her Rosnliiirl arc exquisite in expression, tcn<lernr-as nntl humour. The company also liousts ll vz-ry (listinguisherl lending woman in Dorothy Mrmsingham; :1 young actress who is delightful in comedy nntl attractive in serious rnlcs, Hilcln Boxhsnd; nnd nnother very clever girl Dorothy Francis. Altogc-tlu-r the compnny with its nine prmliictinns, three of which. "Lenr", “A Winl(~r's Tnlc" nod "Measure for Mcusuro" nrc seldom dono hns enriched the lilo of the cltim it hits visited during recent months.
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But we cannot cnnnnuc [D rgivc l items for (lie [‘l”l£C of 1 inilclnnm y. We have (licrcfnrc Sci May Kid fur the limn of the mic. At that nine lllc flask mnll will he bml;cn find no nu-rc mll v;rcr bc mode from it,
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