graft. as well as the benevolent and nna eltish work done by hundred.I,'the new social reform clubs &c are.
In the midst or the social unrest, the girl Doris re turns to the City; She nnrortunately incur: the spite and enmity 0: the women of the club, by being tri endly with We wife (He), and is immediately pillorted and framed. Her heart is nearly broken. Give her recital, with no one introducing her. This we may work into something of a drama-
She goes with Mrs. R. to see the ranch at Ghost Lake---the two of them escaping the rover of the city. Previously we have had hints or the insecurity at the dam. We bring out also the love attair that is developing between the young partner of F. and the girl. Mrs. R. who has found. her hnzband. with lira. 11. again and beliwing the worst, the his encounter with her is innocent and accidental,,
decides to leave him. She goes to Morley tor a brief separation.
Meanwhile the dam breaks. » F. and his partner are half way to Morley. lire. li. is in the ear also.
F. deserts her 0 reach his wife. The ending not yet