Even when galloping along, offer hills and across wide spreading pastures,’ raangx and into woods, where the long searohlights of the sun ~33-ierved through to _.the_ I brighfggfi of ntitc red red flowers and the __colors-_fi- Even laughing anti. picnicing with the new friends I had made --—-all ranch folk like ‘ourselves —--people who thought it nothing to run over and see us fran forty miles of! —-- yes, even in what may have seemed my Jrappiest moments, I beg an to he conscious of something lbreeking up within me---8. hungry urge, a longing that

xxxflti I could not analyse it. I could not

could not be aesuaged. diagnose e, in within me that "could not"‘bé"stir1éd"o’r die.

_ 1--sail.-i¢,—sahe~eircn1migs "B"-3.’ 't"he"artis‘t'

*FgL'gg; t ; had. buried all of my past work». L1tora.lJ.;L-_._

:l_!urfed‘.l I had an old trunk into which I had dumped every last mazmscript I possess

ed together, with every book I had written. I called that trunk my morgue, and I may say here for five years I never opened it. flm ' The summer and the long lovely fall passed away. The

children were sent to boarding school 17:J,the city. jllmvas on the ranch, with e housekeeper. our menwere rid1n:g’pG.e;I.l‘;r:on the‘”.£’a1lrround up. We were runn ing a couple of thousand head of cattle and I don't 1: now how many head of horse. I-was frightfully restless and really d.id'nt know what was the matter with myself. My husband was back and forth betweem the two ranches, and I used to sometimes‘ make the long trips by motor with him, but as the days grew colder, he discouragd. my accompanyibgb him. Said it was too hard. for a woman. Sometimes I would. go

as far as Calgary, and wait till he returned fran the farm, picked me up

in the City and we would return to‘ the ranch.

I never told him of how I was feeling at this time. Eor that matter I scarcely know myself that there was anything really the matter with me. Y Yet I xhresay mine was a pathological condition. No doubt I was feeling the reacti tion . Anyviey when the first great snowstorm caught me all alone in the house, 4xcept for my Swedish housekeeper I realized what

I Ind done in cutting myself off axis from all my friends and old associates and
