t:Frock“Ensemb1e” lomposé Suits ark the path to daytime chic ~~ -day in the fashion capitals — tomorrow, everywhere DIATE acceptance by the Smartset was the .ng New York accorded to the Jacket able. .1 is to you whatever your type or figure. zrsatile — 1 the street as a suit, because of its Jacket; incloors, because you can take oi? the Jacket; ble for Sports Wear. ss is the keynote, the essential, which 1927 . A laclzet Frock “Ensemble” or compose ne light cloth or BtBurke Jersey cloth. will for you the smart effect you seek. _ irks Dresses are the acknowledged leaders in ored Type of dress. The slendcrizing effect garments Wlll delight you Ask to see them. t dealers have them always. Burke Dress Company Limited 96 Spadina Avenue. Toronto 'llic\'I uill hand unc a l\ottlr- of ml; lI‘iI(l‘\Il<‘, or hair tunic; a hox of pnudc,-I |I;»r\ll1]1.'|iit: or \\ I‘Ilin\1 p.1pL~r..n“mm.,cd_ ul \\ln~n tltrt r/ti tn: up .1 m,(L—.1V ‘hm. Ht«1lt l. Lnlifil accllstnmcd to the presence of strilngcrs, Wm-'a' A . 17- / ./ .- Illayy 1927 the. Parisian is skilful \L'Il’ “ants, in malt’ v 1 “He; NO {nod Cflnl:fiu;|lf.‘fl| cotnlurt. 5°"‘"“)1 of it is in C1|l('i’|||k . thttrs \ morc .1 .v " Fllillr, My pleasing, Gracioiisncss ol maria» J\nglo-Saxons to Sl\;1n“_t‘ In W tr mi. lar pmnmi tun .1t]nm[,[E "hf l‘""“l fact, are like mm.‘ mo“ mnmgl‘ ‘ \\ hm . hcrocs arc the Cl\£|n1l7L‘l’n‘l.’IitlK"L "liml utter composure and lack nl ~.tlt— Ml sciousncss, tht-3 ma1.;,; 1,0]. _:‘\,(_C_V"“" fatrrprnprrtlie lncdroonisz (lntlu-1 W hand, girls uait on the “(ml lalil - _t:t-ncrallv sitpcrintcnil lllc (llttlrul ‘”“l ' > rfitjn] The txpcrtncss with which lllcl’ imam of tilt int'\'ital1lt: 1'11! o{ri.l.ll,“" as ucll as other kinds, \\ouli.1 iii:tllli! inany a man envious. ltis an ax:-irn tl .< Frcllcllmcn tnmt how to int-\i_,.,,.'. lctlgc wt-ll north trax -linr: mount ll _ Jitli Hp, st-a1. to x'1Ci]||iI’(‘. Hi‘ El-‘l‘* nta\’ h. h'oul)lt')|M- as those ol otlicr nit‘ litc as lull of turhulcncr and tiihulityy _ . A tit But In the cvcning he shakts all He mounts trinmpliantl} up-an (lit grnirs. l}1]L‘ hcclrnm-s‘a pay and uimiwwm Ling, c IS in brief. the CUllt1\1('rf)r Hr desolate clay Paris, France, March it can, ATHLETICS vs. ACADEMICS Can/iuuzdfrmn pugc 16 test. scnt mcn tn study signals uhilc the university's tcam was at practicc, Wt-, in Canada. ltavc not Llc\'clnpccl our sport to this rxtcnt, but the-tcndcncvv to dc- \'('lnp athletics in Iiniwrsitics under pro‘ lcssional training: and tr: specialization cxists Tun lratlint: universities, Queen's and .\lcGill. ctnnloy profes- sional coaches, wltilc in all our univer- sities careful study is pivcn to every major spnrt. Graduates and tho gcncral puhlic-uitl1otit its support Ihc sport ol universities could not he tlcvclopctl in modern fasliions—lu|lm\r the contests nl SlIItlt'\'\tR nt’ Canadian Crtllcgcs nn the lonthall field and in the lioclccy rink 1 wr,-uld go so far as to say tha1sport- lnvim: lans liaw: yin-n an imprirtanct: to Ct‘lll(‘\L'(' athlrtics nf an llI1p\'CCL'tlL'l‘ttt'tZl Cllaractrr. l.ast ,\ln\'cn*ht*r tl\r- Rliritlr-s Scholar- ship cunirriiHL-i- in Ontario was called on to (linnsc um mm to stutly in Oxford Lilll\’(‘Y‘~il}. Those who were ‘?('ll‘L‘l(‘Ll for this high linnor wcro iininzrszillv \’('£.'fl|'(l("l as l')tll§lt|n(li|"lL! in Qut'cn'~ l‘ni\'i-rsitv and lllL‘ Univt-rsity ril ’[‘nrnnm lug: Ilic .‘~l|lLlP)!l life. ’l‘li<-i \H1rt' mnsidcrctl uortliy of tlu: ltltllnl’ mu» l(‘l'l'Ltl on them. l'%z~1'r-rr n1al|'ficials, by the stall. the sitnlni‘ hndy and hy pul)liC opinion No min section rnnrr than x'|lI4'illl(‘l" is to ht ltrltf rcsponsihlc. The crn\\I1iH}: £lCl1l(‘\t’int‘i ’ of a slutlcnt in a Canadian lllIl\'(‘l':vi5‘ rnav hr rupartlcd as a Rhnrlcs Sclinlar ship, l.t't us study his rtpprtrttltiiltcs lw reach this lIL‘IL'lll in his £lC1|(lf'H|lC Eitltil if he submits to thc spiril nt Illt lllili l"r,io|hall and lirtcltvy are thv mm sports in a C-'||]t1tll.‘|ll ininvrsiti; nliai fnr insiancz-, tlurs h-mhall LXJU in lllltt and t*ni'rL'j.' lrmn rhu rnumhus r-l Hm varsity trains? 'r:.k. my (i\VI1t;XpL'Tit‘Iltt: ’i‘r..a.a. fur thr- 1920 fnulhall soasmi in tl~ Urii\'crslI_\' nl 'l‘nmutn l!Lt_'.Il| lcl\‘H no l. ht'loru thr acadi-mic }'t'r'|i' last ('Jt—inlur Thr uorl; w a light and l(|r\!l'l)‘ of running and an easy ltiilti H I kling practice, Wlwn thr ||iil\t’l'-ll: \V;|'~ uni-nul lur 1916727 tlw Sflrlttllw not l. of the lt'1lllI uas st.mtvd Iiicrv |tl«|/‘“ on tlic first team was t'x[VcLtL'tl to lav .i practice |1_v.t.1on‘tlrvcl; each .ulttrmit>I Mun wcrc singled out; liltelv lrn»l.HH— Cnntlidulcs rL'L'('lVCll nspctial aittiituw r',VL‘f} man an in 'l‘ln ]l|'t|L Cnllwlhltl fmin the cniitlns (lllIH(‘r at Il|ctraiI1itu_ttahlc. ticu in thr Jtlicrritmli lastctl l\\tt Iiuw 'l'lu> trainInL' “4“ liC“".‘ 1' “"_"""“l M mckliny, runtIh\):,siut1al ]‘l'n'|Cll((‘, |\lLl‘ int’. and scrinnnauos l‘tQl\\t-(‘It tun «vain clmsen lrrim |l1l'[1l-I_\l'I‘. \« |li4,' unl"’l mt _|_V[|n)[‘fi apprnacltt-d, Irl} lllV'i!’TililV pr.iuict- crtmlrIt'II(t'tl at 7 to llf1‘i‘tl{iM‘ was prnvith-d at 84;. l~rmn lllt H 11.9 mg" prrtccctlrtl in Ilic lt‘t:turc rt-N“, 'l'|tt- result is (tlt\iv-us ‘I no llttllfl ti” Ic;1sl—-pvrlmiii tin-re lmiir-:~-doll-tit lrmthall practice niailr Ihv |L‘ilH\ utara rigmi rpm. «in da_\'.s urmd, 1""! l“'V lvrrvcl tr) relax tttsttatlv ‘at ai~rI'>"”.‘; |l)(H1<(lt'uS in etiiclms. llu: flcflttll Sr: /z/_rn jmgr 7/).