t:Frock“Ensemb1e” lomposé Suits

ark the path to daytime chic ~~

-day in the fashion capitals tomorrow, everywhere

DIATE acceptance by the Smartset was the .ng New York accorded to the Jacket able.

.1 is to you whatever your type or figure.


1 the street as a suit, because of its Jacket; incloors, because you can take oi? the Jacket; ble for Sports Wear.

ss is the keynote, the essential, which 1927 . A laclzet Frock “Ensemble” or compose ne light cloth or BtBurke Jersey cloth. will for you the smart effect you seek. _ irks Dresses are the acknowledged leaders in ored Type of dress. The slendcrizing effect garments Wlll delight you Ask to see them. t dealers have them always.

Burke Dress Company Limited

96 Spadina Avenue. Toronto

'llic\'I uill hand unc a l\ottlr- of ml; lI‘iI(l‘\Il<‘, or hair tunic; a hox of pnudc,-I |I;»r\ll1]1.'|iit: or \\ I‘Ilin\1 p.1pL~r..n“mm.,cd_

ul \\ln~n tltrt r/ti tn: up .1 m,(L—.1V ‘hm. Ht«1l<c neat little handle of string antl n - - N . - - .

I11. \\\l|lL. this Jatinttli from the lltllc lln_L't'I'l

) , , _ _ .

l roha_hl_\ cur} stranger is struck by the curious circumstancc that mini Pllliltc hllildiri sarccloscd on ,\Innda —‘ °‘1'V.‘ \l“"Cl-1\’. for clcaninigl l“vcn rcstaurantslakca (ld\ oil, as i(|l'ifl~:l_1n([_- l'retIrrirl:'r Darla on the lL'l[ hank of the SCI|’1l‘,ll\t'0lt.l("l liostclrt‘ in Paris The louvre is closed on Xlondav, and anv- uai , one |'~ uisc to sa_\ nothing of ,\rt in -1 CH) whosc art is more than i,ooo years old,

Montaigne ohscrvcd quainllx , “I’nri.r hath my /mrl frnm my t'u/’mIry . and 1/it morr J/(I/fly (mar I have Jttlll‘, III: mart /nr bmuly Imxli pawn , to gain: upon my nffrclimx , /ixr -‘PW-‘V Ixir Iilzmirlm and lit: .-var/r are rlmrr mun tar."

Who shall \\'0n(lL‘I' at him ,\'r>t l. Lnlifil accllstnmcd to the presence of strilngcrs,


A . 17- /

./ .- Illayy 1927 the. Parisian is skilful

\L'Il’ “ants, in malt’ v 1

“He; NO {nod Cflnl:fiu;|lf.‘fl| cotnlurt. 5°"‘"“)1 of it is

in C1|l('i’|||k .

thttrs \ morc .1 .v " Fllillr, My

pleasing, Gracioiisncss ol maria»

J\nglo-Saxons to Sl\;1n“_t‘ In W tr mi. lar pmnmi tun .1t]nm[,[E "hf l‘""“l fact, are like mm.‘ mo“ mnmgl‘ \\ hm . hcrocs arc the Cl\£|n1l7L‘l’n‘l.’IitlK"L "liml utter composure and lack nl ~.tlt— Ml sciousncss, tht-3 ma1.;,; 1,0]. _:‘\,(_C_V"“" fatrrprnprrtlie lncdroonisz (lntlu-1 W hand, girls uait on the “(ml

lalil - _t:t-ncrallv sitpcrintcnil lllc (llttlrul ‘”“l ' > rfitjn]

The txpcrtncss with which lllcl’ imam of tilt int'\'ital1lt: 1'11! o{ri.l.ll,“" as ucll as other kinds, \\ouli.1 iii:tllli! inany a man envious. ltis an ax:-irn tl .< Frcllcllmcn tnmt how to int-\i_,.,,.'. lctlgc wt-ll north trax -linr: mount ll

_ Jitli Hp, st-a1. to x'1Ci]||iI’(‘.

Hi‘ El-‘l‘* nta\’ h. h'oul)lt')|M- as those ol otlicr nit‘ litc as lull of turhulcncr and tiihulityy _ . A tit

But In the cvcning he shakts all He mounts trinmpliantl} up-an (lit grnirs. l}1]L‘ hcclrnm-s‘a pay and uimiwwm Ling, c IS in brief. the CUllt1\1('rf)r Hr desolate clay Paris, France, March it



Can/iuuzdfrmn pugc 16

test. scnt mcn tn study signals uhilc the university's tcam was at practicc, Wt-, in Canada. ltavc not Llc\'clnpccl our sport to this rxtcnt, but the-tcndcncvv to dc- \'('lnp athletics in Iiniwrsitics under pro‘ lcssional training: and tr: specialization cxists Tun lratlint: universities, Queen's and .\lcGill. ctnnloy profes- sional coaches, wltilc in all our univer- sities careful study is pivcn to every major spnrt. Graduates and tho gcncral puhlic-uitl1otit its support Ihc sport ol universities could not he tlcvclopctl in modern fasliions—lu|lm\r the contests nl SlIItlt'\'\tR nt’ Canadian Crtllcgcs nn the lonthall field and in the lioclccy rink 1 wr,-uld go so far as to say tha1sport- lnvim: lans liaw: yin-n an imprirtanct: to Ct‘lll(‘\L'(' athlrtics nf an llI1p\'CCL'tlL'l‘ttt'tZl Cllaractrr. l.ast ,\ln\'cn*ht*r tl\r- Rliritlr-s Scholar- ship cunirriiHL-i- in Ontario was called on to (linnsc um mm to stutly in Oxford Lilll\’(‘Y‘~il}. Those who were ‘?('ll‘L‘l(‘Ll for this high linnor wcro iininzrszillv \’('£.'fl|'(l("l as l')tll§lt|n(li|"lL! in Qut'cn'~ l‘ni\'i-rsitv and lllL‘ Univt-rsity ril ’[‘nrnnm lug: Ilic .‘~l|lLlP)!l life. ’l‘li<-i \H1rt' mnsidcrctl uortliy of tlu: ltltllnl’ mu» l(‘l'l'Ltl on them. l'%z~1'r-rr n1al<in;:tl\(‘ choice, the Rlimlv-s Sclirilarsliip Fntiiitlatirin (rtlillT‘lllt‘(‘ in Omar‘ ff.‘(‘l‘l\'lll snttic atlticc lrt-in lllt‘ British lslcs. st-rimislr to cnnsnlt-r llw rnmital cap.» city nt the ‘-llttlcllt In l7L ClI(t‘€Ll'I and .-urrr ar/:ii'mI not In /J/arr rmyz/mrii upnu at/titvrmrnlx in 17:07! Skcltrtn. who rt-ct-ivvtl tho Qt1rtvn's auarrl, is a llllt‘ :ttlllt'tl', hut h«- iv; also an rxu-lhvni stutl:»nt_ R4-id, Cllt’7‘~l’l| lrntn thr Um— v(-rail) at 'I'r.mnin and its atfili.-trtl crillrurs. did not Ialcr part in athlmic: to any extent, hut, he lml In JCi'ltll‘!ill( 1].. ., ,1 fine (.171 akrr, a pti\V‘L'rl|Il

'l‘lirj.' \\'(-rr- rt~qut~strr|

wnrl; (lt'lt.|It‘r.

'l‘hv .'|tl\'l(c lt‘IlllL‘l’Ftl lvy an l(l]ft(lL'H §cl\olarsl|ip hrntridatinn and lll‘l‘(l(Ll Ii) ilri Oniarin cnnnnittm; Ht‘l'IlI“« tn llt: a t'LZ|(l.it,t)l lrrim. or at lC.'l‘l an nppnraiiu -.ntiimh- in tin‘ rnrnh-rn tx~wl_~IIC_\' -‘mtl spiritnl t'.n- a-_-. as rxprussutl lI|[rHl\Lr~ -(nv sport.

Tin» grnwll) nl Sport in the schnr-Is til tht' L'nitutl bltttusaml in a -.mall Lxlrttl

in Canada pr(i\'t)l{c5 the (]llt,'~lirit\' 1),, the universities of Canada tvncl to th. \-clop the type Ul man ulinrn the Rhmii-. SCl‘0l“|'»‘l‘|lP |'°<lUi|'I'fi. or is the man \\ hi. wins the prize of the Fziiiiitlritiriti um who has clcvclripccl his mind and In. pliysiquu in spite of Cflllfillllliilx tn ii. noticctl in univ rsity life’

What makes for tht-sc Lcnclcncit-s

\\'lit~n l say that athletics arc t’i\t‘Z'l stressed by the universities, l mr,~an hi their r>|'ficials, by the stall. the sitnlni‘ hndy and hy pul)liC opinion No min section rnnrr than x'|lI4'illl(‘l" is to ht ltrltf rcsponsihlc. The crn\\I1iH}: £lCl1l(‘\t’int‘i of a slutlcnt in a Canadian lllIl\'(‘l':vi5‘ rnav hr rupartlcd as a Rhnrlcs Sclinlar ship, l.t't us study his rtpprtrttltiiltcs lw

reach this lIL‘IL'lll in his £lC1|(lf'H|lC Eitltil if he submits to thc spiril nt Illt lllili l"r,io|hall and lirtcltvy are thv mm sports in a C-'||]t1tll.‘|ll ininvrsiti; nliai fnr insiancz-, tlurs h-mhall LXJU in lllltt and t*ni'rL'j.' lrmn rhu rnumhus r-l Hm varsity trains?

'r:.k. my (i\VI1t;XpL'Tit‘Iltt: ’i‘r..a.a. fur thr- 1920 fnulhall soasmi in tl~ Urii\'crslI_\' nl 'l‘nmutn l!Lt_'.Il| lcl\‘H no l. ht'loru thr acadi-mic }'t'r'|i' last ('Jt—inlur Thr uorl; w a light and l(|r\!l'l)‘ of running and an easy ltiilti H I kling practice, Wlwn thr ||iil\t’l'-ll: \V;|'~ uni-nul lur 1916727 tlw Sflrlttllw not l. of the lt'1lllI uas st.mtvd Iiicrv |tl«|/‘“ on tlic first team was t'x[VcLtL'tl to lav .i practice |1_v.t.1on‘tlrvcl; each .ulttrmit>I Mun wcrc singled out; liltelv lrn»l.HH— Cnntlidulcs rL'L'('lVCll nspctial aittiituw r',VL‘f} man an in 'l‘ln ]l|'t|L


fmin the cniitlns (lllIH(‘r at Il|ctraiI1itu_ttahlc. ticu in thr Jtlicrritmli lastctl l\\tt Iiuw 'l'lu> trainInL' “4“ liC“".‘ 1' “"_"""“l M mckliny, runtIh\):,siut1al ]‘l'n'|Cll((‘, |\lLl‘ int’. and scrinnnauos l‘tQl\\t-(‘It tun «vain clmsen lrrim |l1l'[1l-I_\l'I‘. |li4,' unl"’l mt _|_V[|n)[‘fi apprnacltt-d, Irl} lllV'i!’TililV pr.iuict- crtmlrIt'II(t'tl at 7 to llf1‘i‘tl{iM‘ was prnvith-d at 84;. l~rmn lllt H 11.9 mg" prrtccctlrtl in Ilic lt‘t:turc rt-N“, 'l'|tt- result is (tlt\iv-us ‘I no llttllfl ti” Ic;1sl—-pvrlmiii tin-re lmiir-:~-doll-tit lrmthall practice niailr Ihv |L‘ilH\ utara rigmi rpm. «in da_\'.s urmd, 1""! l“'V lvrrvcl tr) relax tttsttatlv ‘at ai~rI'>"”.‘; |l)(H1<(lt'uS in etiiclms. llu: flcflttll

Sr: /z/_rn jmgr 7/).