(firlntvl Mrs. McCormick's California home in a treasure hon“ of charming wet“ of [r,¢nL«h prnviiicial furiiiture collected fll)I'01|(l. Her dressing table in earveil walnut is an|,' interesting example of this favorite style.

Like all true Englishwomen. “rs. McCarmic_l< fimakes a hobby of flower.-i. She speciaililts "‘ “low. and is making a wonderful enllectitin of I unilrcils of varieties of tropical plants in her Santa Barbara garden. Her new winter home I8 l8lI on n moiintninmvcrlmking ocean and isles.

nratians, easy to use...

(rig/ll) "1"°“‘l" l°"r-P" issues, Skin Freshener.”

Two Creams, Cieununi;


Mrs. Alister McCormick is an English gentlewoinan to the manner lmrn . . .a descendant of the royal house of Plantagenet. Now by marriage a member of the distin- guished i\lcCormick family, she is the charniiniz hostess of l10l'nCS in Chicago and Santa H&|l'l1fll'.'|:

Beautiliul and blonde, young i\lrs. i\lcCormii:k has hair like pale new gold, eyes of forget-me-not blue and lovely skin like pink hawtlinrn blossom.

In a letter to an liiiglisli friend she says: "i\ly clear, Anierican women are wonderliil . . . they taught me how to keep my skin nice even in this extraordinary climate.

“Pond's is their secret . . . {our simple prepara- tions, quick and easy tO|ISC.Tl1c wonderful Cold Cream cleanses divinely . . . the Cleansing Tis- sues are better than anything to remove cream . . . the Skin Freshener tones and tightens the skin . . . the Vanishing Cream is the perfect powder base for lace, neck, arms . . . and keeps hands smooth and wliite."

Keep your skin exquisite by Pnn(l's simple. sure Method . . . First, for thorough cleansing, lavishly apply I’onil's Cold Cream several times a day and alivays after exposure, letting the line oils sink deep intn the pores . . . Secuiid, wipe away with l’nntl's Cleansing Tissues. soft, ab- sorbent. eetinoiiiical . . . Tliiril, dab lace and neck with l’oiul's Skin Fresliener to liaiiisli oili- ness, close and reduce purest .. Last, smunth on Pnnd's Vanishing Cream for powder base, pro- tection and exquisite finish.


Sl'ND lot‘ for l’ontl'.s four laniuiis preiuirutiuiis For the C\(]IllRIlC care of the umi|vlcxinit——.i iliiintr triiil box with generous saniples of Cfllll Crealili Cll‘“""' inn; Tissues. Skin Freshener nml \ anizliing Cream.

l'twi>'s Fxrnaer Cu. nr Cwaina. Lrii , Dept. I".

itlh llrm-k t\\'(7IlIc . . A . . . . . . . Tnnmln. OM-


Street 7 - -- y l'mviiite 7- 1\lllIIllI\ll‘~'I\l‘4llI\ IIIIIFI - I-lxlnut l II ui I -\lI:l<I-I I I I