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condescends to accept his invitation to "feed" her, on conflition
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that her firends :'in shoulé accompany then also. horn is much taken with Buck, who is erneyea in his best, and entertains the girls at lunch with tales of the ranch life.‘ when flora learns that he is foreman on the ranch where her mother works there is great excitemmit aha Buck presses them to visit the ranch. Hora aha Minettc says they will when they have their vacstion‘from the Bay in e few weeks.
_£t an adjoining table in the restaurant Whispering Jay, his pop eyes bulging had been watching Minette. he and Buck are note onpgood terms, but Jay finally makes the excuse to come over to their table with a supposed message from Dayton. Buck ignores his evident wish to be introduced, bht Jay finally whispers in his car that if Bach wants to be alone with his girl he had better let Jay take the other one off his henés. Buck reluctantly introduces them. Jay conveys to Minette that the two wouli probably like to be alone, and offers to escort her home. i
The girls live on the north side, on the edge of tha town, where rents are low. Jay eooomnenies the minette home aftnxrnnrkx whe girls have gone out for dinner after work, so that it is now quite asrk, when Jay ena minette arrive at her door. He tries to make love to her. She repulses ¥q%wg_ He laughs ena calls her a maverick. She asks what that is, and he explains that womenare all like cattle. Some are scrub stock end easily hrendee; others are highhrefl and have to go through the squeeze gate before they are merkei. Gters
are outlaws-~mavericks, that roam the range unhranfled. How Jay