M _'~\Dl7. for youth. lts length meets the sill; of the 24. inch stocking. Specially tail- ored \\'ith knees cut aslant to remove bulkiness. The smart- est lcnicker of the season. There are l\l5U simply tailored vest: and tedtlies in lovely shades. with shieldx and utttwistalile straps of the ~;tme niateri-.'tl —~lim kniclten dc- siuned for the present vngue of lung mrsers and «hurt skirts, in sll£l(.lL‘\ that hlend with l1U\lt'l‘\. Slip». tltat hang an evenlv and lit xo smtmthlv over \\:|l\t an-,1 lllpx that they "tnake" the HC\\ .~lllTl frock. There are demure n1|_vltr,ie~, run, and the smartew of gay P\‘j1tl‘I1'.‘t\ Hl£hl1L‘(l with llame ur hlue- heard.



Bmlzllli ,, . Baltzer ~ Miss Gertrude

N“: 10 slO\Iiel1olson. 0H1)’ d““3ht°" Df Rmsoii ]\:[rs Thomas H. Nicholson, of M)‘ “E Janiero Brazil, formerly of Ilélontrgtl to .NIr.'Armin Stilling Baltzer. t:If[l{DCll(!S,CCT, New Y°"k-

\l KI];l1Gy§—-:II‘8;’lO|'-A\’llS‘S J.\‘[IJllCl Bray, Ol Ne\\i|'Yo\:l<y ['3 Pllnclpfll Biilcc‘ Taytm.‘ of Queen's Ulll\'CI'SIl.’}'. lull)?‘



;\IcCulloch-Maclntosh~3Iics _\Iar3' MeCttlloch, daughter of Mr. and t\lr<. Robert O. t\'[cCu|locl1, to Mr. ,l”l“'| Preblc Maclntosh, of Mnntreal.


Gillortl-Liel1tbound—hliss Chiit ‘Ila Gflfm-:1, datigliter of Mr. and V’.\lr_«. C. S. Gillord to Mr. Rnlwert \\1ll~er- force l..iL'l\l.l)f)l|nt‘l. son of Mr. and _\lI‘~. T. H. il.igl\tL‘ound, of .\lmmtain Sr . Montreal.


Neilson-.—\llan—.\liss Ell'.r'.fllJ(!l’ll Raw nard Netlinn. daughter of Mr. and _\lt<. Robert Neilson, of Westmount. to Mr. William i\lunden .\llan, son of ,\lr and the late Mrs. R. g\. S. :\llan. nl \\'e<t- mount.

Barl;—\'a7—.\liss Gladys‘ Viclntia Bark, daughter of Mr. and .\lr.<. Thoma: Bark to Mr. Frank Egerton \'a'/., of Montreal.

Blumer-SLrean—)Ils< Hilda Blumer, daughter of Mr. and Mn. I). Blnmer to Dr. George J. Strean, mn of Xlr. and Mrs. M. Strean, of Westrnount.

.\IcGoun-l.on_t_:—.\li<s Winnifrcd L. McGoun, daughter of Xlrs. .\reltihald MeGoun, of \\‘1-stinottrtt, to Xlr. Morden H. Lotig, of the Unit ersity of Alberta.

Clottston»Slolu:.<-Rees—\lis< .\lar- garet St. Clair Clnustmt, tlittttzlller nl Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Clomtzm, ml Montreal, to .\lr. Rowland l‘lerl14rrt Slnkc-.vReI:s, eon rvl Commander and Mrs. R, Stol.e=;-Rem, and gr.tnd~rm of Admiral \V, Stokes-Revs. CB. O"l'l‘.\W.\

‘.\‘lacCarLhy~Cl\i<nt'll MM Norah Kathleen .\lacC.'trtlt_v, tlztttigliler Ol Dr. and Mrs. George 5, :\lacCarth_\ to Mr. l"redt.-tick Charle» Chisttell, elder mu ul the late Charles; l‘.tll\.1rLl Chienell, of Constantinople, '|' \l r I. e _\', and Mrs. ClIl\I\Cll of l,.ontlun, l'ilI)1l.’\llLl.


l'lu'tuA_\litcl\ell ‘_\lis:A .\luriel S. HF"‘r“'”-1 H01-’l_-'. tlilluzltkcr ul ,\lrx. “'|lll.1H\T~ 1'l0)~’fit. to Mr. l.auriur Strachan .\litchell,ol l;\l”41ll),.\'lrt|I)llllC

latt- t\Ir. and Mrs, William Mitchell, lumnm,


NuIttrun-live-—-Xlargtterite, vuunpt-~.L dmtglm-r nt the late Sir .i\ummu»~ Nrztnlnn and Lad) Nanton, nl Kllmurit-, “tntitpeu, tn l.ieut,~Cnl. '\rIhnr Malcolm Truntant Fve, .\l.C., The Rr:y.1lWel.~‘lt l7t|eilier<.,'l'erritt-rial Arm)‘, eldest sun ul Sir llerhurt. and Lady l'l’|t\’LI’.1l\1‘l'lVC ol lirahttrn (;i|I‘llt'll‘a_ btmdoll, lnngland.

Matti as e.tt.tn@.ii§

BI] ' . ABROAD { ms Le Ccxrheiller, ‘,\[,“ Corbeiller, WE, l)Um“““ Brantlorrl, Ontari A F(‘l)l’ll.1t'_\’ IS, a em

| _ l . ml" '7. in in“ ' ‘* lflt lllpvl Br0wn——,\lt‘. and M. V l3tn\\'n, nee \l(lt'-J.tr(-‘ iv \\'illrlt l'Iru<pit.tl, pm.‘ ‘’ " l7ehruar_v 15, a (l.tl1:,'lml»‘ [la critic. ' " '. l,\nti~.—l{i,w 1]‘ \\ on l’ehtt|ar_\‘ 3|. .1; r W ll1LllJ,£lLl{lll}.'lllt‘[' Gih~'.rm.—,\lt' and '\l;,

Gilwon, on \l.tztlv 1‘ M. Nnrlhetn .\Iiu»;H.t. \\ti \\ tlaneliver. l L7\’t‘[‘liD S'l'\‘I'Ix\‘

CzItmn— l)i autl \ll \i . <.m..»tt‘tmi.mt1,rim. ... 1.}

.1 \m1,l}.ttt'_\ \lltllt \\,

C()l§()L'l{G l-‘ullt-nun \ll aml \l

l7ttl|t't‘tmi, my lwmazttj. 1; i


Xlulm-—\li antl \ly. l. H" l'K-hru.u} :2, 1 tl.\., la-mm

l{l\'G5'l'ON ln|inxtnn—l{t-\ \1. ‘ll wt

“mi 31“ _livlm~l«vt‘ my I.

klt'||lgl||L‘l',1\l.'ll'_\ .\'.m

Kl'l'Clll‘i\ll'l{ l’.rt-itl\.mpi— \lv t_.Hl ‘\l l’m~iili.mpt_ mi lwlm ;.


’l‘:u_\-lm ~I)r \HLl \l» R 1 on \lareh t;.a nl.\u«_v‘..m \i l’(')l{'l' _\l{'l‘| II R

\\'r-:1.-rn~)Ir. and \ll t

1urn_m: l‘L‘l)l|1iH'}' :1, .| 1. u’


'/.ltt\tnt-rtttttn —\lt '/inttnt'tm.tn_ HI! lw lun t:\ 1.

am: “‘

'|'()lU)i\T() '1'r.....—t;.- .....t \ti. t‘m..‘~ at the l)ll\..||l' l‘xtwm . l I‘-» :3, .n tliltlultlt :. llttll .\ll amt ‘.\lvw ll Butt . mm liatlilu-u .\/atntw t- ;.;. .t tl.iuulu«t ema..tt-~.\t»: .-ml 2"‘ cma..|...,.\ l‘tlvtH.It'\ x, \\ l‘i-i\0t\~'\lt’. .m.t \t.. H t-.w.u, Hm: team. t..1....w. .t tll|\1Ul\lL'I'. l"t'.Inlu~l~ .\lI. .tntl .\\lt "W l‘I.'|lll<('l.ltll .\l:trrlt i..t t J“- .l~.W«' 1’ \" ( (ill\:wtIl}' .\It. and \li~. ‘J an l't'lYItI.|t‘. ' . \\ \le(ilvh —\lr and .\lt “A t\lc(}l:it, tun l‘t‘lYt\lJ'l >l' N..|.u.t..tty. V '1'-= I‘--'‘‘‘''‘,' l’rlt\c:, i.\‘..1;...t.ut.«-, W‘ \‘ (l.'lttL;lIltr. R....—~.\tr, and Mr Ruse, tvll l“eliru.xr,\ lhv ‘‘



\\'l-‘, . I 7 smt1..a.—\Iu -W1 ‘_ Simlair, .... lttlnnatt

