F . Fig day in the rancu§
The women folk have got to Ste
lively. That mountain of pig must be Wis owed of; All ofihor
houscbolf Cuties, mith the crce*tion of the “three square meals"
which our men Ge gwfi, are to be holfi in afiayance while no tackle I
thgt yig
The kitchcn~--‘indeefl the whole house- is oaorous
éf fiork. Heapoa on tgblcs cnfi ho; Cs, in pails ind tubs, stemming
away in vessels on ton of fihn stoves, and sizzling in pans in the
'oven, QTC rreut an? small pieces of pig---plgin pig.
Pi st th’ng in the morning; the men bore the fat load
into the kirchen, having butchered it fihc night before Gown at thei
firm on fihc prairie where we raise things. On a cattle ranch we
''is— 3 cnfitle fin} horses; novarthelass our men must have their
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pig is cit. Th¢ir e:@ertn§ss in cutting up the two animals fill us woemn uith awe unfi ndmizution, me with awe, anc Hallie with uamirafiion. Inuifie of 2 few ninufios, 48 it seemed to me tliey x.4e'z‘o i’h‘::'c»u_-fjh ‘.1 11:11 1311011" emf’ of the job, h'J.(! 1511311911 up and
as tho” zfiarteu off for the flay'u pork. Hollie an! I look at each other an? fihen at that pig.
She is very solemn. I feel 3 bifi rattled, and just for a
moment T firy to figure oufi some may of escape. There is none. Th
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uoyarted barnward. To coulfl hear them singing,shouting or cussing