in full activity with ‘he return of the big boss.




who pictures should skew the markings of a ranch. Each inaivifiual pasture 313 its special stodz. as fallowsz

1. Breeding sfiock, splcnflifl mhitefacea Herefarfl eons, mith calves at heal.

3. Pure bred bulls, kqpt isolatna in their own 'asturcs till the hreefiing porioa ~~~aufl of July, when they are distributea in the pastures.

5. Yearling steers.

4. Yearling heifers

5. Rising two yoaruolfis steers

G. Rising tug year ole heifers.

V. fine heéf stock ~——fihree ané four year old steers, fafitancfi on hay, green feed and chop ready S r the market.

8. The calves. Ehcy are extremely yrofity, ané gauld make u shaming as fihcy ard flrivon -up fine fiastures to the eo3rn1s ibr hranfiing, Gehorning &c. fiheae operafiions can, if dcsirefi, be ahaan.

Having inspected fine cattle, Dayton insyccts his horses. gplenaid shaving can now he Kmfle. They are nah kept in ;asturea near to fiho ranch, but run free on a grout wange {save especial mtuff ané the stallions, which are hay? in Stnllfi as special pasfiures. each one separate from fine othcv, for a stud (stallion) will fight to the éaath with another, and it is eztrensly fiungerous to lot than at large.

The men firive before the big boss droves of the