5. Polly and Sandy with some Indian boys and cow hands raise such a blocdcurdling hulalabaloo, and ride down toward them that a scattering stampede results, and one of McCoy's men is thrown from horse and t ampled over.

Polly rides up and McCoy; blaming her declares she is under~arrest. She strikes him in the face with her glove. and rides like the wind. Mccoy rides after her. She leads him a wild chase.

Kognio who thinks that now is his opportunity ‘to get Polly rides off to trap her in another direction. From behind a clump of bush he and his men see her horse xifitng come flying along. A lariat is th own and ‘it settles over the rider's shoulders. The men cheering with delight haul the figure to a horse and not

till they are some distance outdfi they discover that it is sandy, grinning and jeering at them.

They don't know what to do with Sandy. Slllx

Kognio is for killing him, but his men balk. . Sandy for the next few days leads them a dog's life, playing all sorts of impish tricks, ttiixthsxxsxnxxnady one of them sneaks out with Sandy to hand him back to his people, but he can't get rid of Sandy. The kids learning a good deal.

Meanwhile the Indians to prevent the sheep coming to the south side have put the torch to the grass all along the edege of the woods bordering the river. itnxdxyxxgxasxxnxxnkixs The fire licks allong the entire river front, and an account of the droughth the bush is


finfiaxxhzsxgnttrnxtn annflyxxnssxgssxtnxgxtxinxtsnchxnit

Hccoy is astounded when one day Sandu slouohes into his camp. The boy casually drops a few

facts about the gang hzxhxsx that has been trying to lose him. flnfinxxtflntxntthxsxniy