When You Buy Bonds 1'
whnt you should sccurc is first, absolute safety for your princi- pal, then a rnti: of interest that 120 cansistcnt with this degrci: of saicty. It is daiigcrousi to sacrifice aafcty for n slightly higher interest return,
Municipal Bankers 53% Bonds
are an acknowlcdgcd form as sound investment. hung backed —Doll.-ir for Doll.-ir——l)y the three safcst known rorrne of investment, Government and Municipal Bonds and Sclcctcd Mortgages Tlious:indsofsatis- fied investors know the pleasure of holding tiiesc Bonds and re. cciving their interest rcgularly. Wu will Kindly niiill you full inlurrxiiitiim rtvaarilim: Municliaul
Ilnnkt-i~.i Iluliirlm Why Ilulflulldlor ii |udn3 1
Municipal Bankers Sales Cor-pnrntlon, Limited
i:nu-rnnrent. Municipal and Mortgage iinnru
34 King Street East - Toronto sir Wm. irrnrnt. K Prcslilcntz sirinirn Wlllliion. K .VIce-Pruiilrnl
‘iii:-1151.2»... \ is well shod"
Tad-y nvnry vlmvuin Elll ltnvp licr shun “ririnrt". "1-in-l“ Shin Cmmu um n Loan In tho dn ti colored modes of i.odny—rnll9 sarrinrhiru t..n..r—. ....ii.i. hand on Inliruly run! primip :5.
Far Lllfalfid lsthrn ult for"!-in-|“Slw¢ i..'r'il.".'. nif re"! "§.;.l."i~ 3.553 §II=dk.m‘?ll wpnlnrhfiloil . .2... ..n..._ . klre .r\ ...'i"°:n:i.L':i"s,i':..
F. F. DALLEY C0. uICxnIi‘lI,Lllnlt:d
S6 In-1:1 Et.S. Hninlltonrfiar.
Hi‘ i\. M.
HEN l-liigh C. Baker. ayiiung Cann-
adlim orLwunty—nineyenrs,truve1i:ti
from Toronto tii New York in 1817. n trip or niiu thoiisand mild-3 by Stage conch. siuildls and strcuin. tu mum the lirst lilo inmiraiicc policy cvcr purchased liy n Ciirindinn. thc fin-rt EOII was turned for the (nuiitliitlon on which was to lie erected the grant me iiisiiirrince husunsu ul Canada.
In that year there were no hit» insur- imce cnninnnies in Canada. no postage stamps nr tclugrnphic commuiiicatiuii. rind only a low miles nl railrouils connect- ing Montreal with St, .Iuhri'ti (in the Champlain route to New York. Hence the tn hy Htago. Hadrlle and 5 im.
On is rktiirn. deeply iinprm ad with the need lrir liliz inniirunru in l|lS own country, lhlfi young man gathered to- izetiicr a nunihi.-r cil lrit-iidx who pledged their ninriil and liiiaiiciul support and flfitilllllttllftl Canada's iir:it life insurance company. The Canada Liie.
Since that (late the growth ul liic insur- aims in Cuiiiidn has lJL'l"n plienonitznnl. In H350 the Canada Lilo reported lnsuruncil in {urine uninunriiig to 3KOf],00U, in 1'.-l2!l there were iipwiirds nr .i,.ino.nuii people insured for un amount totaling $3,347.- 7‘llJ,Ds‘ througlioiit the Dominion
Tiiesiz startling ligurrs. in a country DI 9,000,000 people. were not iichiovcd With- out a great deal of labor and liiirdships. in the early days progress wus siuw Im- cnuse oi the luck ol means ui cummunicr- tion and thc antipathy oi the public, There were {cw road systenis. In the settled sections traiisporrzitinn was by menus at stage cu.-it-hes hut the int-mar had to ride along lurest trails to the mill carrying his grain in sucks. Toronto was not yet connected directly with Montreal by rail. in fact the main hne (lid not come into existence until 1356. In 1850 there were only sixty-six miles ui railroad in the whole ol Canada.
Looked on With Suspicion
N ADDITION to overcoming the dim- culty of transportation. insurance men were laced with opposition and supersti- tion on the part of the public. Then: was a suspicion of everything new and it was considered as flying in the face of provi- dence to contemplate life insurance. Men were superstitious and women regarded the proceeds til n lite policy as "blood money."
There were other factors militnting ugainst. the sale of inriurancs. Money could be invrstcd in first mortgages pay- ing eight, nine and ten per cent. Conscr- vstion cl personal resources was the habit of the people. They l.1ll(l been bred in a thril school and had lew extrava- gIl|'lCl‘.‘3. T air needs were simple and out of the little they earned, they managed to save ll portion for their declining years.
However through lectures and other means a knowledge oi’ life insurance and its henolits was gradually ac uired and as the yoiirs advanced and as t e insurance companies liecnnie batter organized the early ubstucles were overcome.
By isiis there> were twenty-three companies selling IIIE insurance in Can- iida, of which one was Canadian. thirteen were British and nine American. Prem- iums paid that year. in all companies. amounted to $960,381. New paliciu totaled 8,990 amounting to $8.9'i'1.BG'i'. Tshe total insurance in force was $29,577.-
Gm-urnmen r Supervision lnnugurntcd
THE Department of Insurance was established by the Canadian Govern- ment in 1375. and sincsi that time insur- nncc companies have heen under direct supervision oi’ that deprtmcnt and have required to maki: regular returns to the Suparlntendent of Insurance. on the de Irtment’s report for the year 1876 was pu llshed it was scan that total iiic insur- iincs throughout the Dominion amounted 0' E5 9 The gross amount of
at our tutnled
i ‘. A L L A N i the nut Lrniuunt ul inuurnni-u in Inritc was l $illlt'I.ll.'i4l.2rlI). and tho grorcc amount cllcutetl that your amounted to sins.- 901.336
During the ycurti hr-tween 1905 nnri i IEJIM lilo liIiLlf||lII’B lJ|.|fill'il’S5 iiicreriscd I iznurinniisly. New cnmranies hawsipmng . up and some ui tho olt have disiippisnrt-d . hut the tntiils hinic piled up In 1914 . when the war broke out the ziitseta oi the life Cnmpllllicfl were $370 l]0lJ.lJ()|J, at the and mi‘ I923 these had reached the sturienunus tutnl ul $sh5,uii0.u0i1. The income which was s7:i.0i:0,iJiJo in 1914, increased to $ZlU.’i'OU,l]00 in iiizci Pa)"- ments to policyhuldcni increiised during the period irnm SZK "fJ7.‘JEil to 579.3515.- zsi. There were 7,r.n2 pnlicyliiildurs inllllilandtl. -' fiin 19221
In ifli-i there were twenty-seven Canadian mnrpnnir-_sr teiiing hie ‘iilsuranciz, sixteen British and sixteen United Stutm cninpnnits. in 192:; the iigurrs ware twcnt -live Canadian, seven British and nine nrulgn It will he HEEI1 that the numhcr of operating CUHIPEHIE LlD|L'!'CLL‘(l2(l slightly in the interim.
Iii llll-l Canadian companies hird $7‘J-l,- 620.-123 insurance in force. British com-
panies hail $6i].’l"i'D.iii')5 and United Stutu cuinpilriia 33t5[i.r‘iG (I97, Tl1elE|23 ligurisi l'llIC|lo\'E(l Cuniitliiin compunim.
$?,1S7,'l3-L1-I7} Erititih $98.(l;’.(l.ll2(lr and liiiited Staties companies $1. l!.|J5l,5lli3
Growing Extent oi Insurance
TIIE early antipathy to life iiisuranire in Canada no longer mm It is regarded no more as “blood mnncy" but as one of the gr-ent blessings at mankind The Caiiadiaii purchases insurance be- cause he regards it as the best and surat means at providing iur his iuture and the safety am coniiurtol hiu di? endentr. As his resources and reflponsi ilities have increased he has added to his investments in insurance. Fifty years ago a man in coinfortubls L'lYCUl'I1l!ll1.l'1C9!r who consid- ered he was protected when he had a policy for $5.000. to-day is not satisfied until he has 326,000 The avernge man whose aim was to have an investment in life insurance ol‘ $1,000 new purchases $2.500. Fifty years ago, perhaps the largat policy did not exceed $25,000. to-day there are i1 number OI men carrying SEVEI.ll Iiuiiilrcrl thousand dollars oi insur- ance and there is or least one ind‘iv1duiil protected by policies totalling 31,600,090. This is il remarkable achievement which has perhaps no parallel in any other phase of public or business life.
Canada Exports Insurance
ACTIVITIES of Canadian life com- panies nre not confined to Canndn. They have developed a lni-gs export business in this commodity in every country or the world. Two Canadian cumpnnia. indivldunll , sell more life insurance annually in rent Britain than any single Brit‘ li Company. Cheques for annultiu and urariee claims are being mailed regularly to people in oven the re- mote corners of thc_ earth so that they reach their datinatiou on or belore the day on which they are due.
At the and ol 192-I Canadian companies had SS71,1‘74.946 insurance in form: in countries other than Canada. The total business cllectcd during 192-i amounted to 3164.150. 244,
'l‘lie_ss l‘i ur:-xi do not include lraternnl societies. ratei-nnl suclstim liavo foreign business in force in life insurance amount- ing to $l12.06'_7,iM9. and prainlums paid durin 1924 In colintrlsl other than Cana n totaled $2,D47.Cl2'l'.
How Assiers Aru investor!
S STATED. the assets OI life insurance companies operating in Canada are $SG5.U0l'l.0fl0. This anarniuu: sum is in- vestor]. under government su crvitilnn as follows — Government an municipal bonds. 55.94 por cant ‘ mortgages. 20.66 per csnt.: real estate, 2. 0 par cuntsrstocku of sciiscinad companies, ll/I3 pur cent;
Fir. ins Jzvxiss annm Gm. vnin,
ESIBLEY, the wonder
city ol Empire. is nnc: ri-inr: the rncccn of thninuida.
wemhiur mum. and build-
n truly runarlmhle rirurtu nl nmduetu, m-iryirur Lt»: urwei-~ all-I bl urn EX‘lIDiI'E'I rwuunsnn uni Lha nunuinuunnx -ikill er in people.
And. at :1rune.J<nklits vnim In: Lhrn-.
stnnunrd ol write txluus the world at-er. they have umr lilac‘ in una riul nmy at nnnire nroduuu Erery ‘air: in tho Jenkins Booth in llrixuh nude by llrililh inbur Every valve in dulrmd and built It) nit-e Iml-ilinr: rivod service ani In rn-r-nirui to the ll hr (Iv Jenkins Dlarnoml '1'rn.i. iiurir out an the body.
ii you visit Weinblry by _all nrenru rank: a win: .1 Begin: mu Jenklnl booth Irlfli in Itrlklnz zlllplay er -wnim with valua." 1\i those who we
I: Werniries Int run but
mined min: the Jenkins q. hitzlit. we exierui n -veeini in ii.
TN: Dilnnnd ‘rt-4. Mark L1 nu cnrr Ilnltllln .i-nrrin. Vnlvir.
M. u Ulllu and wnrnrr 103 St. R-mi St. s-in oiiiee-—-ruroni-. Vlntuuur.
nunn-nn flnlirh—lAnlnuI. w.c. :. Irwin-it FIzEOI'lIl—lIuI|lreIl. uridnuari. wii-.5-in.