- 2 won... mt-.._.~..,.¢. 2 ,,‘_,.., ,,_ 20 MncLenn’s Magazine ll’/(III_1' rat://rlimi/io/1; may occur on (NI . ocean v05'n,Lrc, jvrlrliru/m‘/_1' fl your wife grefx .rm-sic‘/c. and you gel info a poker gulnu for "mu:/uIIIy'.r Jtlkc." buck luxuriuinly in (lug .19.}. W hiuhuid whil» II mar V L " ’ "”““"' "“’ mmmd W _ _ l’0Vt~(llEdlt‘d duck slaw;-“rd Mr mm‘; union:-l) In the buckrruuntl. Vlllnialurlhl to “W ll. h - \ .. vhmfuyr :;\‘h:-J‘: l|‘:‘elu:l‘,hLIJ.. she 0lIsK"f\'\'d com- gmwl med. um “med RD‘ “«;I:'r:1b:-;t‘utiIul hm»: ur the W. ,,m,,h » whit-nt pm hr ‘hm hm 6 r!lx\:l’|’.(‘l;:.I;k:'K‘l|2rnleX‘Ii|«Ilf|5t‘(;flll)' exert-scgnce on the gym ,,,_,md "N am“ ‘ l;-gr 1»-n-tnh-mi: lhrvnz "am! (he pm o t e b.S Jlarumu. hmimd "I -rondu \'l1Il. [he talk 1, “mm my m V ‘ a nck home would say it they IL! now. ( her Dmbon and Mn. Chet Im- iiulxn 7" sh , vhyml‘:/_ 9 lenrivd mer Ind nudged hrr hiubund, ll: endenwred rm! to 10., M LD ROMAN sailed ht-r mm anal Icunml .,,m, Ar)’ , _ I li nelI—ui>u_-ucxoiu u be ...,. Llu-run’ sficuirlylnbgulu ”y:"° ‘W-I_eIhinx In write the ‘Or your lu-tum la thehi Tuh mun.‘ '°’'‘‘” 5”“ "NB -an-«i (rum hm ..uieAu 1°’ vw""l_n¢-«A lu knew we "l“l'l|D0r Pmty good i.-wk §’1mI,‘,:',"',.‘"”‘ ‘WIN Ir‘- iao at A ‘ ' ‘Md! ";“y‘r|‘l;\;l::du:nx:fi:v}r‘nvnl. nut oi the object; upon -mount l|1em,o\'u- the louv—l “ "W" h-" °""‘ ""“"“‘ looking imthmu had 11,, ‘urn: Ilmne llne. Ilia nwkwud nun t hubor ol rho n 3' lux-buu that dotted the " ”"“ I '0": thin. (l’J‘1|4l5‘?nL'r'€.] - zrl. he said. tenderly, ma -Ian-vi h-d drvuud, h: n-.