Th‘ Chatelaine. February, 1929
H/rhaf they are wearing on . '1" LiJ0,‘a! Br'arrz'!z, and ‘." Paris is our‘ cue for
southern apparelulaml even
Spring marJrol>e.s:. There are" many early secrets in this Cllafly letter from our Parr‘s
r -cornesPonJeni‘.- -~ ‘I
5, ,1.¢1_o—-geometric (U045 5' ‘WNW sly-la and sin: on lIu‘!alc I P'“" ""- ,,.,;.. Prelim am a rung wma unodnnisl sweater in tundra’; Iona. Rnina lmlinn by jenny.
New Tweecis g Coats to Hem
. 5" _ >~.i. V):
A Lauiseboulanzcr hauling coal in fan plaid ' / with tan jersey flock. The coal tomes firs! lat! Frock. In will with the dress’ hem. chi-Jcfl M-M . j ' with mm. All frhlehu from _
UNDER 21 long coat of biaclr taffeta it may be lined with brightbiue and buttoned from thin to hem with bright blue buttons! On.-:wouldn't have to shine convermtiomily in 1 get-up like t. Nor in "s coat of almond green with gray squirrel collar lined with black cope de
chine. over 3 Inc in the same dark material. And piping: and facing: oi almond creeni ind» .
dental e Drccoli-Beer showing of light coats to go with dark (rocks. the lining oi the coat tyinc the two together should be remembaed for spring time relermoe. -
Everybody knows that pastel tints look decidedly wishy-washy in the run. but the dnonmnirerv keep rightonmakingup modelainthemiuat theaame. The niceatthlngPciretdocI iorthcsouth is in blue, the loose two-third length coat lined with dull pink and the blue frock with: long ape , shapedcoiiar in the lining color: > , ., - . «
One or two of the dressmakera are insisting on brown for the south. different dude: oi brown,
__A_tobacco fading out to pair.-._tan. The only brown i can see as a run color in budge. but I feel sure that all the browns are going tobe exceedingly smart (or springtime wear in town:—:'~-- \'* 'vv*.— '~ 7
Everybody is unanimously dogmatic about twwds. One simply has to travel in than md hive at last one rigout for town wear or be absolutely outside the pale. Nut tweed: are no longer simply servicmblc. They are decidedly smart. Take for irtstnrtoc is long tweed coat with 1 fur collar or a velvet one. (that is newer) over a tweed skirt and 81506!’ 5011103 ‘"711 CDEBUM’ It the waist. or over an all-jersey (rock. One robe d yucca, in a tan twoai coat lined with iacquenmd jersey over a red jersey frock. Besides the conventional tweed mixtures. there an newtr and
sprightly ones spccked in raspberry red. stone blue. white and such combinations. ’_ .
SO MUCH for colors and materials in the mode. Now for the utilhouettc. Two kinds of coats there areand two only. the hip length cardigan and those that show only a scrap oi skirt hero.
Skim in heavy materials are wrap-around: with nothing added. Lighter weights no pleated no
they have been for centuries past. However widely or narrowly the plmtinl ll done» U10 Didi-I In
' utitched down a third or half way to the edge. All manner of tricky pnttann no wrought in the
stitching. Here and there one sees the plats out on to a perfectly 01-11111 V010 Ddnwd 111 1700! handkerchiei-wine. V
Everybody olides overwinter aporta things without putting much anpltuia on them. For ski-lnl. there are alwayu the urn: horrid looking bags of trousers in biisciror bluc uxuiied into enorrnou: hob-nailed boots. The coats‘ are nondcocript but made big enough to take lnyen-ol V nwcatunundemeath. ‘I‘heidea|eermtobetlmttlwu-nutnkicrmmt look nlmuchllknlbundie on possible. Swater. ncari. mitt: and cocks must simply hit you btflvenn the was. No dfliln it too bright or too big. in fact. the newest. unnrtut pottcmn IN P0I“iV‘=1! ¢ID|0IiV¢- 1 hfll -600 no model: created upeciauy to.» |knun" mough umoa everyone has It ieut can (but might do vlthnlewchanzeo. SuchlaWorth‘Irnodelingrnynrdrod.P1l1fl ¢':{iW“D¢f"im|‘“>b°4Nml1Id elbow cum in bright red. red skin and um jacket. any knitun m Ind debt titan my In!
One might also include tome of Molyncux uotteun with than lick“ (C"““""“ '0 kn ll)