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rm ltlm pmtd cl out US’ mind mm mm m:lLrumvr.r.2 m nvs-rt mm]: ml: (ls, l 0 clurlnnunnd trumpvl, lmmlvune. mlzntmn-4, ;u_:Las nenlsx urn the hm ll Hm lunar llflll r.l mrum:-nmlun m menu In rlm vnlnzln r by Rlrlmrrl war »um.~u nml others as lllmlgll llvrsy Ill’l luslury m ,.r.-nu‘ kml ll_V n ml. nml nu nf lurusa wrl:-5 r-Ilumlnnnl in mu xv. nrlvwvNVIL'¥|l»‘ W 21(uzu:rlnnI"'Wl77l
4 M" mun Wl'° dl
bun |'"""
. . man .1mlGcnrglclmLl a ll/HY]! Nm%mwWm qwml my a..1n': ml .1 soul about lt. ‘“€.‘}‘;,*,nonm nll mothercumc: hnmc," J Polly "W11 buy icc cream cones. l£;m.1n|'sgn0s.lfarus|" __ _ 4 An,“¢('sbuvc;|n1l}',toul said Gcnrglc. wally and Gear .e bouglira lug hngof um plnk mfly nu tlvm 15:: mm cones. 'n.& tlurd mn: \v.1sfor spun H: Ioml 1:: «ram mu ml; and lick until [115 mngulc nrsnmldtlutirllurt.Thcnl1::‘Ll ml) hxs Emu: nu ma scrccn Llnnr (0 get 1: warm win \Vasn't that smart?
l1urS[\:-r'5L1l~lc mllnncrc wcrc zuvful I-lc slorptnl we crcnm on Polly‘; rut: um llml 1.: jllmpc-l up nn Gcorpxc luccmlsc Im w:nmlulTy .\n~_|».u :lI.|u.1lly nxssnclcy. lvpnralluvcr 1=.m_.« nml GL'(\rgIl:'Sl!.1I1(l$. Mhl mm Gnnrpu furgnr. Yes, 1.2 rulxlscll luslmmlc all mar Ins cln..1n lxlnmc.
Im am am: 1H\. :11] mg - \\‘.1sn'r .1..- um mm mm, lc:Il_slunnV..1mlug wful sticky. |m\)“:].I Ilwnrr pr! (lc.xn," s.1nl l‘ullv, 11.3: W 1.]... ._ V5 57! mn nl t.1.'T}' um n
M. ||Lc \\cl‘:rL1_g '\\c.xn"
I. 5» mm-
M {M:‘<r;:1:n]|l\: (um um] .<,~I..u.c.I um ,l,,‘|'[h‘ < Lvnlls/.1ml ,;.u m,.,~..u:
Q‘. TM‘ \L;Ir.<Vm||1.1Ll|~LL|\rlLLlIm:n]u:crr
lmvmclnlW‘\'Il)\4v!l1l:r l(rIm.l |-nu, ,...l1 _| ” \.|:u6l\c(lIInclmmc
m. m .,..’ in-"§i:lh:lI lm-tllcr, "m...1, ulfi.
N‘ A N .
l«,,M,‘ ‘IR:-m Al'||| 1.y.»L M’ m:
!1H\\1llh\wc‘ul . ‘ All m;L.l. ‘~1~u.“..1.I>m,<.lsl..,l ). 1“ mhu-nluc (‘mt um rlzc mu ml. W (M .Y(.. L I IAND (. su-l\' Lh um. ‘ . ”g“-‘l"'"En=:s..y|.r(.1 Wmww mmmmww
um. H‘; r.-..-ma ...m.z~..
(ANJII - , H“ ”"l“"' .l“lI‘N‘\l
Tluru arc scvc-ml \\.|\S to luol: Jr the pncc of your soap. A calm of soap nmv be big,
' OW do lovable Ii]: clnldrcn get sn dxrry’
No moths: can tell. Bur L'\L|')'
motl1cr\\'l1ouscsI’AND G has fouml Ll1L‘ quinkc-sr, but does It gm suft and \\'.1SU: mmy in \\.uL-r? rlmlricst \\'.\_y [0 got clothes clc-.1n. P AND G as .1 Thc-n it's nv lJ.|rg.un lf\*L'r)' mkc ul’ P AND G is mnrvcl—it‘s [llC firm \\"IllTl3 Nll1)I]tI.llS‘]A‘P’ lug uml lirm—sn you buy :1 Lxscmg soup For .1 lu\\' just rub .1 lirm white cake nl'I’ AND G on tlmsu price. No soap ofl’ AND G‘; qu.xl1ryc.\n be lauuglu sollul LlU[lN.‘Sl You'll nnuu: that I’ AND G won‘: A‘[ I’ AND G's pncc, lwcdusc P AND G is m.|dr: In gut gummy. It won't lcavc brmvn slrL‘.Il;S of soap hugs qu.Inli(|(.s_i['5 Ilm lwlggcsbscllllug soap m for you (0 ml) out. No smp 5mc.|rs \\’Ill slmw up the worlnll when you imn ynur (lnllms. [Some soft white Sunl; up \\xrl1 6 (Ir 3 mks: of P AND G. bu: sn.1[w<l<.|\'c svm.1r<rlmrdmI'r slmw up unnl rlmnl] \\'ll.It a lug \\.\sl1 c-very L"-ll\’C‘ nl I’ AM) G \\‘Ill gnr l’ AND G is tlu: llrm wlmc snap clmt mkcs Illu Sl1l)\'»'_Vl§lL’.Ill You’ll sunn lln-.l llICtl1Hl‘[UlVlJlI)'HItl;
dm q|m.H‘./,,,,;L»5 our -2.15:1)’, Lmnlwlurc-ly' I’ AND G, [ht lirm lming wlnzc snnpl
THE WHITE NAPHTHA alzes the Dirt - - rinses
fa3t..neVe1' gets gummy
LMM lfll
w rm.,—.ml-1
‘ Lon
‘ w.-,
l, l . y F M. will dc l-‘I Rocha lflll mu ml" luznm. mm-., mu Lfill Iv’. 5-Imlvmll
Llmmm 'l\x=uHvn'. l ml: i dnln Ruchc
The Gen The Ros: Eeourr/J‘ Tamorrrc