Mayfair, fuly, I930


Hay Wrlzhhon. London

Miss Elizabeth Campbell, daughter uf Mrs Cnmphall and the Inn‘ Hun. Colin H Cnmphcll. Attnrncy~Genern| of Manitoba, who was nmnng the tlcbutnnlu tn be presented at lhc Cuurt uf St. James. Mits C:!ll1phc”'! gun-n is the Liberty mmlcl worn by her mother in 19!], when Mrs. Cnmpbcll nttcnrlcd the Coronation rcceptmn anal was pres:-ntctl tu Th:-Er Mnjcstiu. Hcr train in fashinnrtl partly nf the ivnry chtlfnn which fortm.-ll the train uf Mrs. CnmphcI|‘.- guwn nl lhc Cnrnnntiun nf Ktng Edward in 1902. This intcrcsting rlclutmnlt is attending .1 «err:-tnnnl schnul in Lnndnn. and recently taught schuul in Multan Buy, French Lnl-rmh-r r\l ltft: A Dulcr Hamlet. nnly Ilnughttr nf t\lr. and Mrs. llnrnte Hnmlct, uf \'ictnri:|, H C‘, win: was presenter! at Ihc Cuurt uf SI, Jzmteu I-3- Lmly Pnrmnur. Mi-s llntnlctin gun-n of crepe: sntin n-n« edgcvl with n tlccp l-nmlituz of fur. which alm Ivnnulml the ruurt train. The con- vcntinnnl veil nnd lrnthers and .1 I-nu-put-t nl rmclvmln ElIll|N!'Il‘I1 lhr prr.-entntiun en-unhlr