Sales She was the only woman admitted to the Conventions of the

big film Company, and for three years she served as scenario Editor in chief. She then became a scenario writer and wrote stories and screen plays for metro Goldwyhn, Fox Films, Universal, Radio and Warners. Some of her best known films are: The Wolf of Wall Street, which was an original stpry by Mrs. Reeve,x&3xmx Showboat, for which she did the first adaptation; Phantom of the Opera; shanghai Lady, East is West, Young Desire, The Flirt and many othersc About a year and a half agp Mr. Reeve, who is on Calgary's stock Exchange, went to Hollywood, for the purpose of inducing hiswife to return with him to Calgary. He was successful in his quest and Hrs. Reeve has lived here since then. She is at the pressent time under contract to one of the major studios and is at work upon a new scenario. Ex:xtngxknxsh2xxmax:nxyxxHntinnaxfizxxnnxxzidx Soon after her arrival in Holhgwood, Welford Beaton, famous critic and writer, wrote in the American Mercury: "Without doubt the most interesting literary figure in Hollywood today is Winnifred Eaton Reeve" I The London Times in reviewing her novel "Cattle" characterized it as one of the most powerful of modern novels and said it was comparable only with Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles.. "Cattle" was written while Mrs. Reeve was resident on her ranch at Morley. D.W. Griffith was so pmpressed by the novel, that he sent his associate and partner, Elemer Clifton, producer of Down to the Sea in Ships, all the way from New York to Alberta, to call upon Hrs. Reeve,

and to acquire the screen rights to this novel,